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dgdgfffdddfdafsdfdffgdaaabBarem de corectare pentru clasa a 12-a

Subiectul 1g
Paradoxical view on human relationship, especially
on love ( though one cherishes whom one loves, one destroys them by sinful,
selfish love
!an"s personality and lifestyle (materialistic or
spiritual determine certain attitudes towards life and death#
$isregard of moral ,religious ,spiritual values brings
about spiritual death#
Stylistic and rhetorical devices#
- repetition and parallelism
- metaphor
- means of expressing contrast
- other devices supported by evidence from the
Subiectul 2

- metaphorical interpretation of the topic and
occasional description
- structure ( introduction-interpretation of
sub%ect# body- at least three different aspects
of the topic# conclusion- balanced
consideration of the topic and personal
(ength constraint' )*- 1+ , ( -. words

2-/+-/2++. 0omisia

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