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We decided to relrase the inf"ormation ab*ut the paradox to Danny and it lr'as fiot
a q*id p!"o quo S*rry llanl
hope you understand all this and you forgive rne"
ii rvas derided for th* best.) Danny.' provided us
rvith tlre infortrrtion that hc harJ
receired fronr the
rvhile still in a tu,ilight $ate after the incident- We knerv
tlrat Danrrv
n'ould fincl it irnpossible to keep such information to himself. due to
his rnor:al and cthicill outlook on life, even after the penalty he paid several years
In ?003
u:e met in treat)'disctrssions- The treaty rvas sel into abeyance for tlre
period of I y-ear- fcrr nrany reasons. Almost comically, one of the reasons listed
so {hat lhe nexl conference rvould not be held in ZAn- but as three separated
species in ?01i. I'he numerologist jrods lyere strpcrstitious! A more sober
concern. and one othcr reason for the abevance, is'the presence of a faction of
that do rrot share our vision for a happ-v future. They feel thimselves
superior to olher groups. including us and have allied thenrselves u,ith the
lllunrinati.'fheir nurrrhers make the issue fonnidable. ]Ve, in concert rvith tlre
and Orion Universal Brotherhood, are acting to'suppress the threat- Contact
rvith trona fide intra-galactic alien intelligences (not at all relating lo this issue)
lras occurred tlrrouglrout the
The counsel of such intelligerrces. ahva,vs
greatly ndvanccd beyond our onn and bcrrcvolent, is being sought by tlrcsc
assigned tcr do so"
as those representing. rnany cnltures and
rcligions. u'ill he laken into account as we nrove forrvard to c0unter these [hreats
to mankind- Darurl' lras never beeu irrtolved with projects rvith those
intelligences. This is the f'irst he has lreard of them. fiorn an authorised source....
You nral' provide tl're gist of this infornration to those picking
We lrcpe for a hriglrt future for mankind. Subnritted, J I tor the lvtajestic 12, as

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