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1020/ Nh chng ta bt c th c nhu tnh t cng b ngha cho 1 danh t.

Ex: My father
has a beautfu od Itaan tourng car
- C nhu oa tnh t nh tnh t m t tnh cch, phm chat, b ngo, th gan, so ong, .
- Thnh thong chng xuat hn mt chu cc tnh t theo th tu nhat d}nh m hoc thuc th
khng d cht no, cc ban ch cn nh cum vt tat "OSASCOMP"
* Trong d:
+ Opnon: gom cc tnh t ch su dnh g. V du: wonderfu, beautfu,.
+ Sze: gom cc tnh t ch kch c. V du: bg, ong, short,.
+ Age: gom cc tnh t ch d tu. V du: od, young, new,.
+ Shape: gom cc tnh t ch hnh dng. V du: round, square,...
+ Coor: gom cc tnh t ch mu sac. V du: red, pnk, yeow,...
+ Orgn: gom cc tnh t ch nguon goc, xuat x. V du: |apanese, Vetnamese,.
+ Matera: gom cc tnh t ch chat u. V du: stone (bng d), pastc (bng nhua), stee
(bng thc),.
+ Purpose: gom cc tnh t ch muc dch, tc dung d m g. V du: tourng (d d du }ch),
wakng (d d b),.
Ex1: My father has a beautfu od Itaan tourng car. (Ba t c mt chc xe du }ch Y c dep).
Trong d:
beautfu od Itaan tourng car
Ex2: He s a sy young Engsh man. (Han mt thanh nn ng Anh ngoc nghch.)
Trong d:
sy young Engsh man
* nh cum "OSASCOMP" th khng d cht no, m ban c m cch nh. Rng mnh th
ch cn nh
kho qun d du doc !!!
1021/ Snce the nventon of seatbets, certan automobe fatates are now often_____ .
a. preventabty
b. preventon
c. preventng
d. Preventabe
V tr co th a V_ng hoac ad|. Nhng V_ng th sa v ngha.
- preventabe (ad|): co th ngan chan doc
=> D s correct
1022/ The secretary, Ms.Lucy Tran, has been workng ______ 7 a.m. at respondng to e-mas.
a. unt
b. snce
c. about
d. At
- snce + mc tho gan
- for + khoang tho gan
- snce + qua kh don, hn ta hoan thanh
- before + qua kh don, qua kh hoan thanh after ngoc a>
=> B s correct
102/ Ghent Martme Cruses pocy of changng pans wthout_______ passengers of the
ensung deays has cost them many cents.
a. notfes
b. notfed
c. notfyng
d. Notfcaton
* Sau go t co th a 1 noun hoac mt V_ng. N u trong dap an co ca V_ng va Noun th ta pha chu y:
- go t + noun
- go t + Vng + O
=> V_ng th pha tac d ng vao ob|ect dang sau
=> C s correct
102/ The unons requested that they be offered_______ pay ncreases equang about 0,000
doars a year.
a. substantate
b. substantay
c. substance
d. Substanta
- chu y cum danh t "pay ncrease" (noun): Mc tang ong
-> V tr cn 1 ad| d b ngha
=> D s correct
102/ I am wrtng _______ behaf of to nform you of the ateraton n the date of
our upcomng meetng n Tokyo.
a. at
b. on
c. for
d. To
b. on behaf of: thay mat
102/ The Earthwatch researchers began wth nforma group dscussons wth the craftsmen,
a of ______ are women, askng them to descrbe crtera that were mportant to them n
defnng quaty of fe.
a. what
b. who
c. whom
d. Them
a of whom. v 2 cu ny no nhau bng dau phy, ph dng t no. sau g t c th dng whch or whom,
nhng v ng nn s dung whom, hoc trong dp n khng c whch
1027/ Lets go to Smths, _________ we can have a drnk before the soccer game starts.
a. when
b. whch
c. whether
d. here
* Smtths : ch (nha) cua Smth
=> D s correct
102/ Hs resgnaton happened at the ________ possbe tme.
a. most
b. worst
c. worse
d. Terrbe
* resgnaton (n): vc t chc
* the worst possbe tme: tho dm xu nht co th
=> B s correct
102/ he I was sttng outsde the head offce yesterday, I overheard someone________ that
your appcaton for transfer had been re|ected, though I am not certan who t was I heard
a. say
b. sad
c. to say
d. had sad
* o v cu ch dng:
1, ook, see, hear, fee, watch,.+ O + V1 (kh chng kn ton b hnh dng)
Ex: I saw her come n.
2, ook, see, hear, fee, watch.+ O + Vng (kh chng knmt phn hnh dng)
Ex: Can you sme somethng burnng
* o v cu b} dng:
1, ook, see, hear, fee, watch. + to V1+ O (kh chng kn ton b hnh dng)
Ex: She was seen to come n.
2, ook, see, hear, fee, watch. + Vng + O (kh chng kn mt phn hnh dng)
Ex: The orry was seen runnng down the h.
* overhear (v): nghe om
=> A s correct
* h muon n " Ho t sn bay c 10 g "
- They arrved n the arport at 10.00 (sa nh)
- They arrved at the arport at 10.00 (dng)
NOTE: Arrve at dng cho no nho (ng x, sn bay...)
* h muon n " Ho t H N c dm"
- They arrved at Ha No at nght (sa)
- They arrved n Ha No at nght (dng)
NOTE: Arrve n dng cho no n (thnh pho, nc...)
2/ "HOUSE" v "HOME"
* Trong tng Anh kh n "HOUSE" th ng ta ch n v mt kn trc, mt to nh,cng
trnh xy dung, mt bt th...
