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Praying in Tongues

How satan stops Christians from receiving the

Prayer Language.

satan has had a very successful campaign in
preventing Christians from getting the Gift of
There are so many lies and misunderstanding in
the church about this gift.

In short, satan allows the Church to talk about
it, study it, debate about it, have nice doctrinal
discussions about it, as long as they just NEVER
get it.

What good is a soldier that knows all about
guns, but doesnt have one.

Not using this Gift has crippled the Church,
preventing many believers from maturing on to
the Higher Gifts. Its time to use the Gifts that
God has given us.

If youre a Christian who doesn't have the
Prayer Language yet
Get It!

Stop making excuses of why you don't need it,
or how you failed to get it before.

and if you already have the gift
Use It.
Stir It Up
It doesn't do any good if it lies dormant.

Lets look at some of the LIES that have
prevented Christians from receiving this gift.

Lie #1:
Its from the devil, satan is speaking through

There no example in the bible of the gift of tongues being
from satan?
No one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be
cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the
Holy Spirit. 1 Cor 12:3
if I pray in tongues, my spirit is praying, 1 Cor. 14:14
So the gift of Tongues is not from the devil.

Lie #2:
Its not for everyone.

The problem with this thinking is that everyone
in the first church received the gift of the
prayer language.

Lets look at what it says in Acts 2
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all
together in one placeAll of them were filled
with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other
tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
Acts 2:1,4

And according to one of my pastor friends, he
was leading a revival meeting where 300
people came forward to receive this gift. And
when he prayed, all 300 people received the
gift. So what are the chances that this gift is
only for some people and not for others. Its
available to anyone who has faith to receive it.

Lie # 3:
I already tried, It didnt work, I cant receive it.

In my experience, a simple 5 minute prayer to
receive this gift may not be enough. Maybe
some anointed pastors can do it that quick, but
for me, Ive seen that a person will have to
press in, and pray hard to receive it.

Teaching people about this gift will stir up their
faith to receive it. You may need to pray more
than 1 hour, to receive it.
So be patient.

The people who usually have difficulty receiving
this gift are religious people, because their
minds are full of spiritual sounding arguments
for why they cant get it, or why they dont
need it, or why its not important.

After I received the prayer language, the next
day I was having trouble starting it. So I wrongly
thought that I must have lost it.
I thought, Oh no, I must have done some sin,
or some mistake and now I lost the gift.

But the bible says in Romans 11:29, that Gods
Gifts are irrevocable, meaning that Hes not
going to take them back. Just because youve
made a mistake doesnt mean your going to
lose this gift. In fact, a Christian can be living in
sin, and still be exercising supernatural gifts.

The gift of tongues does NOT guarantee your salvation.
One Christian may NOT have the gift and get to
Heaven, and another Christian may have it, yet wind
up in Hell. So dont let spiritual gifts get your prideful.
And remember, you cant lose the gift, But if you
havent used the gift for a while, well then according
to (2 Tim 1:6) you may need to stir up the gift of God.

In my friends testimony, He was evangelizing
on the streets of Chicago when he met a
prostitute, who was probably high on drugs.
This woman accepted Jesus and receive the gift
of tongues, instantly.

And in no time, shes walking up and down the
street with her hands in the air, praising God,
and using her prayer language.

If she can receive it, so can you!

Lie #3:
We dont need it.
And the truth is, this is mans wisdom at its
worst. God is not so confused as to give the
Church a gift that it doesnt need. What we
really dont need in the Church is mans wisdom.

Most of the Church is NOT working in the
No Visions,
No Prophecy,
No Miracles,
No Healings,
No Deliverance, No Revivals

1 Cor 4:20 The Kingdom of God is not a matter
of talk, but of POWER.
We need to Power of God, working in the

Lie #4:
The gift ended after the Early Church.

No it didnt.
Millions of Christians have this gift.

These signs will accompany those who believe:
In my name they will drive out demons; they
will speak in new tongues; Mark 16:17

So, the Gift of Tongues has not ended.

Lie #5:
Its Weird!
The truth is, how can you be a Christian and be
afraid of the supernatural. Thats like being a
fisherman, and being afraid of the water. A
Christian must be able to handle the supernatural.

This is just The Fear of Man
The fear of man, prevents many Christians from
working in the Supernatural.

