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S00112374 Ceorgla 1orney

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Wr|tten 1ask 1: Short kef|ect|on (2S0 words)

a. What do you understand by the term 'soc|a| rac|sm'? (S0 words)

ln reference Lo Lhe Lwo readlngs, my undersLandlng of 'soclal raclsm' ls Lhe
suppresslon of Lhe Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralghL lslander's culLure by Lhe wesLern
populaLlon. lL ls havlng an lgnoranL undersLandlng of whaL consLlLuLes raclsm ln a
soclal conLexL, belng offenslve and dlsrespecLful Lo Lhose aL Lhe hearL of lL. (31

b. Why m|ght |t be prob|emat|c to determ|ne whether or not someone shou|d
be cons|dered Ind|genous based so|e|y on the|r phys|ca| appearance or the
number of ancestors who are |nd|genous? (S0 words)

lL ls problemaLlc for a number of reasons - lndlgenous AusLrallans have
fundamenLally dlfferenL culLural norms Lo Lhose of wesLern culLure LhaL we may
never undersLand, and Lherefore, lL would be lnconslderaLe Lo deLermlne wheLher or
noL Lhey are lndlgenous Lhrough baslc measures of ones physlcal appearance or
famlly Lree. (30 words)

c. What examp|es do Io|ey and Nakata prov|de, and how do they exp|a|n the
|mpacts of soc|a| rac|sm, stereotyp|ng and out-dated |deas about Abor|g|na|
and 1orres Stra|ght Is|ander |dent|ty? (1S0 words)

nakaLa provldes a real llfe recounL of hls personal and famlly's [ourney Lhrough Lhe
eyes of a proud lslander. Pe wrlLes abouL hls dlssaLlsfacLlon wlLh Lhe currenL
nA1SlL and how hls experlences have lead hlm Lo a llfe long [ourney Lo change,
one, Lhese pollcles ln Lhe fleld of educaLlon, and Lwo, Lhe currenL perspecLlve/vlew
of lndlgenous AusLrallans.

loley wrlLes abouL Lhe frusLraLlons lndlgenous AusLrallans face everyday, from belng
asked lnsenslLlve personal quesLlons abouL Lhelr blologlcal and culLural ldenLlLy, Lo
ouLrlghL soclal raclsm and dlscrlmlnaLlon.

1hese Lwo arLlcles address Lhe blased, someLlmes well-lnLenLloned, represenLaLlons
deplcLed ln LexLs, and how Lhese have lead, and conLlnue Lo glve a LokenlsLlc recounL
of lndlgenous hlsLory. nakaLa and loley boLh wrlLe of how Lhrough pasL and presenL
sysLems lndlgenous AusLrallans are feellng as Lhough Lhey don'L belong. 1hey can
appreclaLe Lhe measures Laken Lo address lndlgenous culLure, however suggesL
lndlgenous people be sLakeholders ln Lhelr sLory, and lL be Lold by Lhose wlLhln Lhe
culLure, noL as mlslnLerpreLed by 'WesLern experLs'.

S00112374 Ceorgla 1orney
Wr|tten 1ask 2:
"In what ways d|d governments fa|| to prov|de opportun|t|es
for Abor|g|na| peop|e on m|ss|ons and reserves dur|ng the

