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Technology in the Classroom

Technology in a classroom can be very beneficial to students. It can deepen student

understanding of a concept and could also be used as a tool for manipulatives, or even as an
instrument for assessment. In one of my lessons over factoring, I used calculators to demonstrate
that a factored form of a function helps us identify its roots by merely looking at the factored
expression. I also used a projector to maximize the calculators screen so the entire class could
see what I was doing. Not only did the calculators help me demonstrate the connection between
factoring and an equations graph, they also gained the students interest because it was
something they hadnt thought of before. By using the calculators, students were also given a
visual, which facilitated learning for the visual learners and gave everyone else an extra
reinforcement of the material. I also used technology in order to create my Project Based Lesson.
Using a camera and video editing tools, I was able to produce an Anchor Video. This video
would be used for engagement and as an introduction for my lesson. It gives the students an idea
of what they will be expected to do while presenting these expectations in a fun and engaging

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