My sister's prayer language sounded very strange, nothing like a
Natural Language. And many people would have guessed that it
was fake. But one day she sat next to a person who spoke Inuit, a
rare Eskimo Indian language. After hearing my sisters prayer
language, the man said, Lady, do you even know what youre
saying?...Youre saying a beautiful prayer to God. So even though
her prayer language didnt sound natural, it was legitimate. So
dont judge a prayer language by mans wisdom, because it doesnt
sound normal.
Sometimes Christians may already have a prayer language, but just
not know it.

And be on your guard, satan will people around
you to discourage you from using your gift.

Lie #6
Our Church doesnt focus on Spiritual Gifts.
This is just a religious way of saying,
Were ignoring Spiritual Gifts

Can you image a church saying,
Were not focusing on forgiveness
or Were no focusing on Holiness

Let's look at some of the benefits of using the
Prayer Language.
It edifies and builds up your Spirit.

He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself
1 Cor. 14:4
build yourselves up in your most holy faith
and pray in the Holy Spirit Jude 1:20

Lets look at Paul, his faith was very strong. He
said ..
I thank God that I speak in tongues more than
all of you. 1 Cor 14:18
If it was good for Paul, then its good for you.

According to many testimonies, the Gift of
Tongues hinders evil spirits. And this gift is
often used in Deliverance, the driving out
demonic spirits. If youre going to fight the
good fight against satan, Praying in the Holy
Spirit is a powerful weapon.

The prayer language is how God started the
first Church.
In Acts 2 All the disciples were together in one
place, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and
Spoke in Tongues.
And in that 1 day, about 3000 people came to

Well if that is the way God started the first
Church, then it is NOT very wise of us to skip
this important step?

In fact, Jesus said,
wait, until you have been clothed with power
from Heaven.
Luke 24:49

The fact is that many Christians are exhausted,
because they are NOT Empowered from
Heaven! They are working in their own strength,
not Gods. So they feel tired and over burdened
serving God, even though Jesus said My Yoke is
easy, my Burden is light. (Matt 11:30) These
Christians need to be empowered from
Heaven! Thats the plan of God.

In most cases, (not all) Christians that work in
the Higher Gifts of the Spirit started with the
Prayer Language first. Because it edified and
built up their faith.

The Pray Language allows a person to pray for several
Before the Gift of the Prayer Language, my prayer
time was about 15 minutes long. After 15 minutes,
everything that my mind could think of was said, I ran
out of things to pray.
But with this gift I was able to pray several hours,
switching back and forth from my Prayer Language to
my Natural Language.

Ive been to many All Night Prayer Meetings,
and found that usually the people who can pray
in these All Night Meetings, are those Christians
with the gift of Tongues.

And another benefit for having the Prayer
Language is that once you have it, you can start
praying that others would receive it. As Jesus
said in John 3:6, Spirit gives birth to spirit. If fact,
the Christians with the gift, should be searching
for others to share it with, as Jesus said, freely
youve received, freely give.

How do you get the Prayer Language

Eagerly Desire Spiritual Gifts,
1 Cor 14:1

Find a church or Prayer Group that is using the
My own home church was not distributing this
gift, so I had to visit another church to receive it.

Ask them to pray for you to receive the gift.

But dont give up, I've found that getting people
to receive the gift is like delivering a baby. For
many people it just doesn't happen in 5
minutes. I usually need to pray intently with
others for about 1 hour before someone
received the gift.

Beware of a demon called stop-Tongue, this is a
religious spirit that is among many Christians. When a
person is about the receive the gift of tongues, this
evil spirit will flood their minds with every religious
sounding arguments for not receiving the Prayer
Language, along with every fear and worry about
tongues. Dont be surprised if many religious leaders
in your Church have this religious spirit.
I had it myself

When a pastor was praying for me to receive the gift
of Tongues, right when I started using it, a powerful
voice came into my mind, A religious spirit saying
Stop it, oh this is so fake, youre moving your own
mouth, they are tricking you, this is so weird, this is
not from God, youre doing it yourself. Youre just
babbling, thats NOT how to pray!
I had to fight to shut this voice up, and ignore all my
fears. You must ignore satans voice to receive this gift.

So What Are You Waiting For?

Stop making excuses and just

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