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Should Mercury be in a House of Venus and be aspected by Mars,

the native will be troubled by diseases and enemies, be distressed,

will incur royal insult and will be deprived of all worldly objects.
Should Mercury be in a House of Venus and be aspected by Jupiter,
the native will be highly learned, will fulfill his promise, will be leader
of a country/city/group of men and be famous.
Should Mercury be in a House of Venus and be aspected by Venus,
the person will be fortunate, soft in disposition, be happy, will enjoy
good robes make up etc. and will steal the hearts of the fair sex.
If Saturn throws his aspect on Mercury in a House of Venus, the
subject will be devoid of happiness, be dirty, will experience many
diseases and evils, will be subjected to grief on account of his
relatives and be distressed.
Should Mercury be in Gemini/Virgo and be aspected by the Sun, the
native will speak truth, be fortunate, dear to king, be a Lord himself,
be polite in his activities and be liked by all.
Should Mercury be in his own House and receive the aspect of the
Moon, the person will be sweet in disposition, garrulous, will promote
quarrels, be interested in acquiring sastric knowledge, firm and will
succeed in all his undertakings.
Should Mercury be in his own House and receive the aspect of Mars,
the person will have an injured body, be dirty, be a genius, will serve
the king and be dear to him.
Should Mercury be in his own House and receive the aspect of
Jupiter, one will be a king's minister, be excellent, be beautiful,
charitable, rich, be endowed with his own men and be courageous.
Should Mercury be in his own House and receive the aspect of
Venus, the native will be highly learned be a royal employee, be a
messenger, will honour friendship and will be interested in base

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