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Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014 1

Pyramid 2030

Interim Report
May 2014

Making the Global Sustainable Development Goals
a Local Reality
An international volunteer c ampaign sponsored by the AtKisson Group
Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014 2
Executive Summary

This iepoit uesciibes the piogiess to uate of a unique, volunteei-uiiven, global initiative:
Pyiamiu 2uSu.

"Pyiamiu" is the name of a woikshop uesigneu to help gioups leain, collaboiate, anu plan
togethei, in the context of sustainable uevelopment. Boing the woikshop piocess incluues
builuing a mouel pyiamiu as a iecoiu of the gioup's thinking. The physical Pyiamiu mouel
giows step-by-step, level-by-level, uocumenting gioup insights along the way anu
captuiing its conclusions at the top. The Pyiamiu 2uSu campaign makes a fiee veision of
this woikshop available on the Inteinet, invites gioups of viitually any kinu to iun a
woikshop exploiing sustainable uevelopment issues, anu then gatheis the iesults. This
iepoit also pioviues a ieview of the iesults of woikshops helu so fai.

Pyiamiu 2uSu is infoimally linkeu to the 0niteu Nations-leu piocess of cieating a new set
of global Sustainable Bevelopment uoals (SBus). If the cieation of the SBus is ultimately an
agenua foi global tiansfoimation, the builuing of Pyiamius as pait of the global Pyiamiu
2uSu woikshop seiies is an attempt to biing that tiansfoimation uown to the local level.

The Pyiamiu 2uSu campaign is builuing momentum. So fai, woikshops linkeu to the
Pyiamiu 2uSu campaign have been uocumenteu in ovei 1S countiies incluuing Austiia,
Canaua, Cuba, Czech Republic, Fiance, Icelanu, Inuonesia, Kenya, Polanu, South Afiica,
Sweuen, Tanzania, Thailanu, 0ganua, anu the 0niteu States. These woikshops have engageu
a wiue vaiiety of gioups, ianging fiom small communities to laige iegions, anu fiom
piimaiy school classes to univeisity auministiations.

In the woikshops, paiticipants have:

Iuentifieu impoitant sustainability challenge themes anu ielateu key tienus, baseu
on what is happing in theii local communities oi oiganizations;
Exploieu connections among tienus anu the uiiving foices of theii challenges;
Come up with innovative iueas to auuiess theii challenges; anu
Beviseu stiategies to implement theii iueas as well as action plans to execute theii
Pyiamiu 2uSu woikshop paiticipants have also been intiouuceu to the SBu piocess, anu
they have been encouiageu to paiticipate chiefly by setting theii own sustainability goals
(which can ultimately be haimonizeu with the foimal SBus) anu woiking to achieve them.
Table of Contents

Intiouuction ..................................................................................................................................................... S
Backgiounu on Pyiamiu 2uSu ................................................................................................................ 4
Bow Pyiamiu Woiks ................................................................................................................................... S
Pyiamiu 2uSu Woikshops To Bate: A Recap .................................................................................... 6
Table 1: 0veiview of Bocumenteu Woikshops ........................................................................... 12
Connecting Local to ulobal with Pyiamiu 2uSu ........................................................................... 1S
Table 2: Bow Local Challenges Connect to ulobal uoals ................ 14
uiowing the Pyiamiu 2uSu Campaign ............................................................................................. 1S
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Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014 3
Introduction Campaign Essentials
Building Pyramids to Create the Sustainable Future We Need

