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, -


()Friedrich Engels, 1820- 1895
()Karl Marx, 1818-1893
, ()1884
()Lewis H. Morgan, 1818-1881

19 -
()August Bebel, 1840-1913
()Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 1860-1935
" " ()The Yellow Wallpaper, 1892
(1915( Herland
()Women and Economics, 1898
()Emma Goldman, 1869-1940

20 -

' ( )Juliet Mitchell, 1940-

)Women: The Longest Revolution (1966
( )Sheila Rowbotham, 1943-
)Womans Consciousness, Mans World (1973
( )Michle Barrett, 1949-
)Womens Oppression Today (1980
( )Heidi Hartmann, 1945-
)The Unhappy Marriage of Feminism and Marxism(1979

60 - 70 - ,20-
( )Christine Delphy, 1941-
)LEnnemi Principal (1970
()Monique Wittig, 1935-2003
" " ()1980

()Simone de Beauvoir, 1908-1986
()Le Sang de Autres, 1945
()Les Mandarins, 1954
()Une Morte Tres Douce, 1964

)(La Femme Rompue, 1967

/ :
- ()Pour Une Morale de LAmbigut, 1947
()Le Deuxime Sexe, 1949

( - )existentialism
. .
' ()Jean Paul Sartre, 1905-1980
"" (" - )en-soi" ()pour-soi
" ".
()Maurice Merleau-Ponty, 1908-1961


()situated and incarnate
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One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.
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