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relatives, be miserable in spite of his happiness, will help others, will

respect Brahmins, elders and preceptors and will be devoid of much

11-12. Should Venus be in Virgo, the native will not be quite
discriminative, be soft in disposition, be skillful, will be helpful to
others, will speak sweetly, will earn money through several sources,
will cohabit with bad women, be mean, be devoid of happiness and
pleasures, will beget more daughters and less sons, will visit shrines
and be a scholar in an assembly.
13-14. VENUS IN LIBRA. If Venus occupies Libra, the native will
acquire hard-earned money, be valorous, endowed with superior
robes etc., interested in living in foreign countries, will protect his own
people, be skillful in his duties, rich, meritorious, famous by honouring
Gods and Brahmins, be a scholar and be fortunate.
15-16. If Venus occupies Scorpio, the subject will be jealous, be very
malicious, be not religious, be argumentative, be crafty, be not
attached to brothers, be not fortunate, will be troubled by enemies, be
distressed, will be inimical to unchaste women, be skillful in killing,
will incur heavy debts, will suffer penury, be proud and will contract
venereal diseases.
17-18. One, who has Venus in Sagittarius will be endowed with good
results accruing out of virtues, dutifulness and wealth, be dear to all
people, be splendourous, be an excellent personage, will shine like
the Sun before his family members, be a scholar, will be endowed
with cows, be fond of decoration, will enjoy wealth, wife and fortunes,
be a king's minister, be skillful, will have a stout and long physique
and be respected by all.
19-20. VENUS IN CAPRICORN. If Venus occupies Capricorn at birth,
one will be miserable due to heavy expenses, will have an emaciated
body, will be fond of aged women, will suffer from heart diseases, be
miserly in the matter of money, be a liar, be skillful in cheating, be a
eunuch, be devoid of (good) acts, interested in others' work, very
distressed, be a dunce and will, however, endure misery.
21-22. Should Venus be in Aquarius, one will suffer from fear and
excitement, be not successful in undertakings, will go to other

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