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Digital Bill of rights

1. Freedom - Digital citizens have the

right to be free.

2. Openness - Digital citizens have the
right to an open internet.

3. Equality All Digital citizens are
equal on the internet.

4. Participation - Digital citizens have the
right to participate how they choose on
the internet.

5. Creativity - Digital citizens have the
right to create. whatever they want
but, they are accountable for it.

6. Sharing - Digital citizens have the right
to share their ideas, discoveries, and
opinions on the internet.

7. Accessibility - Digital citizens have the
right to access the internet no matter
who they are.

8. Association - Digital citizens have the
right to freely associate on the

9. Privacy - Digital citizens have a right
to privacy on the internet.

10. Property - Digital citizens have the
right to benefit from what they create and
be safe with their property on the internet.

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