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These assignments are based on the suggested reading
materials/research papers.
This assignment will also double as the mid-semester exam
Students are to answer the questions on the research papers
provided (two(2) papers).
Your answers should STRICTLY be derived from the papers
This is NOT a group assignment. Each student should present
an individual unique report
This assignment is being used as the mid-semester exam so
please be cautious of plagiarism.

Technologys impact on Gap
Model: Questions
Discuss the role of technology in services
from the perspective of the authors
Discuss how technology has impacted key
aspects of the Service Quality Gap model as
presented by the authors.
In your view, has technologys impact on the
Gap Model been positive or negative and
Yield Management A model
for implementation: Questions
According to the authors why is yield
management suitable for the hospitality sector?
What are the challenges to yield management
implementation from the authors perspective?
Discuss the model for yield implementation as
presented in the paper.
Perform a critique of this model.
What are the shortcomings in the model?
How can this model be improved?
General Info
Use correct referencing where necessary.
Reports should not be less than four (4) pages(i.e. 2
sheets).This does not include cover page, reference
pages etc.
- Submitted reports should include a cover page with the
name and index number of student plus other related
programme and course information.
- Recommended font type and size(times new roman/12pt,
1.5 spacing).
- Submission date: 30
April, 2014
- Mode of submission: Via lore


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