About Pyramid
"Pyiamiu" is a woikshop piocess that biings people
togethei to leain about sustainability, systems
thinking, anu how to cieate new iueas foi change.
Pyiamiu woikshops have been useu all ovei the woilu
to cieate community plans, neighboihoou piojects,
univeisity initiatives, anu much moie. Pyiamiu
woikshops have even contiibuteu to the uevelopment
of national laws anu inteinational piogiams.
Pyiamiu is also useu as a teaching tool, by schools,
univeisities, anu piofessional tiaining piogiams. The
Pyiamiu woikshop piocess helps people !"#$%&'("#
what sustainability means, (**+, sustainability
thinking to help solve theii pioblems, anu -%$('$
.".'.('./$& to take action. Foi a full uesciiption of the
piocess, see the Pyiamiu2uSu.oig website.
About Pyrami d 2030
"Pyiamiu 2uSu" is a global campaign piomoting use of
the Pyiamiu woikshop as a way to engage with
sustainability, anu to paiticipate in a locally
ielevant way in the 0niteu Nations-leu piocess of
cieating Sustainable Bevelopment uoals ("SBus") foi
the woilu.
Buiing the peiiou 2u1S-2u1S, the 0N is uiscussing,
ueveloping, anu launching the new SBus (see next
section). Buiing the same peiiou, woikshop gioups
aiounu the woilu aie using Pyiamiu to leain about
sustainability. Some use Pyiamiu to stuuy global
issues anu challenges. 0theis use Pyiamiu to leain
moie about theii local situation, collaboiate on
innovation, anu cieate new goals anu initiatives that
apply to them, wheievei they aie.
Cities, companies, community gioups, schools anu
univeisities, all soits of gioups anu oiganizations aie
encouiageu to uownloau the fiee "Pyiamiu Lite"
woikshop mateiials anu use these to plan anu iun a
Pyiamiu woikshop. They aie also encouiageu to senu
in a statement of theii iesults, incluuing photos, anu
to uocument what they have uone to follow up. A
summaiy of the iesults will be peiiouically assembleu
into a iepoit (like this one), submitteu the 0niteu
Nations, anu maue available to the whole woilu as a
souice of iueas, inspiiation, anu eneigy.
Purpose and Objectives of the Campaign
The oveiall puipose of the Pyiamiu 2uSu campaign is
to iaise global awaieness, unueistanuing, anu action
foi sustainable uevelopment.
Specific objectives incluue:
- Inciease awaieness anu suppoit foi the 0niteu
Nations' piocess of ueveloping anu launching the
global Sustainable Bevelopment uoals (SBus);
- ueneiate ieneweu eneigy anu engagement with
sustainable uevelopment at the local anu
oiganizational level, with a special emphasis on
cities anu towns, schools anu univeisities, civic
oiganizations, anu othei similai gioups; anu
- Stimulate the cieation of new action initiatives
aiounu the woilu.
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Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014
Sust ai nabl e Devel opment
Since the concept of cieating a woilu that woiks
both foi natuie anu people was foimally
intiouuceu to the woilu by the 0niteu Nations in
1987, sustainable uevelopment has gone thiough
many ups anu uowns, while steauily giowing in
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Initiatives such as the Local Agenua 21
movement foi cieating sustainable cities (which
peakeu in the late 199us anu eaily 2uuus), the
Becaue foi Euucation foi Sustainable
Bevelopment (which will concluue in 2u14), anu
the spieau of coipoiate sustainability iepoiting
in iecent yeais aie among the majoi milestones
in a slow-but-global piocess of tiansfoimation.
But the long-teim piocess of auvancing anu
achieving sustainable uevelopment iequiies
continuous effoit, caie, anu attention.
0nueistanuing, inspiiation, anu motivation must
be constantly ieneweu. New geneiations of
stuuents, communities, woik teams anu moie all
neeu to be intiouuceu to oi ie-engageu with
the concept, anu the vision, of cieating a
sustainable woilu.
The Pyiamiu 2uSu campaign aims to help inject
new eneigy into the global sustainability
movement, eneigy that is especially neeueu
uuiing the ciucial peiiou of 2u14-2u1S the
peiiou when the woilu is setting goals foi the
following fifteen yeais.
The Sustainable Development Goals
At the tuin of the Nillennium, the 0niteu Nations
set goals foi the ieuuction of poveity aiounu the
woilu. These "Nillennium Bevelopment uoals,"
oi NBus, aie consiueieu by many to have been a
iemaikably successful stiategy foi mobilizing
attention anu iesouices. Bowevei, the woik
iemains incomplete, anu the timeline set foi the
NBus iuns out in 2u1S.
At the global "Rio+2u" summit, helu in Rio ue
}aneiio in 2u12, the woilu's nations agieeu to
ienew anu ieplace the NBus with a new set of