1. 1he vlcLorlous whlLe seLLlers moved ln wlLh Lhelr sLock and burnL Lhe kulln's
fences, huLs and crops. 1he kulln were so dlslllusloned by Lhe governmenLs
broken promlses over land LhaL aL flrsL only four woman wenL Lo Lhe Mohlcan
slLe." (p. 82)
!" Pe seemed pressured by clrcumsLances Lo rellnqulsh LradlLlon, buL for
oLhers Lhere seemed a radlcal hope LhaL Lhe old mlghL be reborn ln Lhe new."
(p. 84).
3. 1he evldence suggesLs LhaL by radlcal hope, many were Lrylng Lo survlve and
reLaln Lhe besL of boLh worlds - Lo forge an Aborlglnal exlsLence wlLhln a
Luropean economlc mode: farmlng wlLh an Aborlglnal ldlom. Lven
ChrlsLlanlLy was embraced and blended wlLh Aborlglnal splrlLuallLy." (p. 83)
4. 1he 8oard refused Lo pay Aborlglnal workers any wages durlng Lhe 1860's,
desplLe lmprovemenLs belng made Lo Lhe land (owned by Lhe 8oard and noL
by Lhem)." (p.86)
3. Subdlvlslon of pasLoral properLles for farms reduced Lhe amounL of seasonal
work ln Lhe dlsLrlcL, and Lhe SouLh AusLrallan governmenL conslsLenLly
refused Lhem more land, whlch meanL LhaL Lhe farmlng Lhey deslred Lo
follow was noL vlable. 1he governmenL also denled Lhem ownershlp of
8aukkan, or even freehold LlLle Lo bulldlng land, Lo enable Lhem Lo bulld Lhelr
own homes securely." (p. 91)
6. lronlcally, Lhose Aborlglnal famllles who adopLed Lhe Luropean eLhlc of
lndlvldual enLerprlse were rewarded by belng forced lnLo a co-operaLlve
efforL. noL only were Lhe lndlvldual blocks revoked, buL a Luropean overseer
was appolnLed Lo manage farmlng aL Cummeragun[a." (p. 94)

S00112374 Ceorgla 1orney
CovernmenLs falled Lo provlde Aborlglnal people opporLunlLles on Lhe mlsslons
and reserves durlng Lhe mld-19
cenLury by conLlnually breaklng promlses once
sancLloned Lo Lhem. noL only were Lhe Aborlglnal peoples fences, huLs and crops
desLroyed by Lhe whlLe seLLlers who vlcLorlously moved ln on Lhelr land buL every
aLLempL by Aborlglnal people Lo ploneer land LhaL was promlsed Lo Lhem by Lhe
Luropean seLLlers was elLher revoked once esLabllshed or Lhey were quashed and
Lold Lo move on Lo less ferLlle and accommodaLlng land, wlLh no LradlLlonal meanlng
or connecLlon.

1hrough Lhe governmenLs dlsgulsed measures Lo proLecL Lhe Aborlglnal people
on mlsslons and reserves Lhelr LradlLlons and languages were supressed. 1he
Aborlglnal peoples' aLLempLs Lo hold on Lo radlcal hope lefL Lhem feellng pressured
Lo succumb Lo Luropean ways, yeL obLalnlng Aborlglnal ldloms and culLure where
Lhey could. CovernmenLs falled Lhem by supresslng Lhelr language, splrlLualLy and
LradlLlons, and made Lhem yleld Lo Lhe maLerlallsLlc Luropean ways. lL was only
Lhrough Lhelr radlcal hope LhaL Lhey Look measures, predomlnanLly ln secreL, Lo keep
culLural LradlLlons and splrlLuallLy allve.

uesplLe Lhelr hard work, governmenLs also falled Aborlglnal people Lhrough Lhe
8oard for Lhe roLecLlon of Aborlglnes when Lhey wlLhheld pay and wages
LhroughouL Lhe 1860's. ln Lhls way Lhey kepL conLrol and ownershlp over land LhaL
Cueen vlcLorla had promlsed Lhe kulln people, desplLe Lhe facL Lhe land had become
more prosperous, whlch was a condlLlon of Lhe rlghLs.

Seasonal work on ldylllc properLles was hard Lo come by afLer Lhe subdlvlslon of
sald properLles by Lhe governmenL. lurLhermore addlng Lo Lhe demlse was Lhe SouLh
AusLrallan governmenLs refusal Lo provlde more land, whlch evenLually lead Lo lLs
demlse and deemed Lhe currenL slLuaLlon unworkable and unremuneraLlve. WlLh Lhe
governmenL breaklng more promlses, Lhe Aborlglnal people were also unable Lo
obLaln ownershlp or enLlLlemenL rlghLs Lo 8aukkan, whlch would have permlLLed
Lhem Lo consLrucL permanenL homes and dwelllngs.

