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More about the course

|ames Honor Schoar Program

Geneveve Henrcks at

Wthn 2 weeks of the start of the semester

Chapter 1

What is psychology?

Scientific Thinking: Distinguishing Fact

from Fiction

History of Psychology

***1. Expan why psychoogy s more than |ust common sense.

***2. Expan the mportance of scence as a set of safeguards aganst bases

NOT ASSIGNED 3. Descrbe psychoogca pseudoscence, and dstngush t from

psychoogca scence

NOT ASSIGNED 4. Identfy the reasons we are drawn to pseudoscence

***5. dentfy the key features of scentfc skeptcsm

***6. Identfy and expan the 6 prncpes of scentfc thnkng that w be used
throughout the text

***7. Identfy the ma|or theoretca frameworks of psychoogy

**8. Descrbe the dfferent types of psychoogst and dentfy what each of them

*9. Desbrbe the two great debates that have shaped the fed of psychoogy

*10. Descrbe how psychoogca research affects our day ves

What s Psychoogy?

Defnton : The
scentfc study of
the mnd, bran,
and behavor
What s Psychoogy?

Psychoogsts try to appy ther understandng

of the mnd n the servce of human wefare

Psychoogy covers a broad range of topcs

(from personaty to hearng and vson) that
make you who you are
Psychoogy as a Scence

Psychoogy snt |ust common sense or a

matter of opnon

Psychoogy s a scence

Scence s an approach to evdence

Emprcsm (knowedge shoud be acqured

through observaton)

"Is your frend Mary extroverted or

What s a Scentfc Theory?

Scentfc Theory - An expanaton for a

arge number of fndngs n the natura
word, ncudng the psychoogca

E.g., Theory of gravty

Hypothess - A specfc testabe


E.g., free-fang of ob|ects


Confrmaton Bas - The tendency to

seek out evdence that supports our
beefs and deny, dsmss, or dstort
evdence that contradcts them

Beef Perseverance - The tendency to

stck to our nta beefs even when
evdence contradcts them
Scentfc Thnkng:
Dstngushng Fact from Fcton

Scientific Skepticism
Approach of evaluating
all claims with an
open mind but insisting
on persuasive evidence
before accepting them

Hamark of scentfc skeptcsm:

Critical Thinking= scientific thinking
Scentfc Thnkng:
Dstngushng Fact from Fcton
Set of skills for evaluating
all claims in an open-
minded and careful
#1. Rung out rva hypotheses

Have important alternative explanations

for the finings !een e"clue?
Si" Principles of Scientific
#2. Correaton vs. causaton

Can #e !e sure that $ causes %?

&aria!le: Anythng that can vary across peope,

such as heght, IO, or extraverson.

When two varabes are correated



CA & B

Correaton-causaton faacy: Error of assumng

that because one thng s assocated wth
another, t must cause the other.
Si" Principles of Scientific

Varabe A: Teens stenng to musc wth sexua


Varabe B: Teens havng sexua ntercourse

Sexua yrcs prompt teens to have sex"

Lstenng to sexua musc sexua ntercourse

Sexua ntercourse stenng to sexua musc

Impusvty causes both

Si" Principles of Scientific
' () Falsifia!ility

Can the claim !e isprove?

*They have a great respect for authority !ut may not+ if they
reach high rank+ !e #illing to listen to other opinions on
things they are irectly responsi!le for),

*That is not to say that the Cancerian is unsocia!le+ -ust that

for them there is a time to sociali.e an a time to !e
solitary+ an this is part of the apparent contraiction in
their nature,

A good theory shoud be capabe of beng dsproved.

Si" Principles of Scientific
' /) 0eplica!ility

Can the results !e uplicate in other


Repcabty-the dea that a studys

fndngs can be dupcated consstenty;
f they cant be dupcated, ts possbe
that the orgna fndngs were due to

Ideay by ndependent nvestgators and

use dverse methods.
Si" Principles of Scientific
' 1) 2"traorinary claims

3s the evience as strong as the claim?

Davd Hume: The more a cam

contradcts what we aready know, the
more persuasve the evdence for ths
cam must be before we shoud accept
Si" Principles of Scientific
' 4) 5ccam6s ra.or

Does a simpler e"planation fit the ata -ust as


Occams razor: If two expanatons account

for a phenomenon equay we, we shoud
generay seect the more parsmonous


The Hstory of Psychoogy

As a scence, psychoogy has ony exsted

130 years!

In 1879, Whem Wundt deveoped the frst

psych. aboratory n Germany

Expermenta methods, tmed

procedures, and ntrospecton
The Hstory of Psychoogy

Theoretca Frameworks:

1) Structurasm

Edward Bradford Ttchener


Amed to dentfy the basc

eements of the
psychoogca experence


Systematc observatons


Not a menta actvtes are


Too sub|ectve
The Hstory of Psychoogy

2) Functonasm

Wam |ames and Chares Darwn

Amed to understand the adaptve

purposes of psychoogca characterstcs


Stream of conscousness
The Hstory of Psychoogy

3) Behavorsm

|ohn B. Watson and B.F. Sknner

Psychoogy shoud be ob|ectve, not


Focus on fndng the prncpes of earnng

by ookng at observabe behavor

Rewards and punshments

Reca how you earn to go to schoo

The Hstory of Psychoogy

4) Cogntvsm

|ean Paget

Thnkng s centra to understandng


Interpretatons of events s cruca

How to determne what s punshment/ reward

Cogntve Neuroscence - Examnes the

reatonshp between bran functonng and
The Hstory of Psychoogy

5) Psychoanayss

Sgmund Freud (1856-1939) from Venna,



Behavor s nfuenced by unconscous drves

Very controversa

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