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May 15, 2014

To Whom it May Concern:

Emilio Moya was a student in my Teaching For Learning I and
Teaching for Learning II classes during the last year. He was a very
dedicated and outstanding student in the class. He is an expert in Math
education in general and math education for bilingual students in particular.

During his last year, Mr. Moya became an expert in assessment. He
research materials for all his classmates to read and he developed a very
interesting and powerful presentation about this topic for his peers that were
both insightful and inspirational.

Emilio Moyas areas of expertise in developing engaging curriculum
for all the students in his class are worth mention. He developed an
outstanding unit plan for his math class that was designed to differentiate
instruction for students do not meet, meet and exceed expectations.

Emilio Moyas life experiences have been instrumental to him as a
student and as a teacher. His relations with English Language Learners in
general and urban youth in particular are commendable.

Because of all the reasons stated above, it is a great pleasure to
recommend Emilio Moya for a teaching position in your district.

If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me.


Dr. David Schwarzer
Associate Professor Secondary and Special Education
Montclair State University

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