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Briana Galindo

May 8, 2014
Period 7

Five-Year Plan
My future plan is to become a Veterinarian Technician by attending Merced
Junior College and receive my Associates degree. I am currently enrolled in Business
Office Professionals. Being in this class showed me how to run my own business, work as
a team, and mostly time management. My job site is at Valley Animal Hospital in Merced
california. They trained me to be a receptionist, and a boarding attendant. I'm very
thankful for their training they showed me. If it wasnt for this class I wouldnt have
found my passion for animal care.
In 2014/2015 Fall Semester and Spring Semester I plan attending Merced Junior
College for two years. I first want to do my general education, therefore I can later
transfer to UC Davis. I registered to be in an english, math, and animal science class.
Next I plan on taking another english, math, and history. I chose three each year, so I
would have extra time to do extra curricular activities. During this time I plan on
volunteering part time at the Merced zoo. Hopefully by the end of these two years I will
have received my Associates Degree, and a part time job at the zoo during this journey.
Year 2017 I will be at least twenty-one years old and attending UC Davis. I plan
on moving to Davis with a roommate, that has similar interest to mine. At this point, I
would have finished math, science, history, and english that is needed for this position. I
will now have time to take all the extra courses I need to finish to get my Bachelor's
Degree. During this time I will have an internship at a Vet Clinic or Hospital. This would
make it easier for them to hire me at their company.
By June 2021 I will have received my Bachelors Degree and hopefully get a job at
an Animal Hospital. I will have experienced many years of being in Veterinary science.
Then I will have hopefully found a nice home for me back in Merced, therefore I will be
able to go back and help out my community.

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