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The project entitled Financial Management System " which keep the day by day tally
record as a complete banking or financial system. It can keep the information of Saver
!oaner and Share "older and also managed it. The e#citing part of this project is$ it
displays the day book %rofit and !oss &cc Statistical S'mmary and Interest Information.
The project entitled Financial Management System " which keep the day by
day tally record as a complete banking or financial system. It can keep the information of
Saver !oaner and Share "older and also managed it. The e#citing part of this project is$
it displays the day book %rofit and !oss &cc Statistical S'mmary and Interest
In the e#isting system the transactions are done only man'ally b't in
proposed system we have to comp'teri(e all the banking transaction 'sing the software
Financial management system.
They are)
&dminestrative Mod'le
This mod'le is the main mod'le which performs all the main operations in
the system. The major operations in the system are)
&dmin login
&dd*+elete*,pdate*-iew*Save .mployee
&dd*+elete*,pdate*-iew*Save Member
Transaction mod'le
.#pendit're mod'le
Income mod'le
/ontra mod'le
+aybook mod'le
%rofit and !oss
S'mmary mod'le

System analysis is a process of gathering and interpreting facts diagnosing problems
and the information to recommend improvements on the system. It is a problem solving
activity that re1'ires intensive comm'nication between the system 'sers and system
developers. System analysis or st'dy is an important phase of any system development
process. The system is st'died to the min'test detail and analy(ed. The system analyst
plays the role of the interrogator and dwells deep into the working of the present system.
The system is viewed as a whole and the inp't to the system are identified. The o'tp'ts
from the organi(ations are traced to the vario's processes. System analysis is concerned
with becoming aware of the problem identifying the relevant and decisional variables
analy(ing and synthesi(ing the vario's factors and determining an optimal or at least a
satisfactory sol'tion or program of action.
& detailed st'dy of the process m'st be made by vario's techni1'es like interviews
1'estionnaires etc. The data collected by these so'rces m'st be scr'tini(ed to arrive to a
concl'sion. The concl'sion is an 'nderstanding of how the system f'nctions. This system
is called the e#isting system. 2ow the e#isting system is s'bjected to close st'dy and
problem areas are identified. The designer now f'nctions as a problem solver and tries to
sort o't the diffic'lties that the enterprise faces. The sol'tions are given as proposals. The
proposal is then weighed with the e#isting system analytically and the best one is
selected. The proposal is presented to the 'ser for an endorsement by the 'ser. The
proposal is reviewed on 'ser re1'est and s'itable changes are made. This is loop that
ends as soon as the 'ser is satisfied with proposal.
%reliminary st'dy is the process of gathering and interpreting facts 'sing the
information for f'rther st'dies on the system. %reliminary st'dy is problem solving
activity that re1'ires intensive comm'nication between the system 'sers and system
developers. It does vario's feasibility st'dies. In these st'dies a ro'gh fig're of the
system activities can be obtained from which the decision abo't the strategies to be
followed for effective system st'dy and analysis can be taken.

In the e#isting system the transactions are done only man'ally b't in proposed
system we have to comp'teri(e all the banking transaction 'sing the software financial
management system.

!ack of sec'rity of data.
More man power.
Time cons'ming.
/ons'mes large vol'me of pare work.
2eeds man'al calc'lations.
2o direct role for the higher officials.
+amage of machines d'e to lack of attention.
To avoid all these limitations and make the working more acc'rately the system needs to
be comp'teri(ed.
The aim of proposed system is to develop a system of improved facilities. The
proposed system can overcome all the limitations of the e#isting system. The system
provides proper sec'rity and red'ces the man'al work.
The system is very simple in design and to implement. The system re1'ires very low
system reso'rces and the system will work in almost all config'rations. It has got
following feat'res
Sec'rity of data.
.ns're data acc'racy4s.
%roper control of the higher officials.
5ed'ce the damages of the machines.
Minimi(e man'al data entry.
Minim'm time needed for the vario's processing.
6reater efficiency.
7etter service.
,ser friendliness and interactive.
Minim'm time re1'ired.
Feasibility st'dy is made to see if the project on completion will serve the p'rpose of
the organi(ation for the amo'nt of work effort and the time that spend on it. Feasibility
st'dy lets the developer foresee the f't're of the project and the 'sef'lness. & feasibility
st'dy of a system proposal is according to its workability which is the impact on the
organi(ation ability to meet their 'ser needs and effective 'se of reso'rces. Th's when a
new application is proposed it normally goes thro'gh a feasibility st'dy before it is
approved for development.
The doc'ment provide the feasibility of the project that is being designed and lists
vario's areas that were considered very caref'lly d'ring the feasibility st'dy of this
project s'ch as Technical .conomic and 9perational feasibilities. The following are its
The system m'st be eval'ated from the technical point of view first. The assessment
of this feasibility m'st be based on an o'tline design of the system re1'irement in the
terms of inp't o'tp't programs and proced'res. "aving identified an o'tline system the
investigation m'st go on to s'ggest the type of e1'ipment re1'ired method developing
the system of r'nning the system once it has been designed.
Technical iss'es raised d'ring the investigation are)
+oes the e#isting technology s'fficient for the s'ggested one:
/an the system e#pand if developed:
The project sho'ld be developed s'ch that the necessary f'nctions and performance
are achieved within the constraints. The project is developed within latest technology.
Thro'gh the technology may become obsolete after some period of time d'e to the fact
that never version of same software s'pports older versions the system may still be 'sed.
So there are minimal constraints involved with this project. The system has been
developed 'sing ;ava the project is technically feasible for development.
The developing system m'st be j'stified by cost and benefit. /riteria to ens're that
effort is concentrated on project which will give best ret'rn at the earliest. 9ne of the
factors which affect the development of a new system is the cost it wo'ld re1'ire.

The following are some of the important financial 1'estions asked d'ring preliminary
The costs cond'ct a f'll system investigation.
The cost of the hardware and software.
The benefits in the form of red'ced costs or fewer costly errors.
Since the system is developed as part of project work there is no man'al cost to spend
for the proposed system. &lso all the reso'rces are already available it give an indication
of the system is economically possible for development.
This incl'des the following 1'estions)
Is there s'fficient s'pport for the 'sers:
=ill the proposed system ca'se harm:

The project wo'ld be beneficial beca'se it satisfies the objectives when developed and
installed. &ll behavioral aspects are considered caref'lly and concl'de that the project is
behaviorally feasible.
+esign is the first step into the development phase for any engineered prod'ct or
system. +esign is a creative process. & good design is the key to effective system. The
term design> is defined as the process of applying vario's techni1'es and principles for
the p'rpose of defining a process or a system in s'fficient detail to permit its physical
reali(ation>. It may be defined as a process of applying vario's techni1'es and principles
for the p'rpose of defining a device a process or a system in s'fficient detail to permit its
physical reali(ation. Software design sits at the technical kernel of the software
engineering process and is applied regardless of the development paradigm that is 'sed.
The system design develops the architect'ral detail re1'ired to b'ild a system or prod'ct.
&s in the case of any systematic approach this software too has 'ndergone the best
possible design phase fine t'ning all efficiency performance and acc'racy levels. The
design phase is a transition from a 'ser oriented doc'ment to a doc'ment to the
programmers or database personnel. System design goes thro'gh two phases of
development) !ogical and %hysical +esign.
The logical flow of a system and define the bo'ndaries of a system. It incl'des the
following steps)
5eviews the c'rrent physical system ? its data flows file content vol'mes
fre1'encies etc.
%repares o'tp't specifications ? that is determines the format content and
fre1'ency of reports.
%repares inp't specifications ? format content and most of the inp't f'nctions.
%repares edit sec'rity and control specifications.
Specifies the implementation plan.
%repares a logical design walk thro'gh of the information flow o'tp't inp't
controls and implementation plan.
5eviews benefits costs target dates and system constraints.
%hysical system prod'ces the working systems by define the design specifications that
tell the programmers e#actly what the candidate system m'st do. It incl'des the following
+esign the physical system.
Specify inp't and o'tp't media.
+esign the database and specify back'p proced'res.
+esign physical information flow thro'gh the system and a physical design =alk
%lan system implementation.
%repare a conversion sched'le and target date.
+etermine training proced'res co'rses and timetable.
+evise a test and implementation plan and specify any new hardware*software.
,pdate benefits costs conversion date and system constraints
Desi!"S#e$i%i$&'i(! &$'i)i'ies:
/oncept form'lation.
%roblem 'nderstanding.
"igh level re1'irements proposals.
Feasibility st'dy.
5e1'irements engineering.
&rchitect'ral design.
The &dministrator logs in 'sing the admin login. In this mod'le two operations
are done. +'ring login the !ogin and %assword is verified with that in the database

The design of inp't foc'ses on controlling the amo'nt of inp't re1'ired controlling
the errors avoiding delay avoiding e#tra steps and keeping the process simple. The inp't
is designed in s'ch a way so that it provides sec'rity and ease of 'se with retaining the
privacy. Inp't +esign considered the following things)
o =hat data sho'ld be given as inp't:
o "ow the data sho'ld be arranged or coded:
o The dialog to g'ide the operating personnel in providing inp't.
o Methods for preparing inp't validations and steps to follow when error
Inp't +esign is the process of converting a 'serBoriented description of the inp't into a
comp'terBbased system. This design is important to avoid errors in the data inp't process
and show the correct direction to the management for getting correct information from
the comp'teri(ed system.
It is achieved by creating 'serBfriendly screens for the data entry to handle large vol'me
of data. The goal of designing inp't is to make data entry easier and to be free from
errors. The data entry screen is designed in s'ch a way that all the data manip'lates can
be performed. It also provides record viewing facilities.
=hen the data is entered it will check for its validity. +ata can be entered with the help of
screens. &ppropriate messages are provided as when needed so that the 'ser will not be in
a mai(e of instant. Th's the objective of inp't design is to create an inp't layo't that is
easy to follow

& 1'ality o'tp't is one which meets the re1'irements of the end 'ser and presents the
information clearly. In o'tp't design it is determined how the information is to be
displaced for immediate need and also the hard copy o'tp't. It is the most important and
direct so'rce information to the 'ser. .fficient and intelligent o'tp't design improves the
system4s relationship to help 'ser decisionBmaking.
+esigning comp'ter o'tp't sho'ld proceed in an organi(ed well tho'ght o't manner$
the right o'tp't m'st be developed while ens'ring that each o'tp't element is designed so
that people will find the system can 'se easily and effectively. =hen analysis design
comp'ter o'tp't they sho'ld )
Identify the specific o'tp't that is needed to meet the re1'irements.
Select methods for presenting information.
/reate doc'ment report or other formats that contain information prod'ced by
the system.

