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When the lights go out there is a horrible stain

the hurt I am feeling seems to not go away

the light of day seems to fade in the mold of night
damp and empty is the sorrow I feel
just one kiss of darkness in the eternals of life
one gets born and the other gets torn
the rains weep of over the hills and the storms are crazy about the way we feel
we sleep in the night and walk in the day
but when is the time we live
just to hurt our heart and to hurt our souls
we are empty and the light is dark
Freedom of love is the freedom we need
no more buying and stealing and living on plastics
just crueling the growing and stolen moves
Morgen wird alles besser wenn der Tag brennt
doch ein neuer Tag der Dunkelheit bricht an
Wenn das Licht an geht und der Schmerz bleibt
Das Licht des Tages scheint zu brennen
bleib und schreie schrei es in die Nacht
nur weil der tag der dunkelheit immer wieder erwacht
Weil ich Lyrics mag

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