Addlng furLher lnsulL, Lhe governmenL conLlnued Lo fall Lo provlde opporLunlLles
for Aborlglnal people, even lf Lhey dld comply wlLh Luropean eLhlc, when Lhey Look
away Lhelr famlly buslnesses and auLonomy and made Lhem work collaboraLlvely
wlLh whlLe seLLlers under Luropean managemenL aL Cummeragun[a. 1helr prlvaLe
holdlngs were reLracLed and Lhelr auLonomy and lndependence Laken away.

S00112374 Ceorgla 1orney
Wr|tten 1ask 3: Us|ng r|mary and Secondary Sources as Lv|dence
S00 words (1S)

"What were the key concerns of Abor|g|na| po||t|ca| act|v|sts dur|ng the f|rst
ha|f of the 20
century, and how d|d they [ust|fy the |mportance of change?"

Accordlng Lo boLh 8roome (2010, p. 193) and Maynard (1972, p. 2) Lhe key
concerns were ln regard Lo clvll rlghLs and equallLy. lurLhermore, Aborlglnal acLlvlsLs
of Lhe flrsL half of Lhe 20
cenLury also wanLed acknowledgemenL of whaL had been
sLolen from Lhem, and acknowledgemenL of Lhelr rlghLful place ln AusLrallan hlsLory
(Maynard, 1927, p. 3). We are, Lherefore, sLrlvlng Lo obLaln full recognlLlon of our
clLlzen rlghLs on Lerms of absoluLe equallLy wlLh all oLher people ln our own land"
(Maynard, 1927, p.2). Maynard Lalks abouL how Aborlglnal AusLrallans had llved on
AusLrallan soll and governed Lhemselves for many years before Luropeans came and
desLroyed whaL Lhey had already bullL Lhrough Lhe arL of war (Maynard, p.2).
Aborlglnal AusLrallans had formed Lhelr own law sysLems, rellglons, and phllosophles
of whlch Lo govern Lhemselves by - governance, Maynard clalms, Lhe Luropeans had
borrowed from Lhelr anclenL codes (8roome, 2010, p. 201, & Maynard, 1927, p. 2).
under Lhe Aborlglnal roLecLlon AcLs Lhey held rlgld conLrol over Aborlglnal people's
baslc clvll rlghLs (8roome, 2010, p. 193). lL was Lhls loss of conLrol, sense of
lndependence and acknowledgemenL of Lhelr worLh and place ln AusLrallan hlsLory
LhaL Lhey wanLed back, and for Lhese reasons became Lhelr [usLlflcaLlons for Lhe
lmporLance of change (8roome, 2010, & Maynard, 1927, p. 3). uurlng Lhe lnLerwar
years Aborlglnal people formed pollLlcal organlsaLlons Lo demand Lhelr clvll rlghLs
whlch had been oppressed Lhrough Luropean pollcles (8roome, 2010, p. 200). 1hey
were noL asklng for sameness, LhaL of whlch had been presumed of Lhem, Lo whlch
Lhey obllged somewhaL unwllllngly, however Lhey were asklng for Lhelr prlor rlghL"
as Lhe orlglnal owners of Lhe land" (Maynard, 1927, p. 2).

