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Other Contacts

School Principal, Jason Pohlmeier 374-9166

School Secretary, Jan Britt 374-9166
Director Coro Hispano, Cissy Johnson 690-0608
Director Coro Hispano, Manuela Negrete 771-9104
RCA Director, Dc. Dan & Beth Hennessey 868-4091
Liturgy Assistant Training, Dave Kern 664-5376
JR CYM, Erin Pohlmeier
Wedding Coordinator, Elaine Lienhart 312-1119
Eucharist Adoration, RoseAnne Smith 228-9947
Eucharist Adoration, Martha Roberts 603-0133
Christian Mothers Sodality, Annette Rogers-Gary 541-0949
Coordinadora de Bodas, Maria Ruvalcaba 590-3895
Marriage Encounter, Elaine & Steve Lienhart 312-1119
Men's Club - Phillip sgrig
Social Concerns - Al Schneider
Cub Scout Leader - John Fournier 772-5298
Boy Scout Leader - Deann LeHigh 940-4179
Coordinador de EPJ - Leobardo Martnez 310-1727
Coordinador de Jovenes - Martin Sanchez 901 652-4527
Sr. Hermana Annual Fund Gift - Scott Sparks 374-5767
Parish Directory
Fr. Jason M. Tyler -
Rev. Msgr. Richard Oswald -

Dc. Dan Hennessey -
Dc. Danny Hartnedy -
Dc. Marcelino Luna -
Dc. Efrain Vargas -

Parish Manager, Scott Sparks 374-5767
Parish Secretary, Teresa Mendez 374-5767
Rel. Ed Coord., Lilia Hernandez 374-5767
Director of Music, Phillip Quick 223-3122

Parish Council
Chair - Beth Collier
Vice Chair - Phillip Gallaher
Members - Edward Dodge, Claire Miller, Cissy Johnson,
Al Schneider, Russ Matson and Robert McDonald
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St. Edward Church is a Catholic community oI believers, rich in tradition and growing in diversity. Recognizing the equality oI all
persons in the eyes oI God, we provide an atmosphere in which parishioners oI all ages and cultures share Iaith through sacramental
and Liturgical celebrations, ongoing Iaith-Iormation, support oI our school and other social and spiritual events which enable us to
connect our Iaith with the world in which we live and lead our members to eternal salvation.
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Name - Nombre_________________________________________

Address________________________________________City - Ciudad___________________

Zip - Codigo Postal_________ Phone# - Nmero de Telefono__________________

Please drop this form into the offertory basket or email to the parish office
__New Registration - Nuevo miembro __Change of Address - Nueva direccin

__Moving Out of Parish - Moviendose de Ia parroquia __Want EnveIopes - Quiero recibir sobres deIa IgIesia
Confession ScheduIe
Tuesday/Martes Saturday/Sabado
5 PM to 5:45 PM 3 PM to 3:45 PM
Wednesday/MiercoIes Sunday/Domingo
5:30 PM to 6 PM 12 PM to 12:30 PM
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Kathy Childs
Mary Ann Rose, Judi Minicozzi Jos & Susi
Blanco (choir)
AItar Servers:
Alexandria, Brooke, Jackson Hall
Joe Melio John Murphree, Doug Virden

Sunday, May 11, 2014
Ray Weber, Eugenia Carvalho
Dc. Dan Hennessey, Paul Dorman, Mary
Murphy, Marie Brakebill (choir)
AItar Servers:
Abigail & Hannah Brockette, Luis Carvalho
Todd Harness, Bryon Todd HarnessJr. ,
Reggie Rogers, Joe Wellinghoff
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!"#$%&"'(!)*"&+, Nay 3, 201+
+:00 PN Frank Gunderman
by Bill 8 Barbara Gossett
!$-&"'(.+/0-1+, Nay +, 201+
9:00 AN Catherine Taylor and deceased Cam-
bridge Family by Agatha Cambridge
11:00 23 45!!
12:30 PN James Johnson by Catequistas
2:30 PN Nathalie Nartinez
4+-&"'(6$-78, Nay 5, 201+
23 45!!
9$78&"'(4"%#78, Nay 6, 201+
6:00 PN Ned Tomboli Jr. By Barbara 8 Gene

