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Robert Nemy International

Grandich challenges Nadler to debate on gold

Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2009-11-09 21:13. Section: Daily
By Jonathan Rattner
Financial Post / National Post, Toronto
Monday, November 9, 2009
Peter Grandich wants to battle it out with Jon Nadler on live television. No, not in a boxing match, but in a
debate that will surely turn into in a verbal slug match as these two experts discuss gold.
In an open letter on his investing blog, Mr. Grandich, who continues to think U.S. equities are in a mini
melt-up stage, offered to debate Mr. Nadler of Kitco. The request comes after this interview, where Mr.
Nadler said gold is far from being in a bull market situation.
He highlighted the supply-demand fundamentals, the lack of a crashing stock market and an absence of
inflation as providing little reason to hedge or overweight gold.
Mr. Grandich believes this is a stealth secular bull market for gold and "surprises are to be to the upside."
"The J---- N---- of the world continue to be wrong, wrong, wrong and are the best contrarian indicators
money can't buy," Mr. Grandich said in a blog posting. "Despite one new record nominal high in gold after
another, the mood around gold is subdued and the badly beaten up bears continue to be the main voices
heard crying wolf to the media."
Gold bugs and bullion non-believers continue to battle it out now that the price of the yellow metal is
reaching new heights, but this one will definitely be worth the price of admission.

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