& database is an organi(ed mechanism that has the capability of storing information
thro'gh which a 'ser can retrieve stored information in an effective and efficient manner.
The data is the p'rpose of any database and m'st be protected.
The database design is a two level process. In the first step 'ser re1'irements are
gathered together and a database is designed which will meet these re1'irements as
clearly as possible. This step is called Information !evel +esign and it is taken
independent of any individ'al +7MS.
In the second step this Information level design is transferred into a design for the
specific +7MS that will be 'sed to implement the system in 1'estion. This step is called
%hysical !evel +esign concerned with the characteristics of the specific +7MS that will
be 'sed. & database design r'ns parallel with the system design. The organi(ation of the
data in the database is aimed to achieve the following two major objectives.
+ata Integrity
+ata independence
2ormali(ation is the process of decomposing the attrib'tes in an application which
res'lts in a set of tables with very simple str'ct're. The p'rpose of normali(ation is to
make tables as simple as possible. 2ormali(ation is carried o't in this system for the
following reasons.
To str'ct're the data so that there is no repetition of data this helps in saving.
To permit simple retrieval of data in response to 1'ery and report re1'est.
To simplify the maintenance of the data thro'gh 'pdates insertions deletions.
To red'ce the need to restr'ct're or reorgani(e data which new application
re1'irements arise.
& relational model represents the database as a collection of relations. .ach relation
resembles a table of val'es or file of records. In formal relational model terminology a
row is called a t'ple a col'mn header is called an attrib'te and the table is called a
relation. & relational database consists of a collection of tables each of which is assigned
a 'ni1'e name. & row in a tale represents a set of related val'es.
& table is a relation. The rows in a table are called t'ples. & t'ple is an ordered set of
n elements. /ol'mns are referred to as attrib'tes. 5elationships have been set between
every table in the database. This ens'res both 5eferential and .ntity 5elationship
Integrity. & domain + is a set of atomic val'es. & common method of specifying a
domain is to specify a data type from which the data val'es forming the domain are
drawn. It is also 'sef'l to specify a name for the domain to help in interpreting its val'es.
.very val'e in a relation is atomic that is not decomposable.
Table relationships are established 'sing Dey. The two main keys of prime importance
are %rimary Dey E Foreign Dey. .ntity Integrity and 5eferential Integrity 5elationships
can be established with these keys..ntity Integrity enforces that no %rimary Dey can have
n'll val'es.5eferential Integrity enforces that no %rimary Dey can have n'll val'es.
5eferential Integrity for each distinct Foreign Dey val'e there m'st e#ist a matching
%rimary Dey val'e in the same domain. 9ther key are S'per Dey and /andidate Deys.
5elationships have been set between every table in the database. This ens'res both
5eferential and .ntity 5elationship Integrity.
&s the name implies it denoted p'tting things in the normal form. The application
developer via normali(ation tries to achieve a sensible organi(ation of data into proper
tables and col'mns and where names can be easily correlated to the data by the 'ser.
2ormali(ation eliminates repeating gro'ps at data and thereby avoids data red'ndancy
which proves to be a great b'rden on the comp'ter reso'rces. These incl'des)
2ormali(e the data.
/hoose proper names for the tables and col'mns.
/hoose the proper name for the data.
Fi2s' N(2+&3 F(2+)
The First 2ormal Form states that the domain of an attrib'te m'st incl'de only atomic
val'es and that the val'e of any attrib'te in a t'ple m'st be a single val'e from the
domain of that attrib'te. In other words 02F disallows relations within relations> or
relations as attrib'te val'es within t'ples>. The only attrib'te val'es permitted by 02F
are single atomic or indivisible val'es.
The first step is to p't the data into First 2ormal Form. This can be donor by moving
data into separate tables where the data is of similar type in each table. .ach table is
given a %rimary Dey or Foreign Dey as per re1'irement of the project. In this we form
new relations for each nonatomic attrib'te or nested relation. This eliminated repeating
gro'ps of data.
& relation is said to be in first normal form if only if it satisfies the constraints that
contain the primary key only.
Se$(!* N(2+&3 F(2+)
&ccording to Second 2ormal Form For relations where primary key contains m'ltiple
attrib'tes no nonkey attrib'te sho'ld be f'nctionally dependent on a part of the primary
In this we decompose and set'p a new relation for each partial key with its dependent
attrib'tes. Make s're to keep a relation with the original primary key and any attrib'tes
that are f'lly f'nctionally dependent on it. This step helps in taking o't data that is only
dependant on apart of the key.
& relation is said to be in second normal form if and only if it satisfies all the first
normal form conditions for the primary key and every nonBprimary key attrib'tes of the
relation is f'lly dependent on its primary key alone.
T4i2* N(2+&3 F(2+)
&ccording to Third 2ormal Form 5elation sho'ld not have a nonkey attrib'te
f'nctionally determined by another nonkey attrib'te or by a set of nonkey attrib'tes. That
is there sho'ld be no transitive dependency on the primary key.
In this we decompose and set 'p relation that incl'des the nonkey attrib'tes that
f'nctionally determines other nonkey attrib'tes. This step is taken to get rid of anything
that does not depend entirely on the %rimary Dey.
& relation is said to be in third normal form if only if it is in second normal form and
more over the non key attrib'tes of the relation sho'ld not be depend on other non key
Table) 'sertable
%rimary Dey) 'sername
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
'sername /harH0@I %rimary key ,ser name
password 2'mberHGI password
Table) employeeJtable
%rimary Dey) emp id
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
.mp id 2'mberHGI %rimary key
name charH8KI
gender charH8KI
+97 date
&ddress charH8KI
phone n'mber
cell n'mber
joindate date
department charH8KI
Table) memberJtable
%rimary Dey) member id
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
+e+6e2 i* N7+6e2-8. P2i+&25 9e5
!&+e $4&2-3:.
e!*e2 $4&2-3:.
DOB *&'e
A**2ess $4&2-3:.
#4(!e !7+6e2
$e33 !7+6e2
;(i!*&'e *&'e
'5#e C4&2-2:.
&ccJno n'mber
fee /harH3KI
Table) bankJtable
%rimary bank id
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
6&!9 i* N7+6e2-8. P2i+&25 9e5
!&+e $4&2-3:.
'5#e $4&2-3:.
*&'e *&'e
A**2ess $4&2-3:.
'('&3 !7+6e2
A$$<!( !7+6e2
Table) e#pensetrans
%rimary Dey) emp id
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
e+# i* N7+6e2-8. P2i+&25 9e5
#&2'i$73&2 $4&2-3:.
7!*e265 $4&2-3:.
*&'e *&'e
$4e=7e *&'e
$&s4 !7+6e2
6i* !7+6e2
Table) bankwithdraw
%rimary Dey) b id
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
e+# i* N7+6e2-8. P2i+&25 9e5
!&+e $4&2-3:.
A$$<!( N7+6e2
*&'e *&'e
&+(7!' N7+6e2
Table) bankdeposit
%rimary Dey) b id
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
e+# i* N7+6e2-8. P2i+&25 9e5
!&+e $4&2-3:.
A$$<!( N7+6e2
*&'e *&'e
&+(7!' N7+6e2
Table) loan
%rimary Dey) loan id
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
3(&! i* N7+6e2-8. P2i+&25 9e5
Me+6e2 i* N7+6e2
*&'e *&'e
&+(7!' N7+6e2
Table) incometransaction
%rimary Dey) emp id
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
e+# i* N7+6e2-8. P2i+&25 9e5
#&2'i$73&2s C4&2-3:.
*&'e *&'e
Table) saver
%rimary Dey) mem id
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
+e+ i* N7+6e2-8. P2i+&25 9e5
'('&3 N7+6e2
7!*e265 $4&2-3:.
*&'e *&'e
$4e=7e *&'e
$&s4 !7+6e2
B i* !7+6e2
Table) capital
%rimary Dey) amo'nt
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
#&2'i$73&2s C4&2-3:.
&+(7!' !7+6e2
Table) cash
%rimary Dey) amo'nt
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
&+(7!' !7+6e2
Table) loaninterest
%rimary Dey) mem id
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
+e+ i* N7+6e2-8. P2i+&25 9e5
&+(7!' N7+6e2
*&'e *&'e
Table) saverinterest
%rimary Dey) mem id
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
+e+ i* N7+6e2-8. P2i+&25 9e5
&+(7!' N7+6e2
*&'e *&'e
Table) share
%rimary Dey) mem id
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
+e+ i* N7+6e2-8. P2i+&25 9e5
&+(7!' N7+6e2
*&'e *&'e
Table) loaninterest
%rimary Dey) mem id
Fie3* D&'& T5#e C(!s'2&i!'s Des$2i#'i(!
+e+ i* N7+6e2-8. P2i+&25 9e5
&+(7!' N7+6e2
*&'e *&'e
%rocessor ) LFA /ompatible processor with 0.C 6"( /lock speed
5&M ) @03 M7 or more
"ard disk ) 3K 67 or more
Monitor ) -6&*S-6&
Deyboard ) 0K< Deys
Mo'se ) 3 b'ttons* 8 b'ttons
9perating System ) =indows 3KKK*L%
Front end ) -is'al 7asic A.K
7ack end ) MS &ccess
T4e C(!'2(3 P2(#e2'ies
7efore writing an event proced're for the control to response to a 'serMs inp't yo' have
to set certain properties for the control to determine its appearance and how it will work
with the event proced're. No' can set the properties of the controls in the properties
window or at r'ntime.
H&!*3i! s(+e (% '4e $(++(! $(!'2(3s
3.2.1 T4e Te@' B(@
The te#t bo# is the standard control for accepting inp't from the 'ser as well as to display
the o'tp't. It can handle string Hte#tI and n'meric data b't not images or pict'res. String
in a te#t bo# can be converted to a n'meric data by 'sing the f'nction -alHte#tI. The
following e#ample ill'strates a simple program that processes the inp't from the 'ser.
E@&+#3e 3.1
In this program two te#t bo#es are inserted into the form together with a few labels. The
two te#t bo#es are 'sed to accept inp'ts from the 'ser and one of the labels will be 'sed
to display the s'm of two n'mbers that are entered into the two te#t bo#es. 7esides a
command b'tton is also programmed to calc'late the s'm of the two n'mbers 'sing the
pl's operator. The program 'se creates a variable s'm to accept the s'mmation of val'es
from te#t bo# 0 and te#t bo# 3.The proced're to calc'late and to display the o'tp't on the
label is shown below. The o'tp't is shown in Fig're 8.3
%rivate S'b /ommand0J/lickHI
OTo add the val'es in te#t bo# 0 and te#t bo# 3
S'm P -alHTe#t0.Te#tI Q -alHTe#t3.Te#tI
OTo display the answer on label 0
!abel0./aption P S'm
.nd S'b
Fi72e 3.2

