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The Industrial Revolution Part I – Standard 10.3.

Please read each question

carefully. Mark your answer on the scantron.

I Multiple-Choice

1. Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

a. France
b. Belgium
c. England
d. Russia

2. The factor that contributed to the Agricultural Revolution in improving farming

techniques was?
a. The seed drill
b. The windmill
c. The steam engine
d. The power loom

3. What natural resources gave England an advantage in the Industrial Revolution?

a. water and forest
b. coal and iron
c. wildlife and precious gems
d. silk and cotton

4. The Industrial Revolution was between the following years?

a. 1750-1800
b. 1650-1750
c. 1800-1850
d. 1750-1850

5. During the Agricultural Revolution how did wealth landowners increased food
production by?
a. Practicing the enclosure movement.
b. Selling food cheaply
c. Hiring more farm workers.
d. Giving peasants bonuses.

6. What was the most important source of power that changed the course of the
Industrial Revolution?
a. the steam engine
b. animals
c. the windmill
d. the seed drill
7. What invention made possible growth of the railroads?
a. Spinning jenny
b. Cotton Gin
c. Telephone
d. Steam locomotive

8. What is the term used to describe the movement of people from the rural
countryside to cities called?
a. Urbanization
b. Enclosure movement
c. Migration
d. Driving

9. All the following inventions helped to revolutionize the textile industry except?
a. The flying shuttle
b. The spinning jenny
c. The cotton gin
d. Seed drill

10. The textile industry was in the business of producing clothing. What raw
material was mostly used for this purpose?
a. Linen
b. Silk
c. Cotton
d. Wool

11. Which of the following statements regarding workers in mines and factories
during the early Industrial Revolution is true?
a. Workers were allowed to form unions.
b. Their working conditions were dangerous and inhuman.
c. Although working conditions were harsh, people were paid well
d. The British government was interested in improving their lives.

12. What was the main reason that employers preferred women to men?
a. Employers thought Women were smarter than men.
b. Employers were able to pay women less than men.
c. Women complained less than men
d. Women had children who could also work.

13. Why were children an important part of the labor force?

a. Parents needed babysitters
b. Children were happy at work.
c. Families needed the money to pay for basic items.
d. Children didn’t need to be educated
14. A theory developed by the Economist Adam Smith stating that the government
should not interfere in the business sector would be called ________?
a. Communism
b. Capitalism
c. Socialism
d. Unitarianism

15. The idea that the goal of society be” the greatest happiness for the greatest
number of its citizens “was a philosophy held by?
a. Utilitarians
b. Communist
c. Utopians
d. Capitalist

16. Karl Marx’s ideas were based on all of the following predictions, except?
a. Marx predicted that the misery of the proletariat would touch off a world
b. Marx predicted that capitalism would succeed.
c. Marx predicted that workers would unite across national borders to wage
class warfare.
d. Marx predicted that the proletariat would triumph and would take control
of production.

II. Vocabulary: Please pick the best vocabulary word for the question.
17. A place where workers and machines are brought together to produce goods?
a. Turnpike c. Factories
b. Socialism d. Utilitarianism

18. The process of taken over and fencing off land?

a. Turnpike c. Communism
b. Enclosure d. Socialism

19. According to _______, society as group rather then individuals should own and
operate farms and businesses?
a. Proletariat c. Utilitarianism
b. Communism d. Socialism

20. Karl Marx believed that _____ would spread world wide into a system of
government were all people would be equal?
a. Capitalism c. Social Gospel
b. Communism d. Utilitarianism
III. Chart: Read the article and look at the chart. Answer the following questions.
Pick the best answer for the question.

21. Looking at the chart which city grew the most between the years 1760-1881?
a. Nottingham c. Birmingham
b. Sheffield d. Liverpool

22. After reading the text, what was the cause of the massive migration to the cities?
a. Enclosure Movement c. Migration
b. Socialism d. Political tensions

23. Looking at the maps, which direction did people move to by the mid 1800’s?
a. South and to the East c. North and to the West
b. South and to the West d. North and to the West
IV. Passage: Read the passage then answer the question that best fits the question

R. W. Cooke-Taylor, the author of The Factory System was also an Inspector of Factories. In his book he
explained the 1802 Factory Act.

The first Factory Act ever passed by the British Parliament was called "The Factory Health and Morals Act,
1802" and applied principally, though not exclusively, to apprentices in cotton and woollen mills. The
preamble runs as follows:

"Whereas it hath of late become a practice in cotton and woollen mills, and in cotton and woollen factories,
to employ a great number of male and female apprentices, and other persons, in the same building, in
consequence of which certain regulations are now necessary to preserve the health and morals of such

The regulations, briefly stated, were the following:

(1) The master or mistress of the factory must observe the law.

(2) All rooms in a factory are to be lime-washed twice a year and duly ventilated.

(3) Every apprentice is to be supplied with two complete suits of clothing with suitable linen, stockings,
hats and shoes.

(4) The hours of work of apprentices are not to exceed twelve a day, nor commence before six in the
morning, nor conclude before nine at night.

(5) They are to be instructed every working day during the first four years of apprenticeship in reading,
writing and arithmetic.

(6) Male and female apprentices are to be provided with separate sleeping apartments, and not more than
two to sleep in one bed.

(7) On Sunday they are to be instructed in the principles of the Christian religion.

24. How many hours in a day is an apprentice not to exceed?

a. ten hours c. eleven hours
b. eight hours d. twelve hours

25. On Sunday apprentices are to be instructed in what?

a. current events c. political situation
b. Christian religion d. marketing ideas

26. The Factory and Morals Act of 1802 applies principally to whom?
a. cotton and woolen factories c. cotton factories and steel mills
b. cotton factories only d. woolen factories and steel mills

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