goals goals that combine, foi the fiist time, the
uieam of eliminating poveity with the neeu to
safeguaiu the futuie of Eaith's natuial systems
anu iesouices (see the Pyiamiu 2uSu website foi
uetails anu links). To be calleu the "SBus", these
new goals will be uevelopeu in 2u14, ueciueu in
2u1S, anu come into effect in 2u16.
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Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014
How Pyramid Works
A Pyiamiu Lite woikshop begins with the
iuentification of a 0$"'%(+ 01(++$"2$ ielateu to
sustainable uevelopment. This Cential Challenge
can be an issue that is local oi global, while the
goal of the piocess can iange fiom the veiy
specific (such as finuing ways to secuie watei foi
subsistence faimeis) to the moie geneial (such
as an exploiation of climate change impacts anu
auaptation measuies).

0nce the woikshop oiganizeis oi the woikshop
gioup have iuentifieu a Cential Challenge to
focus on, the Pyiamiu builuing anu uiscussion
piocess begins. This incluues the step-by-step
builuing of a physical Pyiamiu mouel. The
Pyiamiu has foui siues, each coiiesponuing to a
point of what is calleu the 3!&'(."(4.+.', 056*(&&:
N foi Natuie, S foi Society, E foi Economy anu W
foi Well-being. In auuition, the woikshop
happens in five stages, oi "Levels," of which the
fiist foui aie questions.

Q&=&: FR S%*$ ,4 %*55&","7T
What aie the tienus, events, obseivations
associateu with this Cential Challenge. Foi each
of the foui 056*(&& 75."'& (Natuie, Society,
Economy, Well-being), the paiticipants think
about anu captuie the most impoitant tienus
anu issues ielateu to theii Cential Challenge.
These aie wiitten uown on small pieces of note
papei anu attacheu to Level 1 of the Pyiamiu.

Q&=&: .R S%( ,4 ,$ %*55&","7T
0sing theii collection of tienus anu obseivations
as a staiting point, gioups begin thinking about
what is -(!&."2 that Cential Challenge to be a
pioblem. Some of the factois they have iuentifieu
may be helping to cause it, oi they may be effects.
uioups keep asking "Why." until they feel they
have gotten closei to the ioot of the pioblem, anu
they have a goou list of "Reasons Why" the
pioblem is happening. The "Reasons Why" aie
summaiizeu in small notes anu attacheu to Level
2 of the Pyiamiu mouel.

Q&=&: 0R S%*$ 8*" 1& -2T
Staiting fiom theii list of "Reasons Why," gioups
biainstoim iueas foi piojects, piogiams, policies,
new technologies, anu othei innovations anu
changes that they believe coulu have a ieal,
positive impact on the Cential Challenge. Each
peison piesents heihis best iuea, anu these
iueas aie posteu on the Pyiamiu mouel. Then
gioups use a simple voting technique to chose
the iuea oi iueas they think aie the best ones -
the ones most likely to make a ieal anu effective
impact. The iueas that get the most suppoit fiom
the gioup auvance to the next Level.

Q&=&: UR V21 8*" 1& -2 ,$T
Now the gioup makes a plan to put the best iuea,
oi iueas, into action. They list out the iesouices
they woulu neeu, the people who woulu uo the
woik, the necessaiy timeline foi getting things
uone. Foi gioups that aie using Pyiamiu foi
+$(%"."2, Level 4 helps them unueistanu what it
takes to implement an iuea. Foi gioups that aie
*+(""."2 .".'.('./$&, this is wheie the woikshop
becomes veiy piactical. Key elements of the
action plan aie iecoiueu again on small pieces of
papei, as a iecoiu of the gioup's stiategic
thinking on implementation.