3.2.2 T4e L&6e3
The label is a very 'sef'l control for -is'al 7asic as it is not only 'sed to provide
instr'ctions and g'ides to the 'sers it can also be 'sed to display o'tp'ts. 9ne of its most
important properties is C&#'i(!. ,sing the synta# 3&6e3.C&#'i(! it can display te#t and
n'meric data . No' can change its caption in the properties window and also at r'ntime.
%lease refer to .#ample 8.0 and Fig're 8.0 for the 'sage of label.
3.2.3 T4e C(++&!* B7''(!
The command b'tton is one of the most important controls as it is 'sed to e#ec'te
commands. It displays an ill'sion that the b'tton is pressed when the 'ser click on it. The
most common event associated with the command b'tton is the /lick event and the
synta# for the proced're is
%rivate S'b /ommand0J/lick HI
.nd S'b
3.2.> T4e Pi$'72e B(@
The %ict're 7o# is one of the controls that is 'sed to handle graphics. No' can load a
pict're at design phase by clicking on the pict're item in the properties window and
select the pict're from the selected folder. No' can also load the pict're at r'ntime 'sing
the L(&*Pi$'72e method. For e#ample the statement will load the pict're grape.gif into
the pict're bo#.
%ict're0.%ict'reP!oad%ict're H"/)R-7 programRImagesRgrape.gif"I
No' will learn more abo't the pict're bo# in f't're lessons. The image in the pict're bo#
is not resi(able.

3.2.A T4e I+&e B(@
The Image 7o# is another control that handles images and pict'res. It f'nctions almost
identically to the pict're bo#. "owever there is one major difference the image in an
Image 7o# is stretchable which means it can be resi(ed. This feat're is not available in
the %ict're 7o#. Similar to the %ict're 7o# it can also 'se the !oad%ict're method to
load the pict're. For e#ample the statement loads the pict're grape.gif into the image
Image0.%ict'reP!oad%ict're H"/)R-7 programRImagesRgrape.gif"I
3.2.B T4e Lis' B(@
The f'nction of the !ist 7o# is to present a list of items where the 'ser can click and
select the items from the list. In order to add items to the list we can 'se the A**I'e+
+e'4(*. For e#ample if yo' wish to add a n'mber of items to list bo# 0 yo' can key in
the following statements
E@&+#3e 3.2

%rivate S'b FormJ!oad H I

!ist0.&ddItem !esson0>
!ist0.&ddItem !esson3>
!ist0.&ddItem !esson8>
!ist0.&ddItem !esson<>

.nd S'b
The items in the list bo# can be identified by the Lis'I!*e@ property the val'e of the
!istInde# for the first item is K the second item has a !istInde# 0 and the second item
has a !istInde# 3 and so on
3.2.C T4e C(+6( B(@
The f'nction of the /ombo 7o# is also to present a list of items where the 'ser can click
and select the items from the list. "owever the 'ser needs to click on the small
arrowhead on the right of the combo bo# to see the items which are presented in a dropB
down list. In order to add items to the list yo' can also 'se the A**I'e+ +e'4(*. For
e#ample if yo' wish to add a n'mber of items to /ombo bo# 0 yo' can key in the
following statements
E@&+#3e 3.3
%rivate S'b FormJ!oad H I
/ombo0.&ddItem Item0>
/ombo0.&ddItem Item3>
/ombo0.&ddItem Item8>
/ombo0.&ddItem Item<>
.nd S'b

3.2.D T4e C4e$9 B(@
The /heck 7o# control lets the 'ser selects or 'nselects an option. =hen the /heck 7o#
is checked its val'e is set to 0 and when it is 'nchecked the val'e is set to K. No' can
incl'de the statements /heck0.-al'eP0 to mark the /heck 7o# and /heck0.-al'ePK to
'nmark the /heck 7o# as well as 'se them to initiate certain actions. For e#ample the
program will change the backgro'nd color of the form to red when the check bo# is
'nchecked and it will change to bl'e when the check bo# is checked. No' will learn
abo't the conditional statement IfS.ThenS..lesif in later lesson. -b5ed and vb7l'e are
color constants and 7ack/olor is the backgro'nd color property of the form.
3.2.8 T4e O#'i(! B(@

The 9ption 7o# control also lets the 'ser selects one of the choices. "owever two or
more 9ption 7o#es m'st work together beca'se as one of the 9ption 7o#es is selected
the other 9ption 7o#es will be 'nselected. In fact only one 9ption 7o# can be selected
at one time. =hen an option bo# is selected its val'e is set to Tr'e> and when it is
'nselected$ its val'e is set to False>. In the following e#ample the shape control is
placed in the form together with si# 9ption 7o#es. =hen the 'ser clicks on different
option bo#es different shapes will appear. The val'es of the shape control are K 0 and
38<@ which will make it appear as a rectangle a s1'are an oval shape a ro'nded
rectangle and a ro'nded s1'are respectively.
E@&+#3e 3.>
%rivate S'b 9ption0J/lick H I
Shape0.Shape P K
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b 9ption3J/lickHI
Shape0.Shape P 0
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b 9ption8J/lickHI
Shape0.Shape P 3
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b 9ption<J/lickHI
Shape0.Shape P 8
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b 9ption@J/lickHI
Shape0.Shape P <
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b 9ptionAJ/lickHI
Shape0.Shape P @
.nd S'b

3.2.1: T4e D2i)e Lis' B(@
The +rive !ist7o# is for displaying a list of drives available in yo'r comp'ter. =hen yo'
place this control into the form and r'n the program yo' will be able to select different
drives from yo'r comp'ter as shown in Fig're 8.8

3.2.11 T4e Di2e$'(25 Lis' B(@
The +irectory !ist 7o# is for displaying the list of directories or folders in a selected
drive. =hen yo' place this control into the form and r'n the program yo' will be able to
select different directories from a selected drive in yo'r comp'ter as shown in Fig're 8.<

