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Past Pins

Formen rotundum

Foramen spinosum

greater & lesser tubercle of Humerus

Supra-Infra glenoid tubercles of

Intercondylar fossa (femur)

Trochanteric fossa

Superior posterior iliac spine

Superior articular process of lumbar

Articular facet of the head of the rib

Anterior cruciate ligament

Iliolumbar lig.

Coracoclavicular lig.

Tibialis anterior

Piriformis muscle

Ileoceal lip (cecum)

Circular folds of small intestine

Thyrohyoid membrane

Frontal sinus

Cystic duct

Portal vein

Caudate lobe

Capsule of kidney

Posterior semilunar cusp of aortic

Anterior cusp of bicuspid valve

Sinus of epididymis
Body of epididymis

Isthmus of uterine tube

Ligament of the ovary

Fimbriae of uterine tube

Azygos vein

Acessory nerve

Hypoglossal nerve

Superior thyroid artery

Infraorbital nerve

Right coronary artery
Septomarginal trabeculae

Brachial plexus

Tibial nerve

Radial nerve

Thoracodorsal nerve

Later circumflex humeral artery

Great saphenous vein

Superficial fibular nerve

Inferior epigastric artery and vein

Ileocolic artery

Left ovarian artery

Common hepatic duct
Common hepatic artery
(Right gastro-omental artery, left branch of Hepatic artery proper)
Left Gastric artery
Splenic artery

Central lobule

Pineal body

Precentral gyrus

Cingulate gyrus

Posterior inferior cerebellar artery

Mamillary body

Lamina terminalis

Superior medullary velum

Vitreous body and iris of the eye

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