:7&-78&"'(40;%<+=78> Nay 7, 201+
8:00 AN Emeritus Andrew J. NcDonald
6:15 PN Benjamin Noran vargas
9?$%8&"'(@$7A78> Nay 8, 201+
8:00 AN Goodness of God

B%0&"'(C07%-78> Nay 9, 201+
8:00 AN Por toda la parroquia
!"#$%&"'(!)*"&+, Nay 10 , 201+
+:00 PN Spec. !nt. Nary Ruth Parker
!$-&"'(.+/0-1+, Nay 11 , 201+
9:00 AN Christian Nother Sodality for living
and Deceased Nembers
11:00 23 45!!
12:30 PN James Johnson by Susan and Dick
2:30 PN Consuelo Galindo
!"#$% '()%*+ ,- .*'!.$ / 0*+ 12 3451
Domingo 11 De Mayo
Estela Narvaez, Alma Fuentes
Francisco Martinez, Omar
Graciela & Martin Amaro Mayela
Giron, Cipriano Tixta
Yovani Banegas, Miguel Moreno
Isabel Pelayo
Marcela & Jose Vargas, Maricruz
Angel Alvarez, Jimena Guizar,
Julian Alvarez

Saturday May 3, 214
Mass 4 PM Church

Sunday May 4, 214
Mass 9 AM Church
Catechism 1:3 AM - 1:3 PM School
Mass 11 AM Church
Mass 12:3 PM Church
Mass 2:3 PM Church

Monday May 5, 214
Crupo de Oracin 7 - 9 PM Church

1uesday May , 214
Mass PM Church

Wednesday May 7, 214
Mass 8 AM Church
Mass :15 PM
Estudio Biblico 7-8 PM School Basement

1hursday May 8, 214
Mass 8 AM Church

Friday May 9, 214
Mass 8 AM Church
BIACO PM Cafeteria

Saturday May 1, 214
Mass 4 PM Church

Readings for the week
May 4th through May 11th, 2014
Sunday/Domingo: acts/Hechos 2:14,22-23
Ps/Salmo 16: 1-2,5-7,8-9,10-11 1Pt/1Pedro
1:17-21 Lk/Lucas 24:13-35
Monday/Lunes: Acts/Hechos 6:8-15 Ps/
Salmo119:23-24,26-27,29-30 Jn/ Juan 6:22-29

Tuesday/Martes: Acts/Hechos 7:518:1A Ps/
Salmo 31:3CD4,6AND7BAND8A,17AND21AB
Jn 6:30-35

Wednesday/MircoIes: Acts/Hechos 8:1B-8
Ps/salmo 66:1-3A 4-5,6-7A Jn/Juan 6:35-40

Thursday/Jueves: Acts/Hechos 8:26-40 Ps/
salmo 66:8-9,16-17,20 Jn/Juan 6:44-51

Friday/Viernes: Acts/Hechos 9:1-20 Ps/salmo
117:1BC,2 Jn/Juan 6:52-59

Saturday/Sabado: Acts/hechos 9:31-42 Ps/
salmo 116:12-13,14-15, 16-17 Jn/Juan 6:60-

Sunday/Domingo: Acts/hechos 2:14A, 36-41
Ps/salmo 23:1-2A.3B-4,5-6 1Pt/1Pedro 2:20B-
25 Jn/Juan 10:1-10
The two disciples of Emmaus, upon
recognizing the Lord, "set out imme-
diately in order to report what they
had seen and heard. Once we have
truly met the Risen One by partak-
ing of his body and blood, we can-
not keep to ourselves the joy we
have experienced. The encounter
with Christ, constantly intensified
and deepened in the Eucharist, The
Eucharist not only provides the inte-
rior strength needed for this mis-
sion, but is also in some sense
its plan. For the Eucharist is a mode
of being, which passes from Jesus
into each Christian, through whose
testimony it is meant to spread
throughout society and culture. For
this to happen, each member of the
faithful must assimilate, through
personal and communal meditation,
the values which the Eucharist ex-
presses. One fundamental element
is found in the very meaning of the
word "Eucharist: thanksgiving. This
transcendent point of reference,
which commits us constantly to give
thanks for all that we have and
are, it is also a project of solidarity
for all of humanity, The Christian
who takes part in the Eucharist
learns to become a promotor of
communion, peace and solidarity in
every situation, a practical commit-
ment to building a more just and
fraternal society, practical sharing
with the poor, by bending down to
wash the feet of his disciples Jesus
explains the meaning of the Eucha-
rist unequivocally.
:DDED2. F366DF9G32(F36DF95 .D 65 !D4525
Aprilf Abril 27, 201+ $3,512.15
:77H=' 277&(I%78$J$78#+ !7/"-"= KL>MMM