3.2.12 T4e Fi3e Lis' B(@
The File !ist 7o# is for displaying the list of files in a selected directory or folder. =hen
yo' place this control into the form and r'n the program yo' will be able to shown the
list of files in a selected directory as shown in Fig're 8.@
No' can coordinate the +rive !ist 7o# the +irectory !ist 7o# and the File !ist 7o# to
search for the files yo' want. The proced're will be disc'ssed in later lessons.
Main Form /oding
9ption .#plicit
%'blic str &s String
+im cflag &s 7oolean
+im mflag &s 7oolean
+im flag &s 7oolean
+im lstmain0 &s !istItem
+im st &s String
%'blic vbmsgbo# &s -bMsg7o#5es'lt
%rivate S'b /heck8J/lickHI
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b calJ/lickHI
Shell H"calc.e#e"I vb2ormalFoc's
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b /heckTInche1'eJ/lickHI
If /heckTInche1'e.val'e P 0 Then
lblTIn7id.-isible P Tr'e
combTIn7id.-isible P Tr'e
t#tTInche1'e.-isible P Tr'e
lblTIn7id.-isible P False
combTIn7id.-isible P False
t#tTInche1'e.-isible P False
t#tTInche1'e.Te#t P ""
.nd If
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b chkT.#/ashJ/lickHI
If chkT.#/ash.val'e P 0 Then
t#tT.#/ash.-isible P Tr'e
t#tT.#/ash.Te#t P ""
t#tT.#/ash.-isible P False
.nd If
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b chkT.#/he1'eJ/lickHI
If chkT.#/he1'e.val'e P 0 Then
lbl7ankid.-isible P Tr'e
t#tT.#/he1'e.-isible P Tr'e
combT.#7id.-isible P Tr'e
lbl7ankid.-isible P False
t#tT.#/he1'e.-isible P False
combT.#7id.-isible P False
t#tT.#/he1'e.Te#t P "
.nd If
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd&bo'tJ/lickHI
SSTab0.Tab P G
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd&ddJ/lickHI
Frame0.-isible P False
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd7ank&ddJ/lickHI
Frame0.-isible P False
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd7ank+eleteJ/lickHI
+im a &s Integer
st P !ist7ank.Te#t
str P "select T from tbl7ank where bJidP" E st
/'stom5ecordSet9pen str
=ith res
=hile 2ot ..9F
a P Msg7o#H"+o yo' want delete:" vb9D/ancelI
If Ha P vb9DI Then
Msg7o# "+eleted S'ccessf'lly..."
.#it S'b
.nd If
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd7ank.ditJ/lickHI
cmd7ank&dd..nabled P False
cmd7ank+elete..nabled P False
cmd7ank.dit..nabled P False
cmd7ankSave.-isible P Tr'e
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd7ankSaveJ/lickHI
st P !ist7ank.Te#t
str P "select T from tbl7ank where bJidP" E st
/'stom5ecordSet9pen str
=ith res
U2ame P t#t7ank2ame.Te#t
Uaddress P t#t7ank&ddress.Te#t
UaccJno P t#t7ank&cc2o.Te#t
UType P comb7ankType.Te#t
Utotal P t#t7ankTotal.Te#t
Msg7o# "S'ccessf'llt .dited..." vbInformation
.nd =ith
cmd7ank&dd..nabled P Tr'e
cmd7ank+elete..nabled P Tr'e
cmd7ank.dit..nabled P Tr'e
cmd7ankSave.-isible P False
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd7ank-iewJ/lickHI
If flag P False Then
flag P Tr'e
st P "tbl7ank"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
=hile 2ot ..9F
!ist7ank.&ddItem UbJid
.nd =ith
cmd7ank+elete..nabled P Tr'e
cmd7ank.dit..nabled P Tr'e

flag P False
t#t7ank&cc2o.Te#t P ""
t#t7ank&ddress.Te#t P ""
t#t7ank2ame.Te#t P ""
Mcomb7ankType.Te#t P ""
t#t7ankTotal.Te#t P ""
cmd7ank+elete..nabled P False
cmd7ank.dit..nabled P False
.nd If
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd/&ddJ/lickHI
Frame0.-isible P False
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd/+eleteJ/lickHI
st P !istM.Te#t
str P "Select nameaddressgenderphonecelljoinJdatetypeaccJno from member
where mmbrJidP" E st
/'stom5ecordSet9pen str
=ith res
=hile 2ot ..9F
.nd =ith
Msg7o# "Member +eleted S'ccessf'lly..."
t#t/2ame.Te#t P ""
t#t/&ddress.Te#t P ""
t#t/&ccno.Te#t P ""
opt/Female.val'e P False
opt/Male.val'e P False
t#t/%hone.Te#t P ""
t#t//ell.Te#t P ""
Mcomb/Type.Te#t P ""
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd/.#itJ/lickHI
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd/.ditJ/lickHI
cmd/Save.-isible P Tr'e
cmd/&dd..nabled P False
cmd/+elete..nabled P False
cmd/.dit..nabled P False
comb/Type..nabled P False
t#t/&ccno..nabled P False
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd/SaveJ/lickHI
st P !istM.Te#t
Mstr P "Select nameaddressgenderphonecelljoinJdatetypeaccJno from member
where mmbrJidP" E st
str P "Select T from member where mmbrJidP" E st
/'stom5ecordSet9pen str
=ith res
=hile 2ot ..9F
U2ame P t#t/2ame.Te#t
Uaddress P t#t/&ddress.Te#t
If opt/Male.val'e P Tr'e Then Ugender P "Male"
If opt/Female.val'e P Tr'e Then Ugender P "Female"
Uphone P t#t/%hone.Te#t
Ucell P t#t//ell.Te#t
UjoinJdate P date/+oj.val'e
UType P comb/Type.Te#t
UaccJno P t#t/&ccno.Te#t
.nd =ith
Msg7o# "Info .dit S'ccessf'lly..."
cmd/Save.-isible P False
cmd/+elete..nabled P Tr'e
cmd/.dit..nabled P Tr'e
cmd/&dd..nabled P Tr'e
comb/Type..nabled P Tr'e
t#t/&ccno..nabled P Tr'e
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd/-iewJ/lickHI
cmd/+elete..nabled P Tr'e
cmd/.dit..nabled P Tr'e
If mflag P False Then
mflag P Tr'e
st P "Select T from member"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
=hile 2ot ..9F
!istM.&ddItem UmmbrJid
.nd =ith
mflag P False
t#t/2ame.Te#t P ""
t#t/&ddress.Te#t P ""
t#t/&ccno.Te#t P ""
t#t/%hone.Te#t P ""
t#t//ell.Te#t P ""
opt/Female.val'e P False
opt/Male.val'e P False
Mcomb/Type.Te#t P ""
.nd If
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd+eleteJ/lickHI
st P !ist.Te#t
str P "Select empJidnamegenderdobaddressphonecelljoinJdatedepartment from
employee where empJidP" E st
/'stom5ecordSet9pen str
=ith res
=hile 2ot ..9F
.nd =ith
vbmsgbo# P Msg7o#H"S'ccessf'lly +eleted" vbInformationI
t#t2ame.Te#t P ""
t#t&ddress.Te#t P ""
9ption0.val'e P False
9ption3.val'e P False
t#t%hone.Te#t P ""
t#t/ell.Te#t P ""
M/ombo0.Te#t P ""
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd+ep5esetJ/lickHI
cmd+epSave..nabled P Tr'e
t#t+ep2ame.Te#t P ""
t#t+ep&cc2o.Te#t P ""
t#t+ep&mo'nt.Te#t P ""
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd+epSaveJ/lickHI
+im a &s Integer
a P Msg7o#H"&re No' S're..." vb9D/ancelI
If Ha P vb9DI Then
st P "Select T from tblbankdeposit"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
UbJid P comb+epId.Te#t
U2ame P t#t+ep2ame.Te#t
U+ate P date+ep.val'e
UaccJno P t#t+ep&cc2o.Te#t
Uamo'nt P t#t+ep&mo'nt.Te#t
.nd =ith
str P comb+epId.Te#t
st P "Select total from tbl7ank where bJidP" E str
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
Utotal P Utotal Q -alHt#t+ep&mo'nt.Te#tI
.nd =ith
Msg7o# "S'ccessf'lly +eposited..."
cmd+epSave..nabled P False
.#it S'b
.nd If
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
If Hres..9F P Tr'e &nd res.79F P Tr'eI Then
=ith res
Uamo'nt P t#t+ep&mo'nt.Te#t
.nd =ith
.#it S'b
.nd If
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
Uamo'nt P resUamo'nt B -alHt#t+ep&mo'nt.Te#tI
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd.ditJ/lickHI
cmdSave.-isible P Tr'e
cmd+elete..nabled P False
cmd&dd..nabled P False
cmd.dit..nabled P False
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmde#itJ/lickHI
,nload Me
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd!oanJ/lickHI
t#t!oan&mo'nt..nabled P Tr'e
Mt#t!oanId..nabled P Tr'e
dateloan..nabled P Tr'e
Mcmd!oan5eset..nabled P Tr'e
cmd!oanSave..nabled P Tr'e
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd!oan5esetJ/lickHI
Mt#t!oanId.Te#t P ""
t#t!oan&mo'nt.Te#t P ""
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd!oanSaveJ/lickHI
+im a &s Integer
+im b &s String
+im temp &s String
a P Msg7o#H"&re yo' s're..." vb9D/ancelI
If Ha P vb9DI Then
st P "loan"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
UmmbrJid P comboloan.Te#t
U+ate P dateloan
Uamo'nt P t#t!oan&mo'nt.Te#t
.nd =ith
t#t!oan&mo'nt.Te#t P ""
.nd If
b P comboloan.Te#t
st P "select mmbrJidamo'ntdate from tbl!oanInterest5eceipt where mmbrJidP" E b
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
If Hres..9F P Tr'e &nd res.79F P Tr'eI Then
=ith res
UmmbrJid P comboloan.Te#t
M Uamo'nt P t#t!oan&mo'nt.Te#t
U+ate P dateloan
.nd =ith
.#it S'b
.nd If
st P "select amo'nt from loan where mmbrJid like M" E b E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
t#ttemp.Te#t P resUamo'nt
st P "select mmbrJidamo'ntdate from tbl!oanInterest5eceipt where mmbrJidP" E b
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
UmmbrJid P comboloan.Te#t
U+ate P dateloan
Uamo'nt P -alHt#t!oan&mo'nt.Te#tI Q -alHt#ttemp.Te#tI
Msg7o# H"5ecord saved"I
.nd =ith
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
If Hres..9F P Tr'e &nd res.79F P Tr'eI Then
=ith res
Uamo'nt P t#t!oan&mo'nt.Te#t
.nd =ith
.#it S'b
.nd If
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
Uamo'nt P resUamo'nt B -alHt#t!oan&mo'nt.Te#tI
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd%ayInterestJ/lickHI
Form0.Frame0.-isible P False
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmdSaveJ/lickHI
st P !ist.Te#t
str P "Select T from employee where empJidP" E st
/'stom5ecordSet9pen str
=ith res
=hile 2ot ..9F
U2ame P t#t2ame.Te#t
If 9ption0.val'e P Tr'e Then Ugender P "Male"
If 9ption3.val'e P Tr'e Then Ugender P "Female"
Udob P +T%ickeremp.val'e
Uaddress P t#t&ddress.Te#t
Uphone P t#t%hone.Te#t
Ucell P t#t/ell.Te#t
UjoinJdate P +T%icker3.val'e
Udepartment P /ombo0.Te#t
.nd =ith
vbmsgbo# P Msg7o#H"5ecord .dit S'ccessf'lly..." vbInformationI
cmdSave.-isible P False
cmd&dd..nabled P Tr'e
cmd+elete..nabled P Tr'e
cmd.dit..nabled P Tr'e
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmdSavingJ/lickHI
Form0.Frame0.-isible P False
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmdSavingSaveJ/lickHI
+im a &s String
+im b &s String
str P "tblsaver"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen str
a P Msg7o#H"&re No' S'reUUU" vb9D/ancelI
If Ha P vb9DI Then
=ith res
UmmbrJid P cmbsaving.Te#t
U+ate P +T%ickerSaving.val'e
Uamo'nt P t#tSaving&mo'nt.Te#t

