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Skit 2-

Women-Hutton - Hi i am a mother of 3. My husband went out to war

and now I took his job in the factory. I get payed very little. Me and
my kids have to ration food,clothes,and many items that we have. I
hope the war comes to an end soon because my life has become
very stressful

Soldier-Collin- I am a 18 yr old soldier I volunteered for the war. Life
is very hard for me mentally and physically. I have to live with the
fear everyday that this May be my last day. I also everyday have to
overcome physical things too. I too have to ration on everything I
have. I make these sacrifices though for reason and that reason is to
protect my country and that every little thing makes the war that
much closer to coming to an end

Child-Michael A- hi I am a 9 yr old boy I have a very tough life. When
day when I was in school they evacuated me to a new safer home. So
now I do not have my parents with me and I live with strangers. Just
like anybody else I too have to ration on that I have.

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