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Title: Communication Course, Public Speaking

Date: Spring 2010

During the spring 2010 semester, I successfully completed the communication course, Public
Speaking. The course involved studying the principles and techniques of effective speaking and
listening in a variety of selected communication experiences in the classroom. The course also
offered me knowledge of instructional media and technology techniques used in the classroom
such as PowerPoint and Smart Board Applications. Attached are the course syllabus and my
transcripts for the course.

After taking this course, I am further prepared to teach using effective verbal and nonverbal
communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to encourage positive
interaction, collaboration and active learning among my students.

Wisconsin Teacher Standard Alignment:
This artifact best aligns with Standard Six: Communication, of the Wisconsin Teacher Licensure
Standards. Standard Six states that the teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal
communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active
inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.

My experience in completing this communication course best aligns with Standard Six of the
Wisconsin Teacher Standards because this class focused on the speech fundamentals of
composition and delivery and effective listening. Throughout the course I learned about
significant communication techniques such as making eye contact, developing poise, and
encouraging follow-up questions. I also became more aware of my current style of speech
delivery and my public speaking strengths and weakness via videotape of my speech work. This
allowed me to analyze and critique my delivery and determine the areas for improvement. In
the end, I received an above average score for successfully accomplishing the course objectives
of effectively communicating, relaying information through skillful speech delivery, and
incorporating a variety of oral communication forms and styles into my presentations.

This communication course has prepared me as a future educator with the skills that I will
continue to develop to be effective in providing verbal and nonverbal instruction. Through the
basic practice and use of PowerPoint and Smart Board applications, I am further instructed and
prepared to use instructional media and technology in the classroom to ultimately encourage
active analysis, collaboration, and supportive communication among students. The last student
speech required by the course was delivered as a group effort. This assignment taught me that
group presentations can be incredibly powerful if planned and constructed properly. By tapping
into the individual strengths of each member of the group, we were able to deliver an effective
message. For example, some group members were better at making introductions, explaining
content or creating an entertaining and interesting dialogue. I also learned how important it is
to know and understand your audience members (i.e. students) so that you can effectively
relate to them and deliver your message.

UW-Platteville School of Education Knowledge, Skill, and Disposition Statement Alignment:
This experience best aligns with KSD3.a, Communicating Clearly and Accurately, of the
University of Wisconsin-Platteville School of Education Knowledge, Skill, and Disposition,
statements which states: The candidates spoken and written language are correct, expressive
and clear, with well-chosen vocabulary that enriches teaching and communicates thoughtfully,
responsively, and effectively for a wide range of student understanding and encourages
appropriate student language development.

In the process of attending this course, I developed a varying portfolio of presentations such as
introductory, informative, impromptu, persuasive, and special occasion speeches that were
evaluated by my instructor and peers. The course was designed to instruct students how to
develop and strengthen their speaking skills throughout the course of the semester. I grew
stronger in communication skills such as the ability to present clearly and logically about my
speech topic. The actual experience of speaking in front of a group boosted my self-confidence
in my ability to communicate effectively. This course has overall developed my poise and my
ability to communicate clearly and accurately both one-on-one and in an audience setting and
has provided me with the invaluable tools and techniques that I can incorporate into my
classroom instruction.

Personal Reflection:

What I learned about teaching/learning from this experience.
This course experience has shown me that the ability to communicate successfully is a skill
mastered through thoughtful awareness and practice. It is a proficiency that is incredibly
important for not only relaying information to a classroom or audience of people, but also to be
successful as an individual. Being understood, or understanding, can be difficult in certain
situations and it is extremely beneficial to be able to adeptly distinguish the values, beliefs,
knowledge level and opinions of your audience. Also, the ability think clearly and logically and
communicate properly in response to others is invaluable in every situation.

What I learned about myself as a prospective educator as a result of this experience.
This experience has taught me that as a prospective educator, it is vital to obtain the correct
guidance and take advantage of opportunities to speak in a group setting in order to become an
effective speaker who is comfortable presenting in front of the classroom. I now recognize that
not every student in a classroom will interpret the information I present in the same manner. It
is important that I develop a number of ways to effectively communicate with my students
based on their varying learning styles. These different communication methods could include
visuals, instructional media and technology such as Smart Board delivery applications. I also
learned that simple communication techniques such as making eye contact, speaking clearly,
and understanding your audience, can make a significant impact on your ability to be an
effective verbal and nonverbal communicator.

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