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The casio F105W-1A has a 1/100 second stopwatch with a capacity of up to 59'59.

99" and
measurin modes of net time! sp"it time! and 1st and #nd p"ace times. There are the options
of an hour"y time $eep and a sin"e dai"y a"arm. %t has an automatic ca"endar! a"thouh
auto-ad&ustment for "eap years is not supported as the watch does not record the year. The
watch disp"ays the te't "%(()*%+AT,-." on the face a$o/e the (01. This
2"ectro"uminescent $ac3"iht assists with (01 /iewin in "ow-"iht or no-"iht conditions.
The watch is c"aimed to $e accurate to 450 seconds per month.
0aracteristicas de" 0asio f-105
1i casio ef uan &6ndred fai d6$"iu uan ei &ase uan uan &6ndred s7cond stopwatch wisa
cap6citi of ap tu fiftinain fiftinain poin nainti nain end m7sorin mouds of net taim sp"et taim
and ferst and second p"eis taims. 1er6r di 6pchons ofan or"i taim $ip anda s8nue" dei"i
a"6rm. %r&as en otom6tic c6"ender 9":ou oro 6dyasment for "ip y8ers isn sop9rtid as di wotch
dasnt recor de yier. 1i wotch disp"7is de test i"umin7ishor on de feis a$9u/ di e" si di. 1is
i"ectro"umin7sen $63c"ait asest ui: e" si di /iuwin in "ou "ait or nou "ait cond8shons. 1e
watch is c"eimd tu $i 6;uiuret tu p"ash or m6inas seri seconds per mon: .

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