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College and Course Number Course Title Competency Acquired

CSU Stanislaus COMM 2110

Group Discussion Process Acquire team work skills
and ability to effectively
communicate in
presentations with other
people in group settings.

CSU Stanislaus GEND 4150

Gender and Ethnicity/Child Lit.

Enhanced knowledge on
gender and ethnicity
struggles and experiences
of young children.

CSU Stanislaus CS 4000 Personal Computing Gained knowledge and
understanding on how to
effectively use a personal
computer. Gained
proficiency in programs
like Word and Excel.

CSU Stanislaus ENGL 2000

Critical Thinking Developed critical thinking
skills and logical reasoning.
Also, became proficient in
writing argumentative

CSU Stanislaus ETH 4200 The Minority Experience Understanding of minority
groups such as Hispanics,
Asian Americans, and
African Americans. Gained
an understanding of the
history and experience
providing greater ethnicity

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