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es overrated?
The Beatles are timeless.
Cellne West
Staff Writer
@ ECCUnionCeline
The Beatles are the most appar-
ent of the great recording artists,
not only because they have con-
tinued to impress a wide audience
over the long haul, but they are also
known for their wonderful habit of
trailblazing the industry, setting the
tone for music business standards
in a variety of ways.
There are a few well-known
rock bands and recording artists
who produce music that I hope ev-
eryone has the chance to listen to.
Albums that were written by re-
cording artists that go above and beyond what contemporary
artists are doing in the music business today are often rightly
referred to as classics.
The artists that produce these albums are always original
in their work, and they demonstrate the drive to create some-
thing that no one else has ever done before. Their work has a
level of quality that never goes out of style.
Of course, the most innovative and memorable, or to put
it simply, the most obvious of these recording artists are The
The Beatles managed to break out of the standards such as
having to record in studios that record labels normally dictate
to their artists that they had to record in. They also broke the
convention that artists had to record at designated times and
only for a certain duration.
Most of the instruments recorded onto their albums were
played by them, as they also began writing and recording their
own music, instead of allowing the record companies to dic-
tate this function to them as well.
Their forward thinking also led to the birth of a rich va-
riety of orginal sounds, both lyrically and musically, while
they experimented with the possibilities that the art of studio
recording lends itself to.
After listening to an album, one might have the experience
that it has made some kind of difference and nourished them
in some way -- and what is most genius about it is it's great
pop music that is fun to listen to.
Frankie Martinez,
21, instructional engineering
"Yes, because when they came
out in the 60s, they were good and
revolutionary, but we' ve come so far
since then. So much has been created.
Looking back, they' re good, but to put
them on every shirt is too much."
Thomas Cubias,
20, political science
"Not at all. Their music has origi-
nality to it, opposed to other main-
stream artists that are sellouts now a
days. Their music has more in depth
meaning than just the surface."
Jeremiah St. Pierre,
19, psychology
"No, I don't think they're over-
rated. They had a huge impact on
the history of rock. They're all even
famous individually. On top of that ,
they make really good music."

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