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Scoring Rubric

Trimester 3

Focus Description Score
Position clearly stated in the introduction
Maintains position throughout
Counterargument addresses & refutes the opposition
Conclusion restates position in a memorable way

Reasoning fully supports position
Cites relevant textual evidence & reliable experts
Information is current, reputable, and properly cited
Bibliography included (written arguments only)

PEEER used for both support paragraphs
Appropriate transitional statements incorporated
Fully developed essay throughout
Ideas flow smoothly and coherently

Establish formal style for academic audience.
Incorporates rhetorical devices & memorable hooks
Avoids fallacious reasoning
Writes with an authentic voice

Proper heading and title
Proper formatting (12 Times Roman /double spaced)
Proper Grammar (Capitalization, Punctuation, Spelling)
Sentence variation (simple, complex, compound)

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