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Diana Katherine Giraldo

Andrea Cifuentes Beltrn

Aura Mara Campo
Michel Encizo Lopez

Functional texts, which are directed to a receiver
directly, clearly and precisely indicating the steps or
actions to take to perform one or more actions.
Sometimes indicated, the materials required
to achieve what we want.
Activities in general.
Used to operate, handle and use food, clothing,
appliances, equipment, tools and other products.
Describe a set of actions carried out by individuals or
teams to meet a need.
Focuses on indicate the detail of specific process
that can be performed by anyone who considers
the most important steps.
Describe the pattern of the garment fiber, the
description of fabrics, composition, width and
application, you must have the next points in
Trade Name
Business Unit
Composition Of The Material
Manufacturing Dimensions

The instructive applies for everything in general
activities such as washing hands, configuration
the TV, make dinner, and a variety of activities,
that will explain the steps to do it successfully.
A title that discloses if a single instruction or
a manual.

- subtitles
- numbering
- Different graphic resources: paintings,
cartoons, illustrations
- colors
Presenting un need specialized vocabulary

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