.nd =ith
t#tSaving&mo'nt.Te#t P ""
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
If Hres..9F P Tr'e &nd res.79F P Tr'eI Then
=ith res
Uamo'nt P t#tSaving&mo'nt.Te#t
.nd =ith
.#it S'b
.nd If
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
Uamo'nt P resUamo'nt Q -alHt#tSaving&mo'nt.Te#tI
.nd =ith
Msg7o# ".ntry S'ccessf'lly 5ecorded..."
.#it S'b
.nd If
b P cmbsaving.Te#t
st P "select mmbrJidamo'ntdate from tblSaverInterest where mmbrJidP" E b
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
If Hres..9F P Tr'e &nd res.79F P Tr'eI Then
=ith res
UmmbrJid P cmbsaving.Te#t
MUamo'nt P t#tSaving&mo'nt.Te#t
U+ate P +T%ickerSaving.val'e
.nd =ith
.#it S'b
.nd If
st P "select amo'nt from tblsaverInterest where mmbrJid like M" E b E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
t#ttempsaver.Te#t P resUamo'nt
st P "select mmbrJidamo'ntdate from tblSaverInterest where mmbrJidP" E b
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
UmmbrJid P cmbsaving.Te#t
U+ate P +T%ickerSaving.val'e
Uamo'nt P -alHt#tSaving&mo'nt.Te#tI Q -alHt#ttempsaver.Te#tI
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmdShareJ/lickHI
t#tShare&mo'nt..nabled P Tr'e
Mt#tShareId..nabled P Tr'e
+T%ickerShare..nabled P Tr'e
McmdShare5eset..nabled P Tr'e
cmdShareSave..nabled P Tr'e
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmdSearch+aybookJ/lickHI
+im s'm &s Integer
+im a &s Integer
+im data &s +ate
data P +T%icker0.val'e
MSFle#6rid3./ols P @
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#HK 0I P "+ate"
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#HK 3I P "%artic'lar"
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#HK 8I P "+ebit"
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#HK <I P "/redit"
st P "select datepartic'lartotal from tbl.#penseTrans where date like M" E data E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P 0
=ith res
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid3.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P Upartic'lar
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P Utotal
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P ""
a P a Q 0
s'm P a
.nd =ith
st P "select datenameamo'nt from tblbankdeposit where date like M" E data E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P s'm
=ith res
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid3.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P U2ame
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P Uamo'nt
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P ""
a P a Q 0
s'm P a
.nd =ith
st P "select datenameamo'nt from tblbankwithdraw where date like M" E data E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P s'm
=ith res
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid3.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P U2ame
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P ""
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P Uamo'nt
a P a Q 0
s'm P a
.nd =ith
st P "select datemmbrJidamo'nt from loan where date like M" E data E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P s'm
=ith res
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid3.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P "!oan %aid To MId " E "H" E UmmbrJid E "I"
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P Uamo'nt
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P ""
a P a Q 0
s'm P a
.nd =ith
st P "select +ate%artic'larsTotal from tblIncomeTrans where +ate like M" E data E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P s'm
=ith res
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid3.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P U%artic'lars
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P ""
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P Utotal
a P a Q 0
s'm P a
.nd =ith
st P "select datemmbrJidamo'nt from tblsaver where date like M" E data E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P s'm
=ith res
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid3.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P "Save &mo'nt 5eceipt MId by " E "H" E U
mmbrJid E "I"
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P ""
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P Uamo'nt
a P a Q 0
s'm P a
.nd =ith
st P "select datemmbrJidamo'nt from tblShare where date like M" E data E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P s'm
=ith res
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid3.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P "Share 5eceipt MId by " E "H" E UmmbrJid E "I"
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P ""
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P Uamo'nt
a P a Q 0
s'm P a
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmdShareSaveJ/lickHI
+im a &s String
+im b &s String
str P "tblShare"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen str
a P Msg7o#H"&re No' S'reUUU" vb9D/ancelI
If Ha P vb9DI Then
=ith res
UmmbrJid P cmbShare.Te#t
U+ate P +T%ickerShare.val'e
Uamo'nt P t#tShare&mo'nt.Te#t
.nd =ith
t#tShare&mo'nt.Te#t P ""
str P "tblcapital"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen str
=ith res
Upartic'lar P "mid" E "H" E cmbShare.Te#t E "I"
MUamo'nt P t#tShare&mo'nt.Te#t
.nd =ith
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
If Hres..9F P Tr'e &nd res.79F P Tr'eI Then
=ith res
Uamo'nt P t#tShare&mo'nt.Te#t
.nd =ith
.#it S'b
.nd If
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
Uamo'nt P resUamo'nt Q -alHt#tShare&mo'nt.Te#tI
.nd =ith
Msg7o# ".ntry S'ccessf'lly 5ecorded..."
.#it S'b
.nd If
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmdT/apitalSaveJ/lickHI
+im a &s String
st P "tblcapital"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P Msg7o#H"&re yo' s'reUUU" vb9D/ancelI
If Ha P vb9DI Then
=ith res
Upartic'lar P "/ash"
Uamo'nt P t#tT/apital&mo'nt.Te#t
.nd =ith
Msg7o# ".ntry S'ccessf'lly 5ecorded..."
t#tT/apital&mo'nt.Te#t P ""
t#tT/apital&mo'nt.Te#t P ""
.#it S'b
.nd If
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
If Hres..9F P Tr'e &nd res.79F P Tr'eI Then
=ith res
Uamo'nt P t#tT/apital&mo'nt.Te#t
.nd =ith
.#it S'b
.nd If
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
Uamo'nt P resUamo'nt Q -alHt#tT/apital&mo'nt.Te#tI
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmdT.#5esetJ/lickHI
t#tT.#Id.Te#t P ""
t#tT.#%artic'lar.Te#t P ""
chkT.#/ash.val'e P K
chkT.#/he1'e.val'e P K
t#tT.#Total.Te#t P ""
McombT.#,nder7y.Te#t P ""
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmdT.#SaveJ/lickHI
+im a &s Integer
str P "tbl.#penseTrans"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen str
a P Msg7o#H"&re yo' S'reUUU" vb9D/ancelI
If Ha P vb9DI Then
=ith res
UempJid P t#tT.#Id.Te#t
U+ate P dateT.#.val'e
Upartic'lar P t#tT.#%artic'lar.Te#t
U,nder7y P combT.#,nder7y.Te#t
U/ash P -alHt#tT.#/ash.Te#tI
U/he1'e P -alHt#tT.#/he1'e.Te#tI
UbJid P combT.#7id.Te#t
Utotal P t#tT.#Total.Te#t
.nd =ith
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
If Hres..9F P Tr'e &nd res.79F P Tr'eI Then
=ith res
Uamo'nt P t#tT.#/ash.Te#t
.nd =ith
.#it S'b
.nd If
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
Uamo'nt P resUamo'nt B -alHt#tT.#/ash.Te#tI
.nd =ith
Msg7o# ".ntry S'ccessf'lly 5ecorded..."
.#it S'b
.nd If
If chkT.#/he1'e.val'e P 0 Then
str P combT.#7id.Te#t
st P "Select total from tbl7ank where bJidP" E str
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
=hile 2ot ..9F
Utotal P Utotal B -alHt#tT.#/he1'e.Te#tI
.nd =ith
.#it S'b
.nd If
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmdTIn5esetJ/lickHI
Mt#tT.#Id.Te#t P ""
t#tT.#%artic'lar.Te#t P ""
chkT.#/ash.val'e P K
chkT.#/he1'e.val'e P K
t#tT.#Total.Te#t P ""
McombT.#,nder7y.Te#t P ""
t#tTIn.Te#t P ""
t#tTIn%artic'lar.Te#t P ""
checkTincash.val'e P K
/heckTInche1'e.val'e P K
t#tTInTotal.Te#t P ""
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmdTInSaveJ/lickHI
+im a &s Integer
str P "tblIncomeTrans"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen str
a P Msg7o#H"&re yo' S'reUUU" vb9D/ancelI
If Ha P vb9DI Then
=ith res
UempJid P
U+ate P dateTIn.val'e
U%artic'lars P t#tTIn%artic'lar.Te#t
U,nder7y P combTIn,nder7y.Te#t
U/ash P -alHt#tTIncash.Te#tI
If /heckTInche1'e.val'e P 0 Then
U/he1'e P -alHt#tTInche1'e.Te#tI
UbJid P combTIn7id.Te#t
.nd If
MUtotal P t#tTInTotal.Te#t
.nd =ith
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
If Hres..9F P Tr'e &nd res.79F P Tr'eI Then
=ith res
Uamo'nt P t#tTIncash.Te#t
.nd =ith
.#it S'b
.nd If
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
Uamo'nt P resUamo'nt Q -alHt#tTIncash.Te#tI
.nd =ith
Msg7o# ".ntry S'ccessf'lly 5ecorded..."
.#it S'b
.nd If
If /heckTInche1'e.val'e P 0 Then
str P combTIn7id.Te#t
st P "Select total from tbl7ank where bJidP" E str
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
=hile 2ot ..9F
Utotal P Utotal Q -alHt#tTInche1'e.Te#tI
.nd =ith
.#it S'b
.nd If
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd-iewJ/lickHI
cmd+elete..nabled P Tr'e
cmd.dit..nabled P Tr'e
+im row &s Integer
If cflag P False Then
cflag P Tr'e
/'stom5ecordSet9pen "select T from employee"
=ith res
=hile 2ot ..9F
!ist.&ddItem UempJid
.nd =ith
cflag P False
t#t2ame.Te#t P ""
t#t&ddress.Te#t P ""
9ption0.val'e P False
9ption3.val'e P False
t#t%hone.Te#t P ""
t#t/ell.Te#t P ""
M/ombo0.Te#t P ""
.nd If
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd=ith5esetJ/lickHI
t#t=ith&mo'nt.Te#t P ""
t#t=ith2ame.Te#t P ""
t#t=ith&cc2o.Te#t P ""
cmd=ithSave..nabled P Tr'e
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b cmd=ithSaveJ/lickHI
+im a &s Integer
a P Msg7o#H"&re No' S're..." vb9D/ancelI
If Ha P vb9DI Then
st P "Select T from tblbankwithdraw"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
UbJid P comb=ithId.Te#t
U2ame P t#t=ith2ame.Te#t
U+ate P date=ith.val'e
UaccJno P t#t=ith&cc2o.Te#t
Uamo'nt P t#t=ith&mo'nt.Te#t
.nd =ith
str P comb=ithId.Te#t
st P "Select total from tbl7ank where bJidP" E str
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
Utotal P Utotal B -alHt#t=ith&mo'nt.Te#tI
.nd =ith
Msg7o# "S'ccessf'lly =ithdrawn..."
cmd=ithSave..nabled P False
.#it S'b
.nd If
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
If Hres..9F P Tr'e &nd res.79F P Tr'eI Then
=ith res
Uamo'nt P t#t=ith&mo'nt.Te#t
.nd =ith
.#it S'b
.nd If
st P "select amo'nt from tblcash "
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
Uamo'nt P resUamo'nt Q -alHt#t=ith&mo'nt.Te#tI
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b comb+epIdJ/lickHI
str P comb+epId.Te#t
st P "Select bJidnamedateaccJno from tbl7ank where bJidP" E str
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
t#t+ep2ame P U2ame
t#t+ep&cc2o P UaccJno
date+ep.val'e P U+ate
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b comb.#J/lickHI
fle#caption.-isible P Tr'e
+im int5ow &s Integer
+im totalpartic'lar &s Integer
+im a &s Integer
str P comb.#.Te#t
fle#caption./aption P str
st P "select s'mHcashIas tot from tbl.#penseTrans where 'nder7y like M" E str E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
t#t.#/ash&mo'nt.Te#t P resUtot
st P "select s'mHche1'eIas tot from tbl.#penseTrans where 'nder7y like M" E str E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
t#t.#/he1'e&mo'nt.Te#t P resUtot
t#t.#Total.Te#t P -alHt#t.#/ash&mo'nt.Te#tI Q -alHt#t.#/he1'e&mo'nt.Te#tI
MSFle#6rid0./ols P @
MSFle#6rid0.Te#tMatri#HK 0I P "+ate"
MSFle#6rid0.Te#tMatri#HK 3I P "%artic'lar"
MSFle#6rid0.Te#tMatri#HK 8I P "/ash"
MSFle#6rid0.Te#tMatri#HK <I P "/he1'e"
st P "select date partic'lar cash che1'e from tbl.#penseTrans where 'nder7y P M" E
str E "M"
M st P "tbl.#penseTrans"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P 0
=ith res
M .MoveFirst
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid0.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid0.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid0.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P Upartic'lar
MSFle#6rid0.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P U/ash
MSFle#6rid0.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P U/he1'e
a P a Q 0
Mtotalpartic'lar P .5ecord/o'nt
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b combIncomeJ/lickHI
lblIncomefle#.-isible P Tr'e
+im int5ow &s Integer
+im totalpartic'lar &s Integer
+im a &s Integer
str P combIncome.Te#t
lblIncomefle#./aption P str
st P "select s'mHcashIas tot from tblIncomeTrans where 'nder7y like M" E str E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
t#tIncome/ash.Te#t P resUtot
st P "select s'mHche1'eIas tot from tblIncomeTrans where 'nder7y like M" E str E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
t#tIncomeche1'e.Te#t P resUtot
t#tIncomeTotal.Te#t P -alHt#tIncome/ash.Te#tI Q -alHt#tIncomeche1'e.Te#tI
fle#Income./ols P @
fle#Income.Te#tMatri#HK 0I P "+ate"
fle#Income.Te#tMatri#HK 3I P "%artic'lar"
fle#Income.Te#tMatri#HK 8I P "/ash"
fle#Income.Te#tMatri#HK <I P "/he1'e"
st P "select date partic'lars cash che1'e from tblIncomeTrans where 'nder7y P M" E
str E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P 0
=ith res

