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This was one of the most challenging assignments.

For the Rhetorical

Analysis, we were to demonstrate our understanding of the concepts of rhetoric and
rhetorical situations. For this, we were to collect written artifacts created by leaders,
and lower-level members of our discourse community and then create rhetorical
analysis of the artifacts. This was challenging because for my first draft, I forgot
about whom my audience was. I wrote as if my audience knew what I was trying to
say. After receiving feedback, and being told to keep in mind as to whom my
audience was, I was able to understand better that my audience may not always be
from the same discourse community, therefore I must be elaborative and make
certain I was expressing myself well enough for those who werent in my discourse
community to understand. Being able to receive feedback to improve my paper
really helped a lot. It helped me to understand what it was I was doing wrong not
only from my instructor, but from my peers as well.

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