* N chung "HOUSE" ch don gn mt can nh m th.
* h n v "HOME" kh ng ta muon n v "mt m am ga dnh".
Ex: I have (own) houses, but my famy and I ony ve n one house, and that house s my
- No snh thnh hay t quoc ca mt a d.
Ex: Vet Nam s my HOME.
- No san sc ng ta.
Ex: That pace s a HOME for the edery.
- M trng song ca th vt.
Ex: The |unge s where tgers caed HOME.
-> Peope do not se "HOMES", they se "HOUSES".
* Aone: hm mt ng hay mt vt no d dang rng - khng c a hoc vt g khc
xung quanh.
* Loney ( M dng onesome) d cp dn su bat hanh do tnh trang don dc gy ra.
Ex: I ke to be aone for short perods.
T thch doc mt mnh trong nhng khong th gan ngan.
-> But after a few days I start gettng oney / onesome.
Nhng sau v ngy t bat du tr nn c don.
*NOTE* Aone c th doc nhan manh bng A.
Ex: After her husband ded, she was a aone.
Sau kh chong cht, b ay ch mt mnh.
101/ Sometmes we have dffcuty ______________ our emotons, even to the pont of ettng
our emotons contro our behavor.
a. contro
b. controng
c. controed
d. havng controed
- have a dffcut tme + Vng
- have dfcuty + Vng
=> B s correct
102/ Under the nsurance pocy, repars to a damaged vacuum ceaner of that partcuar
brand are covered, ______ they are performed by an authorzed deaershp.
a. n that
b. dependng on
c. provded that
d. Athough
under + noun:
Cc cum t hay xuat hn:
- under any crcumstance: d bat ky hon cnh no
- under the nsurance pocy: d chnh sch bo hnh
- under pressure: d p uc
- under guarantee: d su bo hnh
provded = provded that = provdng that = as ong as: mn
=> C s correct
10/ European ar passengers who fa to catch ther pane _______ overbookng are set to
have ther compensaton doubed.
a. resutng n
b. thanks for
c. owed to
d. because of
overbook (v): dang k trc qu nhu
--> gerund --> overbookng: vc dang k trc qu nhu
* due to - because of - "owng to" + noun/noun phrase/V_ng
* "owng to" ch k ph "owed to -> nhu ban hay nh nhm.
* European ar passengers (who fa to catch ther pane BECAUSE OF overbookng) are set to have ther
compensaton doubed.
=> D s correct
10/ The busness weeky magazne suggested that ______shppng probems n the
upcomng hoday season, busnesses shoud encourage customers to shop eary.
a. avod
b. avoded
c. to avod
d. Avods
Ban chu y c u truc:
- S1 + suggest + that + S2 + V1 (cho tt ca cac ng)
-> Cu trn nay S2 du v vy nn cac ban dch thoang ngha ra 1 chut, se tm doc dap an du ng!
to + V1: ch muc dch
=> C s correct
* "Contan" ngha cha dung:
- Ths sutcase contans my cothes.
(Chc va ny dung qun o ca t.)
Hoc :
- The yeow notebook contans everythng Ive studed for 2 years.
(Ouyn v mu vng cha mo th t hoc trong 2 nam qua.)
* Cn "ncude" bao gom:
- Hs concuson ncudes a our deas
(t un ca ng ta bao gom tat c kn ca chng t.)
- My computer ncudes many Engsh songs.
(My tnh ca t bao gom nhu b ht tng Anh.)
* Nu thay th 2 t ny cho nhau th c doc khng
Ex1: Ths sutcase contans my cothes.
Cu ny s doc hu : C va ny dung qun o ca t - Ngo ra khng c g khc
Nhng nu ta thay "ncude" vo cu:
-> Ths sutcase ncudes my cothes.
Ngha ca cu s tr thnh: Va ny gom c qun o ca t - V c th cn nhng th khc
Ex2: My persona survva kt contans a compass and a sma ax
Cu ny doc hu : T dung do cap cu c nhn ca t gom c mt c a bn v mt c
ru nho trong t ny ch c 2 mn>
Nhng nu ta thay "ncude" vo cu:
-My persona survva kt ncudes a compass and a sma ax
Ngha ca cu s tr thnh : T dung do cap cu c nhn ca t c c mt c a bn v mt
c ru nho t ny c th c nhu mn trong d c c d}a bn v c ru nho>
V du khc:
- The Engsh test w contan stenng and speakng.
-> Ng nghe s hu : B km tra tng Anh s gom phn nghe v n, ngo ha phn d
ra khng ph th thm k nang g na.
- The Engsh test w ncude stenng and speakng.
-> Th van c th c thm cc phn th khc (wrtng, .)
10/ Pease ook over the new heath and safety ________ and gve me your thoughts.
a. reguaton
b. reguatng
c. reguate
d. Reguatons
107/ I work by mysef ______ of the tme, but sometmes I work wth a team.
a. amost
b. mosty
c. sometmes
d. Most
10/ A arge ______ of money s mssng from the safe.
a. number
b. a ot
c. much
d. Sum
10/ _______ n the shoppng and busness dstrcts, the Grand Hote offers easy access to the
ctys sghtss.
a. Stuaton
b. To stuate
c. Stuated
d. Stuatng
100/ X|ng mtary hospta n the centra cty of Xan sad that t had gven the man a new
cheek, upper p and nose from a snge donor, n a ______.
a. 1-hour operaton
b. 1-hours operaton
c. 1-hour operatons
d. 1-hours operatons

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