=hile H2ot H..9FII
fle#Income.5ows P a Q 0
fle#Income.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
fle#Income.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P U%artic'lars
fle#Income.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P U/ash
fle#Income.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P U/he1'e
a P a Q 0
Mtotalpartic'lar P .5ecord/o'nt
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b comb=ithIdJ/lickHI
str P comb=ithId.Te#t
st P "Select bJidnamedateaccJno from tbl7ank where bJidP" E str
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=ith res
t#t=ith2ame P U2ame
t#t=ith&cc2o P UaccJno
date=ith.val'e P U+ate
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b /ommand8J/lickHI
Form0.Frame0.-isible P False
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b /ommand0J/lickHI
Frame0.-isible P False
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b c'J/lickHI
Form0.Frame0.-isible P False
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b fle#IncomeJ/lickHI
fle#Income.Sort P 0
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b FormJ!oadHI
SSTab0.Tab P G
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b FormJ'n!oadHcancel &s IntegerI
Frame0.-isible P False
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b !abelF3J/lickHI
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b listJ/lickHI
+im str &s String
str P !ist.Te#t
/'stom5ecordSet9pen "select namegenderdobaddressphonecelljoinJdatedepartment
from employee where empJidP" E str
=ith res
t#t2ame.Te#t P U2ame
If Ugender P "Male" Then
9ption0.val'e P Tr'e
9ption3.val'e P Tr'e
.nd If
+T%ickeremp.val'e P Udob
t#t&ddress.Te#t P Uaddress
t#t%hone.Te#t P Uphone
t#t/ell.Te#t P Ucell
+T%icker3.val'e P UjoinJdate
/ombo0.Te#t P Udepartment
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b !ist7ankJ/lickHI

