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New Time-Off Request Rules and Policies

1.) 2 teachers from the same classroom CANNOT be off at the same time
2.) Time-Off requests must be submitted 2 weeks in advance
3.) Only 2 teachers off at one time
4.) 20 hours of unpaid time may be used within an anniversary year for full-time employees
5.) 10 hours of unpaid time may be used within an anniversary year for part-time employees
6.) A new binder will be kept so teachers can see who else asked off for the same day
7.) We will rework the time-off request sheets so they are a full sheet with
Office Use Only
*Not Approved
*How it will be covered
8.) Teachers must indicate whether they intend to use paid time or unpaid time off
9.) Done with calendar; Check binder for approval
10.) Time off requests will be processed and approved according to need & frequency of requests
11.) We will do our best to respond within a week of requests being submitted
12.) Please check-in with us!!!
13.) When you sign time sheets, you must add whether time off used is paid or unpaid
14.) Priority given to paid time off requests
15.) Forms need to be completely filled out or they will be returned and processing will be put on
16.) Office will keep track of unpaid time off usage
17.) No appointments will be covered on a Monday or Thursday morning
18.) No time off will be granted before or after a holiday weekend
19.) Plan appointments for over your lunch breaks!!!!
20.) No time off will be granted if your class is going on a field trip (If you are requesting time
off during your teaching week, make sure
your sub and co-teacher know what the plan for activities for the day are.)
21.) There will be close-out weeks through out the year that NO time off requests will be granted
(first week in January, when Amy or
Betsy are gone on vacation, the first week of summer break, before or after all holidays, the
last week of summer, week around Labor
Day, and the week before winter break)
22.) If you go to Urgent Care over your lunch breaks vs. planning an appointment-it will be much
easier for us to cover.
23.) When you will be absent you must have some kind of sub. plan in place.

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