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Minimum Stock Requirements

The minimum stock requirements listed in the following tables shall be at the rig site prior to spud and maintained at all times.
Note: The approval of the Superintendent Operations is required to continue operations if these stocks are not available on site.
Offshore Stock Requirements
Item Minimum Requirement
Barite 70 tons
Cement 1 000 sacks
Chemicals Chemicals required to make up 300 bblsof LCM mud (40 lbs/bbl).
Salt 30 tons
Kill Mud 400-500 bbls of 10 ppg mud if potential for shallow gas exists
Bentonite 26 tons (if space available)
Calcium Chloride 1 250 kg

Onshore Stock Requirements

Item Minimum Requirement
Barite/ Weighting Material 10 tons Barite or 10 tons salt
Cement 0
Chemicals Chemicals are on site to drill the next section of the well
Kill Mud 0
LCM 10 tons of LCM to be able to mix 300 bbls of LCM mud

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