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Mikayla Burton

Mrs. Garza
English II-7

March 5, 2014
The Untold Story
The people at the party reach for the mysterious figure, but it was not actually a real
person. Everyone looked around, not knowing what to do. Those people were never seen alive
again. The peasants were waiting impatiently outside the abbey. They were trying to break open
the gates to get Prince Prospero, since he wasnt helping the problem at hand. The gate finally
gave in and the people stormed into the castle. When they opened the heavy doors of the castle,
there was a strange eerie silence. They stopped and looked around, very confused. They thought
they were breaking into a wild party, but it was dead silent. They found the people on the floor
dead. Prince Prospero was also found in a room dead. Everyone was dead. They didnt have any
visible wounds, but it was like they were all in a deep sleep. The leader of the peasants,
Periwinkle, suddenly spotted a mysterious hooded figure coming towards them. He told
everyone to run far away without looking back. He would stay and fight the figure. The hooded
figure came towards Periwinkle and he charged at it. With a knife in his hand, he stabbed at the
hooded figure, but it was like stabbing a ghost. He felt that he was weakening by the minute, so
he charged out of the room as fast as he could. He turned around once to see if the figure was
still behind him, and it was. He quickly slammed the door in the figures face and it vanished.
Periwinkle ran as far as he could and then collapsed. When he woke up, he was filled with anger
and rage. He had to stop this mysterious figure. What could be its weak point? It had to be
figured out fast. At this time, people had already fled the kingdom and he was the only one left.
He felt so alone and knew the hooded figure had followed the fleeing people. He went in search
of the people, hoping to find this figure. Everything was dead in the path and that is how he
knew which way the figure had gone. He had to save the people from it. Periwinkle ran for miles
and suddenly tripped over something in the path and fell. It was very dark outside. The only light
came from the moon and the stars. When lifted himself halfway up, he realized he was face to
face with his best friend Henry. Periwinkle started to freak out yelling, Wake up Henry, Wake
up! Henry was indeed dead, but it all suddenly got worse. As he looked up from Henry, he
realized that the field was covered with the people trying to flee the kingdom. They were all
dead. Periwinkle checked for survivors, but there were not any. He fell down on his knees and
sobbed. He knew he had failed the people. He wasnt even able to save one single person. Who
was this mysterious hooded figure and where is it now? He sat down in the middle of the field
and cried all night long. The next morning he woke up with his eyes all puffy and red from
crying. He was filled with so much anger and hatred for the hooded figure. Suddenly, it was
facing Periwinkle and he quickly got to his feet. He picked up a nearby knife and ran towards it.
While he was running, all he could think about was the people and how he should have saved
them. All he wanted now was revenge for all of the deaths the figure had caused. Periwinkle ran
as fast as he could go. He once again stabbed at the figure, but it was like stabbing the air. He
tripped during the process of it and landed on his back. The hooded figure came towards him and
Periwinkle knew that this was it. There is nothing else he could do. The figure stopped and stared
at him. When the hooded figure got to him, it bent over and Periwinkle could feel its chilled
breath on his shaking face. He suddenly started to feel weak. It just so happened that he had
fallen next to the bodies of a couple of his good friends. He smiled and started to close his eyes.
As he was closing his eyes, he silently grabbed their hands and said, It is finished.

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