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Thomas Cushman

Instructor Gammage
Eng. 220-007
16 May 2014
EC Reflection
This course has been enlightening and has reformed the way I make
arguments. Previously, I would rush into arguments not clearly dictating what I was
trying to argue. Effective arguments are presented with factual evidence and
passionate diction. I had always had passionate diction but I lacked the calmness to
settle down and clearly state what I was attempting to argue. Overall, this class
helped me realize that I need to take a deep breath and think before I start spewing
out arguments.
Before taking this course I had no idea what nihilism was. I had heard of
Nietzsche but I never knew what his philosophy was. Now I cant watch a movie
without wondering if its making nihilistic claims. Furthermore, I cant watch the
news anymore because I find it all incredibly nihilistic and meaningless. Mainly
because its insanely bias. This class not only presented me with the problem of
nihilism but it gave me the tools to refute nihilism. I have a deeper respect for
nature and communal experience because I now realize that nihilism is void in these
cases. I think it is clear by my participation in class discussion that I was deeply
interested in this topic. This is mainly because the topics we would discuss in class
would resonate with me throughout my entire day. I would drive home wondering
things like is it ok to be a nihilist? or why do people care about pop culture icons
like the Kardashians? In my opinion that seemed to be the goal of the class, to make
us think about the world around us and how do we perceive meaninglessness.

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