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Great Motivational Video
Reasons for Motivation
Lack of Morale Among Employees
Need to Meet a Deadline
Crisis in Office
Tough and/or Time Consuming Project
Need to Improve Performance
Promotes Success
Good for Mental Health
Examples of Great Motivators
Vince Lombardi Football Coach
Steve Jobs Businessman
Martin Luther King Jr. Civil Rights Activist
John F. Kennedy President
Winston Churchill Prime Minister
Sir Richard Branson Businessman
Warren Buffet - Businessman
12 Ways to Motivate Employees
1. Use Positive Energy to Motivate Instead of Negative Energy
Be optimistic about outcomes and avoid pessimism
2. Put Employees Needs Before Companies Needs
Employers with happy and cared for employees tend to be more
3. Value Integrity
Leaders who display integrity inspire the same behavior from
their colleagues
4. Recognize Achievements
A pat on the back and a genuine good job can be more inspiring
than money
5. Promote Friendly Competition
Keep competition friendly and productive to inspire the most
progressive achievements
6. Communicate Ideas Effectively
Practice your communication skills daily; great ideas are often
lost with bad communication

12 Ways to Motivate Employees
7. Be a Great Listener
Dont just pretend to hear somebodys ideas, but actually
encourage reciprocal communication
8. Dont Just Solve Others Problems
Teach them how to solve them on their own while also providing
encouragement and assistance
9. Lead from Experience
Utilize past experiences to teach lessons and inspire others
10. Teach Visualization
Show employees how to visualize success and how they will
overcome potential obstacles
11. Lead By Example
Be the inspiration and practice what you preach
12. Inspire Greatness
Constantly remind employees of their potential for greatness and
the power within them
Motivation Activity

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