Aborlglnal people were noL an lnferlor race, as Lhe Luropean seLLlers had
vlewed Lhem, however were culLurally dlfferenL (8roome, 2010, p. 200, 213). ln
Lerms of equallLy, Aborlglnal acLlvlsLs were pushlng for equallLy wlLh whlLe socleLy, a
chance for Lhem Lo llve up Lo whlLe mans sLandard" (8roome, 2010, p. 203). 1hls
equallLy, Maynard says, should be on preclsely Lhe same condlLlons" beflLLed Lo
Lhose whom Lhey now share Lhe land wlLh (Maynard, 1927, p. 3). CpporLunlLles
honored Lo all oLher people on our own land" should be of equal and absoluLe
Lerms (Maynard, 1927, p.2). 1he Aborlglnal acLlvlsL Wllllam Parrls of Lhe naLlve
unlon ln WesLern AusLralla sLarLed a movemenL for equallLy and freedom - freedom
Lo llve our llves ln our own way" (8roome, 2010, p. 203). 1hls furLhered Lhe noLlon
Lhey dld noL wanL sameness, as Lhls would mean absorpLlon of Lhelr own
lndlvlduallLy, Lhelr own LradlLlons, rellglons and laws, Lhey deslred Lo be Aborlglnals
(8roome, 2010, p. 216). ln 1934 Aborlglnal AusLrallans of mlxed decenL formed Lhe
Lurallan AssoclaLlon who furLher proLesLed Lo be free of Lhe Aborlglnes AcL, clalmlng
LhaL no maLLer how hard Lhey worked, Lhelr efforLs would go unrecognlsed (8roome,
2010, p. 203). Aborlglnal acLlvlsL Wllllam Cooper also gesLured for recognlLlon of Lhe
mlsery and degradaLlon lmposed upon Lhe orlglnal naLlve lnhablLanLs by Lhe whlLe
S00112374 Ceorgla 1orney
lnvaders of Lhls counLry" wlLh Lhe suggesLlon of Lhe whlLe seLLler celebraLlon now
Lermed AusLralla uay be marked by Aborlglnal people as a uay of Mournlng
(8roome, 2010, p. 203 - 206).

Words (lncludlng clLaLlons): 334.

8roome, 8. (2010). $%&'()(*+, $-./'+,(+*.0 $ 1(./&'2 3(*45 6788 (4Lh ed.). Crows
nesL, nSW: Allen & unwln.
LeLLer from lred Maynard, resldenL, AusLrallan Aborlglnal rogresslve AssoclaLlon,
Lo !.1. Lang, remler of new SouLh Wales, 3 CcLober 1927.

S00112374 Ceorgla 1orney
Wr|tten 1ask 4: kesponse to Set uest|on:
"now have your stud|es |n th|s un|t so far |nf|uenced your understand|ng of
the Io|ey and Nakata read|ngs?"

1he week 2 readlngs by nakaLa and loley were lmporLanL Lo glve an
Aborlglnal perspecLlve on AusLrallan hlsLory, wlLh Lhelr key Lhemes relaLlng Lo soclal
raclsm, sLereoLyplng and ouL-daLed ldeas abouL Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralL lslander
ldenLlLy. rlor Lo colonlsaLlon and Luropean seLLlemenL Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralL
lslander people had llved on Lhese lands for over 30,000 years (8roome, 2010, p.81),
someLhlng regreLLably lefL ouL of a loL of Lhe llLeraLure abouL AusLrallan hlsLory. 1he
readlngs from Lhls unlL have helped Lo furLher develop my undersLandlngs of Lhe
loley and nakaLa readlngs, glvlng furLher lnslghL and addlng depLh Lo whaL
knowledge l had already developed. lor example, as per Lhe wrlLLen Lask 1, l had
recorded an undersLandlng of soclal raclsm, as l knew Lhls wenL on, however, furLher
readlng from Lhe 8roome LexL, lecLure maLerlal and LuLorlal dlscusslons have added
depLh Lo Lhe maLerlal by provldlng furLher examples of how Lhls occurred. 1he
8roome readlng has provlded much lnslghL lnLo Lhe Lypes of soclal raclsm LhaL
occurred, such as Lhe suppresslon of Lhelr culLure Lhrough lack of clvll rlghLs
(8roome, 2010, p. 193 - 226, Maynard, 1927, LecLure 8) whlch led Lo asslmllaLlon
pollcles Lo allgn Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralL lslander people wlLh Lhe Luropean ways,
lnsLead of recognlslng Lhelr culLure and worLh as equal Lo Lhose now sharlng Lhe land
(8roome, 2010, p. 193 - 226, LecLure 6). AsslmllaLlon pollcles were vlewed by
Aborlglnal people as a way for a ma[orlLy group Lo overrlde and ellmlnaLe Lhe
mlnorlLy group, as Lhey were dlsrupLlng Lhe whlLe AusLrallan way of llfe.

