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Speaking Topics 20-21.05.


1. How did you meet your girlfriend / boyfriend? Talk about your first date.
2. What do think about online dating sites? Are they helpful or not?
3. Talk about some of the environmental problems in our country.
4. Have you ever had a problem with a product you bought online? What happened?
5. What can people do to live greener? Give examples.
6. Why some species are more vulnerable to extinction than others? What can we do to save them?
7. What can people do to improve their lifestyle?
8. Talk about a city you have visited recently.
9. Give some information and tips for a tourist visiting your country / city.
10. Talk about the problems in big cities.
11. Have you ever got in trouble for breaking a rule? What happened?
12. Talk about the educational system in your country.
13. Talk about your ideal school, its policies and schedule.
14. If you could start over at high school, what would you change in your life?
15. Is technology helping students learn better? If so, how? If not, why?
16. Talk about your two regrets? What happened?
17. Are you addicted to anything? If so, what is it?
18. Talk about your favourite TV shows.
19. Do you think men are more obsessed with their look than women. Give examples.
20. What will life be like in 2050?
21. Talk about a funny / stressful / surprising travel experience.
22. What do you think about the gap year? If you had the chance, how would you spent your gap year?
23. Would you rather travel to the US or the UK? Why? Compare the two countries.
24. Talk about your worst / best day of your life.
25. Whats the worst film you have seen?
26. Would you like to live abroad? Where and why?
27. What are the good and bad sides of being a student in Karabk?
28. Do you think that exams are source of stress and useless? Why? Why not?
29. What do you think is the most important scientific discovery of recent years.
30. What is the best way to study a foreign language? What other things do you apply to your way of
31. Talk about a person who has influenced your life
32. Which one is more important: friends or family?

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