st P !ist7ank.Te#t
str P "Select nameaddressdateaccJnotypetotal from tbl7ank where bJidP" E st
/'stom5ecordSet9pen str
=ith res
t#t7ank2ame.Te#t P U2ame
t#t7ank&cc2o.Te#t P UaccJno
t#t7ank&ddress.Te#t P Uaddress
comb7ankType.Te#t P UType
t#t7ankTotal.Te#t P Utotal
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b !istMJ/lickHI
st P !istM.Te#t
str P "Select nameaddressgenderphonecelljoinJdatetypeaccJno from member
where mmbrJidP" E st
/'stom5ecordSet9pen str
=ith res
t#t/2ame.Te#t P U2ame
t#t/&ddress.Te#t P Uaddress
t#t/&ccno.Te#t P UaccJno
If Ugender P "Female" Then opt/Female.val'e P Tr'e
If Ugender P "Male" Then opt/Male.val'e P Tr'e
t#t/%hone.Te#t P Uphone
t#t//ell.Te#t P Ucell
date/+oj.val'e P UjoinJdate
comb/Type.Te#t P UType
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b MSFle#6rid0J/lickHI
MSFle#6rid0.Sort P 0
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b noteJ/lickHI
Shell H"notepad.e#e"I vb2ormalFoc's
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b SSTab0J/lickH%revio'sTab &s IntegerI
+im a &s Integer
+im temp0 &s +o'ble
+im temp3 &s +o'ble
st P "select s'mHamo'ntI as tot from tbl%l!oanInterest"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
t#t%lInInterest.Te#t P resUtot
st P "select s'mHinterestI as tot from tbl%lSaverInterest"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
t#t%l.#Interest.Te#t P resUtot
st P "select s'mHtotalI as tot from tbl.#penseTrans where 'nder7y like M" E
"Indirect .#penses" E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
t#tple#.Te#t P resUtot
st P "select s'mHtotalI as tot from tbl.#penseTrans where 'nder7y like M" E "+irect
.#penses" E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
t#tpld#.Te#t P resUtot
st P "select s'mHtotalI as tot from tbl.#penseTrans where 'nder7y like M" E
"%'rchase" E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
t#tplpam.Te#t P resUtot
+im myTotal &s +o'ble
+im flag &s 7oolean
+im ttotal &s +o'ble
myTotal P K
flag P False
/'stom5ecordSet9pen "tblIncomeTrans"
=ith res
If res.5ecord/o'nt VW K Then
=hile 2ot ..9F
If U,nder7y P "+irect Income" Then
myTotal P myTotal Q Utotal
flag P Tr'e
.nd If
Msg7o# "the table is empty"
.#it S'b
.nd If
If flag P False Then
t#t%l+In.Te#t P "K"
t#t%l+In.Te#t P myTotal
.nd If
.nd =ith
+im myTotal0 &s +o'ble
myTotal0 P K
flag P False
/'stom5ecordSet9pen "tblIncomeTrans" =ith res
If res.5ecord/o'nt VW K Then
=hile 2ot ..9F
If U,nder7y P "Indirect Income" Then
myTotal0 P myTotal0 Q Utotal
flag P Tr'e
.nd If
Msg7o# "the table is empty"
.#it S'b
.nd If
If flag P False Then
t#t%lII.Te#t P "K"
t#t%lII.Te#t P myTotal0
.nd If
.nd =ith
+im myTotal3 &s +o'ble
M+im ttotal0 &s +o'ble
myTotal3 P K
flag P False
/'stom5ecordSet9pen "tblIncomeTrans"
=ith res
If res.5ecord/o'nt VW K Then
=hile 2ot ..9F
If U,nder7y P "9ther Income" Then
myTotal3 P myTotal3 Q Utotal
flag P Tr'e
.nd If
Msg7o# "the table is empty"
.#it S'b
.nd If
If flag P False Then
t#t%l9I.Te#t P "K"
t#t%l9I.Te#t P myTotal
.nd If
M.#it S'b
.nd =ith
+im myTotal8 &s +o'ble
M+im ttotal0 &s +o'ble
myTotal8 P K
flag P False
/'stom5ecordSet9pen "tblIncomeTrans"
=ith res
If res.5ecord/o'nt VW K Then
=hile 2ot ..9F
If U,nder7y P "Sales Income" Then
myTotal8 P myTotal8 Q Utotal
flag P Tr'e
.nd If
Msg7o# "the table is empty"
.#it S'b
.nd If
If flag P False Then
t#t%lSI.Te#t P "K"
t#t%lSI.Te#t P myTotal8
.nd If
M.#it S'b
.nd =ith
temp0 P -alHt#tple#.Te#tI Q -alHt#tpld#.Te#tI Q -alHt#tplpam.Te#tI Q
temp3 P -alHt#t%l+In.Te#tI Q -alHt#t%lII.Te#tI Q -alHt#t%lInInterest.Te#tI Q
-alHt#t%l9I.Te#tI Q -alHt#t%lSI.Te#tI
t#ttemppl.Te#t P temp3 B temp0
If Ht#ttemppl.Te#t W KI Then
lblpl./aption P "2et %rofit"
t#tpl.Te#t P t#ttemppl.Te#t
lblpl./aption P "2et !oss"
t#tpl.Te#t P t#ttemppl.Te#t
.nd If
st P "select s'mHcashI as cashtots'mHche1'eI as che1'etot from tbl.#penseTrans"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
t#tTtotal.Te#t P resUcashtot Q resUche1'etot
st P "select s'mHcashI as cashtots'mHche1'eI as che1'etot from tblIncomeTrans"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
t#tTIn.Te#t P resUcashtot Q resUche1'etot
st P "select bJid from tbl7ank where typePM&ssetsM"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
combT.#7id./lear M.#pendit're 7ank Id
comb+epId./lear M+eposit 7ank Id
comb=ithId./lear M=ithdraw 7ank Id
=hile 2ot res..9F
combT.#7id.&ddItem resUbJid
comb+epId.&ddItem resUbJid
comb=ithId.&ddItem resUbJid
st P "Select empJid from employee"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=hile 2ot res..9F resUempJid MFor Income .mployee Id
st P "Select empJid from employee"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=hile 2ot res..9F
t#tT.#Id.&ddItem resUempJid MFor .#pense .mployee Id
MFor .#pendit're Tab
st P "Select +istinct 'nder7y from tbl.#penseTrans"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=hile 2ot res..9F
comb.#.&ddItem resU,nder7y
MFor Income combo gro'b
st P "Select +istinct ,nder7y from tblIncomeTrans"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=hile 2ot res..9F
combIncome.&ddItem resU,nder7y
Mfor Income 7ank Id
st P "select bJid from tbl7ank where typePM&ssetsM"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=hile 2ot res..9F
combTIn7id.&ddItem resUbJid
st P "select distinct mmbrJid from tblsaver"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=hile 2ot res..9F
comboloan.&ddItem resUmmbrJid
st P "Select mmbrJid from member"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
=hile 2ot res..9F
cmbsaving.&ddItem resUmmbrJid
cmbShare.&ddItem resUmmbrJid
st P "select T from tbl%!"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st

resUpartic'lar P lblpl./aption
resUamo'nt P t#tpl.Te#t
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b fle#JdisplayHI
+im s'm &s Integer
+im a &s Integer
+im data &s +ate
data P +T%icker3.val'e
MSFle#6rid3./ols P @
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#HK 0I P "+ate"
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#HK 3I P "%artic'lar"
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#HK 8I P "+ebit"
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#HK <I P "/redit"
st P "select datepartic'lartotal from tbl.#penseTrans where date like M" E data E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P 0
=ith res
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid3.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P Upartic'lar
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P Utotal
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P ""
a P a Q 0
s'm P a
.nd =ith
st P "select datenameamo'nt from tblbankdeposit where date like M" E data E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P s'm
=ith res
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid3.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P U2ame
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P Uamo'nt
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P ""
a P a Q 0
s'm P a
.nd =ith
st P "select datenameamo'nt from tblbankwithdraw where date like M" E data E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P s'm
=ith res
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid3.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P U2ame
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P ""
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P Uamo'nt
a P a Q 0
s'm P a
.nd =ith
st P "select datemmbrJidamo'nt from loan where date like M" E data E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P s'm
=ith res
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid3.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P "!oan %aid To MId " E "H" E UmmbrJid E "I"
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P Uamo'nt
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P ""
a P a Q 0
s'm P a
.nd =ith
st P "select +ate%artic'larsTotal from tblIncomeTrans where +ate like M" E data E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P s'm
=ith res
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid3.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P U%artic'lars
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P ""
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P Utotal
a P a Q 0
s'm P a
.nd =ith
st P "select datemmbrJidamo'nt from tblsaver where date like M" E data E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P s'm
=ith res
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid3.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P "Save &mo'nt 5eceipt MId by " E "H" E U
mmbrJid E "I"
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P ""
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P Uamo'nt
a P a Q 0
s'm P a
.nd =ith
st P "select datemmbrJidamo'nt from tblShare where date like M" E data E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
a P s'm
=ith res
=hile H2ot H..9FII
MSFle#6rid3.5ows P a Q 0
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 0I P U+ate
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 3I P "Share 5eceipt MId by " E "H" E UmmbrJid E "I"
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha 8I P ""
MSFle#6rid3.Te#tMatri#Ha <I P Uamo'nt
a P a Q 0
s'm P a
.nd =ith
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b Timer0JTimerHI
dateT.# P +ate
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b Timer3JTimerHI
dateTIn P +ate
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b Timer8JTimerHI
+T%icker3 P +ate
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b Timer<JTimerHI
+T%ickerdaybook P +ate
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b Timer@JTimerHI
+T%ickerSaving P +ate
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b TimerAJTimerHI
+T%ickerShare P +ate
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b TimerCJTimerHI
dateloan P +ate
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b TimerFJTimerHI
date=ith P +ate
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b TimerGJTimerHI
date+ep P +ate
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b t#t!oan&mo'ntJ!ostFoc'sHI
M+im a &s String
Ma P comboloan.Te#t
st P "select s'mHamo'ntI as total from tblsaver where mmbrJid like M" E comboloan.Te#t
E "M"
/'stom5ecordSet9pen st
MMsg7o# ""ello"
Te#t0.Te#t P resUtotal
If H-alHTe#t0.Te#tI V 3KKKKI Then
Msg7o# "Sorry No' havenMt &ccess" vbInformation
t#t!oan&mo'nt.Te#t P ""
.#it S'b
.nd If
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b t#tShare&mo'ntJ!ostFoc'sHI
M+im a &s +o'ble
Ma P t#tShare&mo'nt.Te#t
If H-alHt#tShare&mo'nt.Te#tI V 8KKI 9r H-alHt#tShare&mo'nt.Te#tI W @KKKI Then
Msg7o# ".nter amo'nt between 8KK and @KKK" vbInformation
t#tShare&mo'nt.Te#t P ""
.#it S'b
.nd If
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b t#tT.#/he1'eJ!ostFoc'sHI
st P combT.#7id.Te#t
str P "Select total from tbl7ank where bJidP " E st
/'stom5ecordSet9pen str
If -alHt#tT.#/he1'e.Te#tI VP resUtotal Then
Msg7o# "&mo'nt is &vailable..." vbInformation
t#tT.#Total P -alHt#tT.#/ash.Te#tI Q -alHt#tT.#/he1'e.Te#tI
Msg7o# "&mo'nt is not availble"
t#tT.#/he1'e P ""
.nd If
.nd S'b
%rivate S'b t#tTInche1'eJ!ostFoc'sHI
t#tT.#Total P -alHt#tT.#/ash.Te#tI Q -alHt#tT.#/he1'e.Te#tI
t#tTInTotal.Te#t P -alHt#tTIncash.Te#tI Q -alHt#tTInche1'e.Te#tI
.nd S'b
Implementation is the stage of the project where the theoretical design is t'rned into a
working system. It can be considered to be the most cr'cial stage in achieving a
s'ccessf'l new system gaining the 'sers confidence that the new system will work and
will be effective and acc'rate. It is primarily concerned with 'ser training and
doc'mentation. /onversion 's'ally takes place abo't the same time the 'ser is being
trained or later. Implementation simply means convening a new system design into
operation which is the process of converting a new revised system design into an
operational one.
Software Testing is the process of e#ec'ting software in a controlled manner in order
to answer the 1'estion B +oes the software behave as specified:. Software testing is often
'sed in association with the terms verification and validation. -alidation is the checking
or testing of items incl'des software for conformance and consistency with an
associated specification. Software testing is j'st one kind of verification which also 'ses
techni1'es s'ch as reviews analysis inspections and walkthro'ghs. -alidation is the
process of checking that what has been specified is what the 'ser act'ally wanted.
-alidation : &re we doing the right job:
-erification : &re we doing the job right:
Software testing sho'ld not be conf'sed with deb'gging. +eb'gging is the process of
analy(ing and locali(ing b'gs when software does not behave as e#pected. &ltho'gh the
identification of some b'gs will be obvio's from playing with the software a methodical
approach to software testing is a m'ch more thoro'gh means for identifying b'gs.
+eb'gging is therefore an activity which s'pports testing b't cannot replace testing.
9ther activities which are often associated with software testing are static analysis and
dynamic analysis. Static analysis investigates the so'rce code of software looking for
problems and gathering metrics witho't act'ally e#ec'ting the code. +ynamic analysis
looks at the behavior of software while it is e#ec'ting to provide information s'ch as
e#ec'tion traces timing profiles and test coverage information.
Testing is a set of activity that can be planned in advanced and cond'cted
systematically. Testing begins at the mod'le level and work towards the integration of
entire comp'ters based system. 2othing is complete witho't testing as it vital s'ccess of
the system testing objectives there are several r'les that can serve as testing objectives.
They are