nakaLa and loley boLh Lalk abouL how Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralL lslander
people are represenLed ln Lhe llLeraLure and Loday's socleLy, and Lhelr dlssaLlsfacLlon
wlLh Lhls (nakaLa, 2012, p. 88). 1hrough Lhe readlngs l have come Lo undersLand LhaL
Aborlglnal AusLrallans ln Lhe 20
cenLury were LhoughL of as people LhaL needed
savlng (8roome, 2010, p.31), Lhelr culLure and prlor llvlng sLandards were noL
recognlsed by whlLe AusLrallans of Lhe Llme as healLhy and deemed Lhem unflL Lo
care for Lhelr own famllles, resulLlng ln Lhe removal of Lhelr chlldren (8roome, 2010,
p. 96-99, Paeblch, 2011, LecLure 7) whlch was almed Lo ellmlnaLe AborlglnallLy from
Lhe naLlon, 'phase Lhem ouL', and 'mlx colours' unLll evenLually all Lhe 'AborlglnallLy'
would be gone. Whereas, as noLed ln Lhe loley readlng, AborlglnallLy was more Lo do
wlLh culLure, upbrlnglng, llfe experlences and descenL, someLhlng losL on whlLe
AusLrallans (loley, 2000, p.43). 1hrough my lnvolvemenL wlLhln Lhls unlL l have also
come Lo learn LhaL Lhe Aborlglnal people's lnhablLancy on reserves (8roome, p.89-
91, LecLure 3) was anoLher example of whlLe AusLrallans Lrylng Lo supress Aborlglnal
culLure - on Lhese reserves Lhey were banned from speaklng ln Lhelr naLlve Longue,
pracLlclng Lhelr culLure, and had sLrlcL rules governlng Lhelr dally acLlvlLles, wlLh pay
for work golng sLralghL Lo Lhe 8oard and Lhe famllles belng lefL wlLh raLlons (8roome,
2010, p. 86, LecLure 3). Cn Lhese reserves Lhey were recognlsed as capable for
labour, buL noL pald accordlngly and Lhelr sense of auLonomy was eradlcaLed
(8roome, 2010, p.91-96, LecLure 3).

S00112374 Ceorgla 1orney

8roome, 8. (2010). $%&'()(*+, $-./'+,(+*.0 $ 1(./&'2 3(*45 6788 (4Lh ed.). Crows nesL, nSW:
Allen & unwln.
loley, u. (2000). "1oo WhlLe Lo be 8lack, 1oo 8lack Lo be WhlLe." 3&4(+, $,/5'*+/(95. 19, no.
4: 44-9.
Paeblch, A. (2012). "lorgeLLlng lndlgenous PlsLorles: Cases from Lhe PlsLory of AusLralla's
SLolen CeneraLlons." !ournal of Soclal PlsLory 44(4) : 1033-1046.
PlS1106 LecLure 3: Mlsslons and 8eserves
PlS1106 LecLure 6: AsslmllaLlon ollcles
PlS1106 LecLure 7: Chlld removal
PlS1106 LecLure 8: Clvll 8lghLs 1 - 1he llghL for LquallLy
nakaLa, M. (2000) '8eLLer: A 1orres SLralL lslander's SLory of Lhe SLruggle for a 8eLLer
LducaLlon' ln kaye rlce (ed) $%&'()(*+, +*: ;&''5. 3/'+(/ <.,+*:5' =:-4+/(&*0 $*
<*/'&:-4/(&* >&' /?5 ;5+4?(*) @'&>5..(&*. orL Melbourne: Cambrldge unlverslLy
ress, pp.81-93.

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