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Level 1 ReviewBy Alez

Part I. Complete the sentences:

1. Tommy, this____my friend Paul.
2. Peter__________Argentina but _______ father is Brazilian.
3. ______ your sister a doctor?
4. Lena and Sarah are _______ doctors but Mary is a vet.
Part II. Complete and form information questions.
1. My father is 42. ___________________ your father?
2. I am creative and friendly. ____________________?
3. __________________The Backstreet Boys from? Are they from Canada?
4. My mother is a lawyer. ____________your mother_________?
5. A: _________________________ window? B: W-I-N-D-O-W.
Part III. Complete and answer the following yes/no questions.
1._______ Jackie Chan a doctor?
2._______ Shakira and Bitney Spears famous?
3._______ Venezuela in South America?
4._______ I a good student?
5._______ we Japanese?
Part IV. Complete the sentences writing the correct nationality.
1. If you are from Great Britan, you are_______________.
2. If you are from Irenland, you are________________.
3. If you are from The U.S, you are_______________.
4. If you are from China, you are_________________.
5. If you are from Spain, you are_________________.
Part V. Form questions for these anwers.
1. ____________________________________? / Its
2. ____________________________________? / Its 0412-0652541
3. ____________________________________? / They are lawyers
4. ____________________________________? / She is serious.
5. ____________________________________? / They are glasses
6. ____________________________________? / Its a briefcase.
Part VI. Write A, AN or X (X is for plural nouns and things that we cant count)
1. _______actor
5. _____water
2. _______good engineer. 4.______university 6. _____actresses 8.______umbrella 10._____unique car.
Part VII. Put the possessive s in the correct position.
1. Your father new house.

2. Joss English


3. Tina and Lucy biology teacher

Part VIII. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

Angelina Jolie is___________.

Fernando Alonso is a Formula 1________. Beyonce is a famous_________.

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