Budget Shortfall YTD Feb 28 (-$26,918)
Por debajo del presupuesto YTD Feb 28 (-$26,918)

F5I F54I5GN2 F366DF9G32(F54I5O5 F5IG956
Aprilf Abril 27, 201+ $1,226
:77H=' 277&(I%78$J$78#+ !7/"-"= KP>QRM

Budget Shortfall YTD Feb 28 (-$2,+70)
Por debajo del presupuesto YTD Feb 28 (-$2,+70)

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S"="-<7 &7= I%78#"/+ &7 =" .0T<7808
Eileen Caulfield, Jenny NcGhee, Eric Potts, Larry Owens, Nocelle Beck-
han, Franklin Walker, Ruth Nahlen, Daris B., Nollie Bryd, Lily Noore,
Lindsey Crowder, Rose Narie Niller, Jamie NcCullough, Amber Frank-
son, Pat Garza, Zoe Crofford, Jim Goodhart, Ashley Gibbs, Nike Reid,
Sean Paul Atreodes. Arthur Kerns, Aminta Berry, Stephanie Starnes,
Frank Bryant, James Davidson, Janelle Tarine, James Daugherty, Rick
Johnson, Josie Nurphy, Leslie Lopez, Judge Donald Corbin, Joey Lutz,
Naxine Durst, Patricia Stuart , Nae NcNally, Alma Nartinez, Detelina 8
Gisele Giorgi, Walter Gould, Earnestine Barnes, Jane New, Helen K
Hunte, Delores Gunderman, Ray Natcher, Kim Weber, Tony Hughes,
Claire Niller, Familia vargas, Garry Callahan, Tommy Callahan, Nary
Ann Stiefuater, Naritza Rodriguez, Adrian Burke, Jessica Stedman, Paul
Owen , Pam Winslow, Paul Girandeav, Naria Lopez, Allen Childs, Stacy
Walker, Diego Arias, Santiago, Tomas Faro, Nike Lefler, Ana Arias,
Henry Cordova, Ben Edmondson, Fr. Jon NcDougal, Tony Swartz,
Cassiel Aldia, Luisa vazquez, Luz Arias, victoria Nendoza, Gladys Rose,
Libba Rose, Nary Beth, N.H., Greg Kitterman, vivian Nolen, Linda, Don
Fitz, Naria Napili,
-%(( ./01"
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Pido a todos los que han sido Iieles contribuidores a la colecta
dominical en el pasado que consideren en oracion aumentar su
donacion este ao. Y a todos aquellos que no han contribuido a
la colecta anteriormente, que por Iavor consideren hacerlo este
ao. Es una donacion que no solamente ayudara a nuestra parro-
quia a alcanzar su meta pero que beneIiciara a todos nuestros
hermanos de nuestra parroquia .Si solo dieramos el 5 de lo que
Dios nos da cada semana , y cuanto es el 5.?
Pray for Vocations: Let us Pray Ior men and women who
are discerning how God is calling them to serve Him. We
pray Specially Ior the seminarians Irom our own parish.
Dc. 1uan Guido, Emmanuel Torres and Martin Amaro.
Pray for Vocations: Spirit oI the Living God, Awaken in us the
sense oI your call. Encourage and aIIirm young men and
women to be brothers, deacons, priests and sisters Iollowing
Saint Peter Julian Eymard. May we serve you and your people,
making known the mystery oI the Eucharist.
Oracin por las Vocaciones: Rezemos por los hombres y mujeres
que estan descubriendo el llamado de Dios para servirle a el, rezemos
especialmente por nuestros seminaristas. Dc. 1uan Guido, Em-
manuel Torres and Martin Amaro.
Espiritu del Dios viviente Despierta en nosotros el sentido de
tu llamado Anima y Iortalece a los jovenes
para que se conviertan en hermanos, diaconos,
sacerdotes y monjas que sigan el ejemplo de San Pedro Julian
Eymard.Que trabajemos por tu honor y por tu pueblo
extendiendo el misterio de la eucaristia. Amen.
In order to keep our bulletin prayer list up-to-date, names will remain
on the list Ior Iour weeks. To continue Ior another Iour weeks, please
call the church oIIice. 501 374-5767

