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The Great Gatsby: Focus Questions 6.05.


1. Who is the director of the film?

2. Which company is credited for the production of the film?

3. When was the film produced?

4. How much did the film gross at the box office on the opening weekend?

5. Did you like the film? Why/why not?

6. Does the director appear to adopt a particular filming style? Which shots does he/she use more often?
What filmic techniques has he/she employed?

7. What do you know about the directors earlier work?

8. How well were characters portrayed by the actors/actresses?

9. Was the plot engaging and coherent?

10. What age demographic do you think the film was targeting? Explain.

11. Did you notice the use of special effects? If so, what were they?

12. Could you make any connections between the themes explored in the film and your own life?

13. What was your favourite scene in the film and why?

14. What was your least favourite aspect of the film? Discuss.

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