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1. How long have you been a traceur?

I have been training for about 9 years officially. But i was always practicing climbing and jumping
from a young age, I watched one too many jacie chan movies.
!. "hy did you tae up #arour
I was told about these people who practice movement $running, jumping, climbing% and that they
called it parour. It inspired me to carry on practicing some of the things i had been doing. it didn&t
occur to me for a long time to loo it up on the internet, but i when i did, i found a handful of people
doing the same thing.
'. How do you prepare before you start a #arour session? (nd what do you do afterwards to
I would usually do a general warm up which would include light jogging, jumping and some dynamic
mobility drills. )hen i usually start drilling the basic techni*ues found in parour, progressively
increasing the difficulty and impact of the drills.
(fter a few wees of training your body begins to adapt to the physical demands of parour. when
you start out its normal to get a lot of muscle soreness, especially in the legs. )he best advice i can
give about recovery is to allow appropriate amount of time between heavy sessions and try doing
some light movement on your off days. +ventually you should find that you can train more fre*uently.
,. "here is your favourite location to practice #arour?
(ny where that has a lot of rails and walls is good for drilling basic techni*ues. But in general i just
see potential for different movements every where i loo.
-. "ould you say that #arour has a strong accompanying culture, e.g. music or fashion?
"hen i started out, there was no real deliberate attempt to loo a certain way for parour. "e just got
the clothes that we thought would be most suitable for training. It probably has developed in to a bit
of a loo now though, - pound tracsuit bottoms with blood on them and whatever good shoe is
available at the time. It seems to draw in an interesting array of people though, from .e/treme sports.
ids to these *uite intense people who practice moving in an almost religious way.. and everything in
between. I wouldn&t say theres one type of person that does parour, but its probably slowly heading
the way of other .e/treme sports., which is a shame i thin.

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