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Ethics Statement

(J) Standard 1.10. The educator shall be of good moral character and be worthy to instruct or supervise
the youth of this state.
In order for a teacher to gain and maintain respect and order from his/her student, he/she must
be willing to treat them with that same respect that they demand. Students should have a teacher that
they see as a role model and someone who they can trust to give them the knowledge they need. While
teaching, teachers should refrain themselves from using offensive and vulgar language. This not only
may offend certain students, it can also encourage others to use similar language in the classroom. If a
student has an outbreak during class, it would be best for the teacher to ask the student to step outside
the classroom and talk to the student rather than react in the same way as the student. Teachers should
also be aware of their students and their problems. If a student is undergoing harsh home conditions or
discover that the student is being abused in any way, the teacher should notify the proper authorities.
This can truly make a difference in a childs life, or even save their life if a teacher takes action in time.
Apart from treating students with respect, a teacher should also have the proper knowledge in their
subject. Teachers should be able to respond to students questions with accurate answers in order to
avoid confusion or misconceptions. They should also be prepared to teach with proper materials and
effective lesson plans and activities.

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