Para que podamos tener nuestra lista al dia, los nombres de los enIer-
nos estaran en la lista por solo cuatro semanas. Si quiere que la per-
sona continue en la lista Iavor de llamar a la oIicina al 501 374-5767
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Lo que gano
por semana
$150 $200 $300 $400 500 $600
Mi ofrenda
$7.5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30
911 people aLLended Mass lasL weekend. 1he average amounL
each person gave for Lhe regular collecLlon was $3.36 and aver-
age amounL for Lhe caplLal campalgn was $2.41.

911 ersonas aslsLleron a Mlsa el pasado fln de semana. lLa can-
Lldad promedlo que cada persona dlo en la colecLa fue de $4.78
y el promedlo de la colecLa de caplLal campalgn fue de $1.17
God's mercy can make even the
driest land become a garden; can
restore life to dry bones, Let us
be renewed by God's mercy, let
us be loved by Jesus, let us en-
able the power of his love to
transform our lives too; and let us
become agents of this mercy,
channels through which God can
water the earth, protect all crea-
tion and make justice and peace
FoIIow us on Facebook! Simply log into Facebook and
search for "Saint Edward's Parish and School" (without
the quotes). Dc. Danny Hartnedy posts daily meditations,
and there are also parish and school news items posted
there from time to time.

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Otra de nuestras actividades es la venta de 65.]G663! .D
]DF^D].3 que seran colocados en lugares apropiados al-
rededor de la !glesia. Queremos honrar a personas, amigos y
familiares; vivos o difuntos, negocios y asocia-
ciones que son parte de la gran familia de la
!glesia de San Eduardo para ordenar su ladrillo
de recuerdo y mas informacin, llame a la ofici-
na de la parroquia (501) 37+-5767
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Julian Arias
Katelyn Armijo
Hugo Chacon
Ashley Esquivel
Adaleigh Gallaher
Christian Garcia
!zela Garcia
Elanor Hanson
Daniel Johnson
Hannah Neal
Callum Neal
Savannah Peter
Christian Tinner
Rafael vargas
Connor Wrape
St. Edward Parish collects nonperishable Iood items Ior the needy on
the Iirst Sunday oI each month. Members oI the
parish who need a little extra help with groceries
are the Iirst ones to receive these oIIerings oI
Iood. Anything leIt over goes to Helping Hand to
be distributed to needy people in the Little Rock
area. II you don`t know what to contribute, pick up
a list oI the kinds oI Iood needed in the vestibule oI
the church. When you bring Iood, place it in the
box under the table in the vestibule oI the church. II you Iorget to
bring your contribution on the Iirst Sunday, you can place it in the box
at any other time.