Testing is a process of e#ec'ting a program with the intend of finding an error.& good
test case is one that has high possibility of finding an 'ndiscovered error.& s'ccessf'l test
is one that 'ncovers an 'ndiscovered error.

If a testing is cond'cted s'ccessf'lly according to the objectives as stated above it
wo'ld 'ncovered errors in the software also testing demonstrate that the software
f'nction appear to be working according to the specification that performance
re1'irement appear to have been met.

There are three ways to test program.
For correctness
For implementation efficiency
For comp'tational comple#ity

Test for correctness are s'pposed to verify that a program does e#actly what it was
designed to do. This is m'ch more diffic'lt than it may at first appear especially for large
& test plan implies a series of desired co'rse of action to be followed in accomplishing
vario's testing methods. The Test %lan acts as a bl'e print for the action that is to be
followed. The software engineers create a comp'ter program its doc'mentation and
related data str'ct'res. The software developers is always responsible for testing the
individ'al 'nits of the programs ens'ring that each performs the f'nction for which it
was designed. There is an independent test gro'p HIT6I which is to remove the inherent
problems associated with letting the b'ilder to test the thing that has been b'ilt. The
specific objectives of testing sho'ld be stated in meas'rable terms. So that the mean time
to fail're the cost to find and fi# the defects remaining defect density or fre1'ency of
occ'rrence and test workBho'rs per regression test all sho'ld be stated within the test
The levels of testing incl'de)
,nit testing
Integration Testing
+ata validation Testing
9'tp't Testing
,nit testing foc'ses verification effort on the smallest 'nit of software design ? the
software component or mod'le. ,sing the component level design description as a g'ide
important control paths are tested to 'ncover errors within the bo'ndary of the mod'le.
The relative comple#ity of tests and 'ncovered scope established for 'nit testing. The 'nit
testing is whiteBbo# oriented and step can be cond'cted in parallel for m'ltiple
components. The mod'lar interface is tested to ens're that information properly flows
into and o't of the program 'nit 'nder test. The local data str'ct're is e#amined to ens're
that data stored temporarily maintains its integrity d'ring all steps in an algorithm4s
e#ec'tion. 7o'ndary conditions are tested to ens're that all statements in a mod'le have
been e#ec'ted at least once. Finally all error handling paths are tested.
Tests of data flow across a mod'le interface are re1'ired before any other test is
initiated. If data do not enter and e#it properly all other tests are moot. Selective testing
of e#ec'tion paths is an essential task d'ring the 'nit test. 6ood design dictates that error
conditions be anticipated and error handling paths set 'p to rero'te or cleanly terminate
processing when an error does occ'r. 7o'ndary testing is the last task of 'nit testing step.
Software often fails at its bo'ndaries.
,nit testing was done in SellBSoft System by treating each mod'le as separate entity
and testing each one of them with a wide spectr'm of test inp'ts. Some flaws in the
internal logic of the mod'les were fo'nd and were rectified.
Integration testing is systematic techni1'e for constr'cting the program str'ct're
while at the same time cond'cting tests to 'ncover errors associated with interfacing. The
objective is to take 'nit tested components and b'ild a program str'ct're that has been
dictated by design. The entire program is tested as whole. /orrection is diffic'lt beca'se
isolation of ca'ses is complicated by vast e#panse of entire program. 9nce these errors
are corrected new ones appear and the process contin'es in a seemingly endless loop.
&fter 'nit testing in SellBSoft System all the mod'les were integrated to test for any
inconsistencies in the interfaces. Moreover differences in program str'ct'res were
removed and a 'ni1'e program str'ct're was evolved.
This is the final step in testing. In this the entire system was tested as a whole with all
forms code mod'les and class mod'les. This form of testing is pop'larly known as
7lack 7o# testing or System testing.
7lack 7o# testing method foc'ses on the f'nctional re1'irements of the software.
That is 7lack 7o# testing enables the software engineer to derive sets of inp't conditions
that will f'lly e#ercise all f'nctional re1'irements for a program.
7lack 7o# testing attempts to find errors in the following categories$ incorrect or
missing f'nctions interface errors errors in data str'ct'res or e#ternal data access
performance errors and initiali(ation errors and termination errors.
The system considered is tested for 'ser acceptance$ here it sho'ld satisfy the firm4s
need. The software sho'ld keep in to'ch with perspective system$ 'ser at the time of
developing and making changes whenever re1'ired. This done with respect to the
following points
Inp't Screen +esigns
9'tp't Screen +esigns
9nline message to g'ide the 'ser and the like.
The above testing is done taking vario's kinds of test data. %reparation of test data plays
a vital role in the system testing. &fter preparing the test data the system 'nder st'dy is
tested 'sing that test data. =hile testing the system by which test data errors are again
'ncovered and corrected by 'sing above testing steps and corrections are also noted for
f't're 'se.
9nce the system is s'ccessf'lly developed the ne#t important step is to ens're that the
administrators are well trained to handle the system. This is beca'se the s'ccess of a
system invariably depends on how they are operated and 'sed. The implementation
depends 'pon the right people being at the right place at the right time. .d'cation
involves creating the right atmosphere and motivating the 'ser. The administrators are
familiari(ed with the r'n proced'res of the system working thro'gh the se1'ence of
activities on an ongoing basis.
Implementation is the state in the project where the theoretical design is t'rned into a
working system. 7y this the 'sers get the confidence that the system will work
effectively. The system can be implemented only after thro'gh testing.
The systems personnel check the feasibility of the system. The act'al data were
inp'tted to the system and the working of the system was closely monitored. The master
option was selected from the main men' and the act'al data were inp't thro'gh the
corresponding inp't screens. The data movement was st'died and fo'nd to be correct
1'eries option was then selected and this contains vario's reports. ,tilities provide
vario's data needed for inventory was inp't and the mod'le was test r'n. Satisfactory
res'lts were obtained. 5eports related to these processes were also s'ccessf'lly
generated. -ario's inp't screen formats are listed in the appendi#.
Implementation walkthro'ghs ens're that the completed system act'ally solves the
original problem. This walkthro'gh occ'rs j'st before the system goes into 'se and it
sho'ld incl'de caref'l review of all man'als training materials and system
doc'mentation. &gain 'sers the analyst and the members of the comp'ter services staff
may attend this meeting.

D&5 B((9
P2(%i'"L(ss A$$(7!'
S7++&25 Re#(2'
The project entitled Financial Management System " which keep the day by day tally
record as a complete banking or financial system. It can keep the information of Saver
!oaner and Share "older and also managed it. The e#citing part of this project is$ it
displays the day book %rofit and !oss &cc Statistical S'mmary and Interest Information.
0. /harles "ampfed H3KKKI O-is'al 7asic4 ,niversity of
3. "erbert Schildt H3KKKI O-is'al 7asic A.K4 Tata Mc6raw "ill
8. ;ohn X'kowski H3KKKI O-is'al 7asic A.K4 O7%7 %'blications
<. ;amie ;aworsky O-is'al 7asic A.K4Techmedia
@. Stefen +enninger O-is'al 7asic A.K4&'thor4s %ress
A. Ian Somerville OSoftware engineering4
C. 5ajeev mall OSoftware engineering4
F. .lmasri 2avathe OF'ndamentals of database systems4

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