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If Jupiter occupies Sagittarius at birth, one will be a preceptor,

will conduct religious vows, initiations, sacrifices etc., will have lasting
wealth, be charitable, be friendly to his own men, be fond of helping
others, interested in Shastras, be the head of a zone, or a minister,
will live in many countries, will prefer loneliness and be interested in
visiting shrines.
19-20. JUPITER IN CAPRICORN. Jupiter in Capricorn denotes, that
the native will be less virile, will experience much grief and difficulties,
will be mean in conduct, be a dunce, will meet a bad end, will suffer
from penury, will serve others, will be bereft of auspiciousness,
mercy, purity, affection to his relatives and of religion, will have an
emaciated body, be timid, interested in living in other countries and
be depressed of spirits.
21-22. JUPITER IN AQUARIUS. If Jupiter falls in Aquarius at the time
of birth, one will be a tale-bearer, be ill disposed, interested in evil
jobs, be chief among his racemen, be always attached to base men,
be malicious, miserly, will suffer from diseases, will lose wealth on
account his own utterances, be devoid of intelligence and virtues and
will violate elder's beds.
23-24. JUPITER IN PISCES. If Jupiter is in Pisces at birth, one will be
expert in knowing the meanings of Vedas and other Shastras, will be
honoured by friends and virtuous people, will be a headsman in the
king's employ, be praiseworthy, unconquerable, rich, devoid of fear,
be proud, firm in undertakings, be a king, be skillful in policies,
training, behavior and war tactics, be famous and will be calm in his
Jupiter occupies Aries/Scorpio at birth and is aspected by the Sun,
the native will be charitable, will be truthful, will have famous sons, be
very fortunate and will have abundant hair on the body.
If Jupiter occupies Aries/Scorpio and is aspected by the Moon, the
native will be a historical and poetical writer, will be endowed with
many precious stones, be dear to women, be a king and be highly

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