La Iglesia de St. Eduardo estara recolectando alimentos en lata para
los mas necesitados el primer domingo de cada mes. Los miembros de
la parroquia, que necesitan un poquito de ayuda adicional de alimentos
seran los primeros en recibir estas oIrendas de alimentos. Los alimen-
tos que queden seran donados al programa de Helping hand y dis-
tribuidos a las personas necesitadas de Little Rock. Si no sabes que
traer puedes recoger una lista de los tipos de alimentos necesarios que
estara en el en el vestibulo de la iglesia. Cuando traiga su comida,
coloquelo en la caja debajo de la mesa, en el vestibulo de la iglesia. Si
usted olvida su contribucion el primer domingo lo puede poner en la
caja en cualquier otro momento
Cafeteria Supervisor Needed
St. Edward School in LR is hiring a cafeteria supervisor
to start in August 2014. Responsibilities are cooking
lunch for 180 students, coordinating federal programs
(computer skills needed), planning menus that meet
federal guidelines. Approx. 30 hours/week. Health, den-
tal, and other benefits available. Discounted tuition avail-
able for supervisor's children. Contact Jason Pohl-
meier:, T: 374-9166, F: 907
-9078, 805 Sherman St., LR, AR 72202.
Queremos agradecer a todas las
personas que hicieron posible la
celebracion del Cinco de Mayo
y atodas las personas que don-
aron su tiempo, su Tesoro y sus talentos que
Dios les bendiga siempre.
Parish News and Events/Noticias y Eventos ParroquiaIes/ FAITH FORMATION/FORMACION DE LA FE
!"#$%&' )*"&&+& ,-./ will be
offered in English on the second Saturday of
alternate months in the parish office building.
Each class begins at 9am.The dates for 2014
are as follows: May 10th & JuIy 12th.
PIease caII ahead to register for the cIass.
0+)1"& 2+ #*"$%)"
27 de Junio
7:00 p.m. Cafetera
Mayo 3 a Ias 10 a.m.
23 de Mayo
7:00 p.m. Cafetera
Mayo 3 a Ias 10 a.m.

PIease remember that the Adoration ChapeI is in-
tended for siIent prayers. PIease be considerate of
others praying there.

Por favor recuerde que Ia CapiIIa de Adoracin es
para orar en siIencio. Tenga respeto por Ias demas
personas que estan en Oracin en Ia CapiIIa.
Durante el mes de Mayo solo tendremos bautizos el
primer sbado del mes que es Mayo 3, porque el 17 de
Mayo tendremos la ordenacin de Dc. 1uan Cuido en la
parroquia de Cristo Rey todos estn invitados. Mil dis-
culpas por el inconveniente
St. Ldward kummage Sa|e
Ir|day, Iune 6th &
Saturday, Iune 7th
8am - 1pm

We want your stuff!
Spr|ng C|ean|ng? C|ean out your att|c,
and c|ean out the garage.

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Do you own a bus|ness and have c|ear-
ance merchand|se or have unused
equ|pment? We w||| take |t!

7+ ') )',% )- 8.9 1%: 4./1')./%2 ;% :'<<
0<#(<9 )#&% 9-./ -<( 4./1')./%=

Item drop off t|mes:
Sunday, Iune 1
12:30 - S:30
Monday, Iune 2 - Wednesday, Iune 4
>?@@#, A B?@@C,
L|m|ted p|ck up |s ava||ab|e,
contact Scott Sparks at 83S-6S77

Vo|unteers are need to work the set up and
dur|ng the sa|e, contact Scott Sparks w|th
the hours you wou|d ||ke to vo|unteer!

Have you thought about your Lenten Resolution? The Ado-
ration Chapel is available most days Irom 6:00 a.m. until 10:00
p.m. Why not spend an hour in prayer with Our Lord? II you
Ieel called to take a dedicated hour each week, times are avail-
able most days Ior a regular adorer. Please contact Martha
Roberts (501-603-0133) or Rose Anne Smith (501-412-6489).
Ya has pensado cual sera tu sacriIicio en esta Cuaresma? La
Capilla de Adoracion esta disponible de Lunes a Viernes de
6am a 10pm. Porque no pasar una hora con el seor? Si tu crees
que el seor te llama a pasar una hora a la semana con el. Du-
rante los dias de la semana, tenemos horas disponibles
comunicarte con Martha Roberts (501-603-0133) o Rose Anne
Smith (501-412-6489).
Grupo de oracin Todos Ios
Iunes en Ia cafetera a Ias
7:p.m. todos son bienvenidos
Aqu compartimos la palabra de Dios
y oramos unos por otros en nuestras
familias y sus necesidades. Jess espera por cada uno
de nosotros y cada da nos pregunta ni una hora
pueden orar con migo? te invitamos a orar juntos,
la oracin es mas fuerte que todo y Dios siempre nos
El grupo de jvenes de San Eduardo est invitando
a todos los jvenes mayores de 14 aos a tener una
nueva experiencia, habr dinmicas, momentos
fuertes de oracin, conocers ms de tu Fe catlica
y lo ms importante de todo conocers mas de
Dios.Te esperamos!!!
Todos los Sbados a las 7
p.m. en el edificio del Knder Para
ms informacin communicate con
Martin Snchez al 901 652-4527

