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Pre-Med Research Project

Country: Ghana
One medical volunteer opportunity promoted in Ghana is the GMV. It stands for the Ghana Medical
Volunteers. This is a volunteer partnership with the U.S and West Africa. It promotes volunteerism to
support health care development within Ghanaian Communities.
What is the language? English is the official language of Ghana.
What companies offer the volunteer opportunity? Ghana Medical Volunteers and United Planet.
What duties will I be responsible for? What tasks will I be asked to perform? I will have the
opportunity to work in a health care facility or health center in the local communities. My job is
to support the doctors and nurses. My duty will be dependent upon level knowledge,
experience, and skill.
Is my travel cost included? No, I must arrange my own flight and obtain a travel visa to Ghana.
What immunizations will I need to obtain? Some of the immunizations I need are Yellow Fever
Vaccination, mumps, measles, rubella, rabies, typhoid fever, and tetanus.
What are the needs of the organization and the people who live in this community?
Access to basic healthcare is the most deterring issue that the low-income and neglected
populations face.

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