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WHOLE NUMBER : Intensive Exercise

1. 534 468 becomes 534 000 when rounded off to the nearest
A. ten B. thousand
C. hundred D. ten thousand

2. In the calculation below, the answer 30 145 is incorrect
because of an incorrect digit in the bracket.
x 67
3 045
27 10
30 145

A. 1 B. 2
C. 4 D. 7

A. 25 B. 76
C. 97 D. 100

4. Pak Dollah has 123 durians. His family eats 24 of them. He
gives 18 durians to his brother. The rest are shared equally
among his three neighbors. Which of the following is the correct
calculation to find the number of durians each neighbor gets?


5. Find the value of
6. Calculate [ ]
7. Round off 965 928 to the nearest ten thousand.
8. Round off the sum of 8 565, 683 and 12 566 to the nearest
9. There are 48 rows of chairs in the hall. Each row has 25 chairs.
How many chairs are there altogether?
10. For the number 376 588, state:
a) The place value of digit 6.
b) The digit value of digit 3.
11. Two numbers added together make 7 853. The larger
number is 4 937. What is the smaller number?
12. A man has to pack 1 392 books in boxes. If each box can hold
24 books, how many boxes does he needs?
13. Find the value of
14. Find the value of
15. A bus carries 48 students. 19 of them are girls. At a bus stop
15 students alight from the bus. If 8 of them are girls, how many
boys are there on the bus now?

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