)53#*+ $5 )53#*+ *+"63+7 of Central Ar-
kansas will be offering a 3-part series of Natural
Family Planning classes Beginning every month in
2012 in the central Little Rock area. Visit www.ccl- for locations, times, cost and registration proc-
ess. Call Jason & Erin Pohlmeier 819-0430 or Edward & Dana
Dodge 749-6039. You can scan this image with a smart phone
and it will take you to an NFP website.
=&/H ")# 2%&*()@ '# B% 2%&&/G0*% I 4&/01' /0& J/HH01*"A
The Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center
s holding its annual "100 Hole Shoot Out"
benefit golf tournament at 8:00 AM on Monday,
April 14, at the Pleasant Valley Country Club in
Little Rock. Funded 100% by the generous do-
nations of our community, this tournament is an
enjoyable way to assist the APRC in providing
life affirming services to families in our commu-
nity. More information on this tournament can
be found on our website
Ladies of Charity of Arkansas Membership
Meeting May 13th from 6PM to 7PM at Immacu-
late Conception Church in North Little
Rock. All are welcome to attend. The Ladies oI
Charity mission is to educate, empower, and evan-
gelize the poor in the state oI Arkansas and was
originally Iounded in 1617 by St. Vincent de Paul in
France and is part oI a worldwide Vincentian Family
composed oI laity and religious. For more inIorma-
tion about this ministry, please visit http:// or email Joan Finnegan at
Get Your Tickets Now for the Magnificat MeaI on Sat-
urday, June 7, 10:00-1:00, St. Joseph Parish Hall, Con-
way. Cost is $15.00. To order tickets by emaiI send
name and # of tickets needed to: MagnificatCentralArkan- Confirmation will be sent after receipt of
payment. Send check, payable to Magnificat-Central Ar-
kansas Chapter, to Doris Williams, 3335 Turf Lane, Con-
way, AR 72034. To order tickets by maiI, send name, #
of tickets needed and payment to same address. Limited
seating; no tickets sold after Monday, June 2
. Like us
on Facebook, Magnificat-Central Arkansas Chapter, or
follow the link on the church website
Magnificat is a ministry to Catholic women; our time to-
gether will include Praise and Worship music, a personal
witness speaker, Susan Potvin from Ohio, and a time of
shared prayer. Ladies, make plans now to come and be
served on the 7
of June physically, socially and spiritu-
ally! No cost for priests and reIigious but registration
stiII required to assist with pIanning.
La Iglesia de San Eduardo te in-
vita a participar en la Misa este
30 de Mayo a las 7:30 p.m. con
motivo de Iormar un grupo de
Adoracion Nocturna, al Iinal de
la Misa tendremos una reunion
para hablar mas sobre este tema,
para mas inIormacion llame a JoseIina al 501
PIease have respect for our Church. PIease
dispose of your bubbIe gum in the waste
receptacIes at the entrance of church rather
than on the steps. Thank you.

Tengamos un poco de respeto a Ias casa de
Dios. Por favor ponga sus chicIes en Ios
botes de basura que estn aun Iado de Ia
entrada de Ia IgIesia, en Iugar de tirarIos en
Ios escaIones o en Ia IgIesia. Gracias

Si todos cuidamos tendremos una mejor parroquia.
Do you or your family member have a high
triglycerides (elevated blood facts)? There is an
ongoing study that aims to determine if adding
amino acids to your diet may help lower your
triglycerides. You may qualify if you are 50-75
years of age, have a elevated triglycerides, are
not taking insulin. For more information please
call 501 526-5701
Catholic High Rocket Basket Ball Camp
Catholic High School will hold its summer bas-
ketball camp for boys entering the +th ,5th
and 6th graders will attend the morning ses-
sion from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. 7th, 8th, and 9th
graders will attend from 12:30 to 3:00 p.m.
The camp will be at Catholic high school gym
For more information call Tim Ezzi at 501 663
-+085 or 501 66+-3939or email questions to
Church name & address
St. Edward #202350
801 Sherman Street
Little Rock AR 72202

Contact inIormation: Teresa Mendez 501-374-5767

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