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What exactly is the Higgs boson?


The article "What exactly is the Higgs boson?" is about a theory that the
Higgs boson is responsible for all the mass in the universe. Scientists think
each one of the four fundamental forces (weak, electromagnetic, strong,
and gravitation) has a corresponding carrier particle, or boson, that acts
upon matter. That is why scientists call it the "God Particle". They believe
each force has its own specic boson. They have come to the conclusion
that all particles have no inherent mass, but instead gain mass by passing
through the Higgs eld, which could affect the particles in different ways.
The Higgs eld occupies the entire universe, and therefore the Higgs eld
would need a Higgs boson to affect other particles. For me as a leader, this
means that I should look at questions and ideas with different perspectives.
I should look at problems in different ways in order to understand the
options and solutions. There are implications for humanity like how the
boson particle could affect many different particles in the universe, and also
the many theories and ideas that would come from the Higgs eld
occupying the entire universe. The possibilities are endless. Discoveries
like this change science in a way that helps scientists experiment with new
ideas...theories then turn into facts.

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