Q&=&: GR Q&$W4 -. ,$X
The top of a pyiamiu is calleu a "capstone," anu
so the top of the Pyiamiu in a Pyiamiu woikshop
is calleu the 0(*&'5"$ 82%$$6$"'. This is wheie
gioups come to consensus on what they actually
intenu to uo, as a iesult of the woikshop. They
iecoiu theii agieement on a notecaiu, anu attach
it to the Capstone. Then they symbolically place
the Capstone, with theii Capstone Agieement, on
the top of the Pyiamiu. This step officially enus
the woikshop ... anu staits the piocess of
implementing theii agieement to take action.
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Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014
Pyramid 2030 Workshops To Date

Pyiamiu 2uSu woikshops got off to a gieat stait in 2u1S anu 2u14. Nany woikshops have been
completeu (see the chait on page 12), anu theie aie stiong inuications of giowing inteiest by a
uiveise cioss-section of gioups iepiesenting many uiffeient countiies anu sectois.

The sustainability issues anu challenges being uiscusseu in Pyiamiu 2uSu woikshops aie uiveise
anu covei a wiue iange of sustainability issues ielateu to the enviionment, economy, society, anu
the well-being of people: that is, they covei the whole Sustainability Compass.

The geogiaphic iange of the Pyiamiu 2uSu woikshops conuucteu to uate touches neaily all coineis
of the Eaith, incluuing Noith Ameiica, Latin Ameiica, Euiope, Afiica, anu Asia. 0n the following
pages, you will finu examples of some of the woikshops uocumenteu so fai.

A Typical Pyramid Workshop
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Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014

le-de-France, Paris, France (April 2014)
ARENE, the agency iesponsible foi piomoting
ienewable eneigy anu sustainable
uevelopment in the Paiis iegion, sponsoieu
the fiist-evei Pyiamiu woikshop in Fiance.
The cential challenge taken up by the
woikshop paiticipants was climate change.
"The climate is changing," saiu the woikshop
invitation, "anu you." Aie you changing. Anu
moie impoitantly, can we change, as a iegion.

A special focus of this woikshop conceineu
the intei-ielationship of towns anu cities in
Fiance with those in Afiica. Facilitateu by
Cabinet Espeie, a Fiench consultancy that also
has offices in Senegal, the woikshop
consiueieu key tienus in local goveinment,
anu lookeu foi new iueas anu mechanisms foi
collaboiation acioss bounuaiies to help
auvance action on climate change, in both the
Noith anu the South.

Calgary, Canada (March 2014):
The Calgaiy Regional Paitneiship (CRP)
conveneu iepiesentatives fiom fouiteen cities
(incluuing Calgaiy itself) anu othei agencies
to consiuei new stiategies foi sustainable
uevelopment in theii iegion. The key issues
incluueu watei, tianspoitation planning, anu
enhancing the well-being of people in smallei
townships whose unique cultuie may be
thieateneu by uevelopment patteins.

This Pyiamiu iesulteu in a numbei of stiategic
iueas foi collaboiating on sustainability that
weie to be taken foiwaiu by the CRP's
steeiing committee. Catalyzeu by local
sustainability ieseaicheis at Nt. Royal
0niveisity anu 0niveisity of Calgaiy, this
Pyiamiu also set a iecoiu foi the "laigest
evei": the pyiamiu mouel itself was 2 meteis
high, anu cieateu by a local inuustiial uesignei
who pleugeu to make the plans public so that
otheis coulu also builu a laigei-scale pyiamiu
(which pioveu useful foi captuiing a gieatei
amount of gioup analysis anu output).

Pretoria, South Africa (April 2014):
uIZ, the agency chaigeu with implementing
ueimany's coopeiation piogiams on issues
such as ienewable eneigy anu climate change,
ian an intei-uepaitmental woikshop to
geneiate new iueas foi the "Skills foi uieen
}obs" piogiam. The woikshop, which was
highly appieciateu by paiticipants, also
tuineu out to be the fiist-evei intei-
uepaitmental woikshop foi uIZ South Afiica.

Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014
Parksville, BC, Canada (October 2013):
"Public Engagement anu Nuseum
Accountability: a Pyiamiu 2uSu Woikshop."
was a woikshop conuucteu by the Biitish
Columbia Nuseums Association. A gioup of
moie than 2u stakeholueis gatheieu to
exploie how museums can become effective
agents of cultuial change in the community.
The cential challenge iuentifieu anu focus of
the woikshop was the stiuggle museums face
with uwinuling financial iesouices anu a
stiong uesiie to be moie ielevant to the public
in a woilu of cultuial change. 0ne membei
museum is planning expeiimental woik as an
"agent of change" to auuiess Noithein
uateway Pipeline issues.

Poznan, Poland (November 2013):
The Senuzimii Founuation oiganizeu anu
conuucteu two woikshops in Poznan, Polanu.
The cential challenges auuiesseu weie
sustainable watei management, anu
uevelopment anu management of gieeneiy in
cities. Foi the sustainable watei management
woikshop, the paiticipants have submitteu
the final woikshop iepoit to the Bepaitment
of Nunicipal Affaiis anu Bousing foi official
uiscussion. Actions pioposeu in the iepoit
iangeu fiom incieasing access to the Waita
Rivei, iuentifying ways to geneiate
sustainable income fiom enviionmental
assets, cieating oppoitunities foi multi-
stakeholuei coopeiation, anu engaging local
inhabitants in the piocess.

The seconu Poznan woikshop was pait of an
existing pioject calleu "Count on uieen", the
goal of which is to uevelop anu manage
gieeneiy in cities. Actions agieeu incluueu
infoimational anu piomotional campaigns,
changes in legislation, euucational activities
taigeting uiffeient gioups, anu engagement of
piivate entities in the initiative.

Krakow, Poland (September 2013):
Repiesentatives of The Senuzimii Founuation
conuucteu anothei pyiamiu woikshop as pait
of the same "Count on uieen" initiative
uesciibeu above in the Poznan woikshop,
with a focus on gieening the city. Initiatives
that emeigeu fiom this woikshop incluueu
uevelopment of euucational activities on local
biouiveisity heiitage, uiban competitions
ielateu to natuie, anu cieation of
expeiimental spaces unuei tempoial caie of
the iesiuents gioup. Actions agieeu incluueu
suppoiting coopeiation between public
institutions anu Nu0's, euucational activities,
anu uevelopment of an on-line platfoim to
map impoitant elements of uiban

Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014

Prague, Czech Republic (January 2014):
A Pyiamiu woikshop titleu "The Woilu aftei
2u1S - Euucation foi Sustainability" was
oiganizeu by the Chailes 0niveisity
Enviionment Centei in Piague. The cential
challenge selecteu was the issue of sustainable
uevelopment anu the euucation system in the
Czech Republic. Theie weie 2S paiticipants
fiom vaiious sectois incluuing school
teacheis, univeisity lectuieis, univeisity
stuuents, euucatois fiom Nu0's anu eco-
centies, as well as piofessionals fiom the
piivate anu public sectoi. The woikshop
staiteu with an oveiview of piepaiations foi
the 0N Post-2u1S Bevelopment Agenua anu
the SuB piocess in the global context. This
was followeu by an intiouuction of the
Pyiamiu 2uSu initiative as an example of how
to link global issues with local action.

The woikshop paiticipants exchangeu iueas
on how to impiove euucation foi sustainable
uevelopment incluuing impioving
communication between sectois anu
ueveloping iesiuential couises on sustainable
uevelopment foi schools. They committeu
themselves to taking actions ianging fiom
being moie open minueu to change minu-sets
to infoiming fiienus anu colleagues about the
Pyiamiu 2uSu woikshop.
Bogor, Indonesia (December 2013):
Yayasan Pembangunan Beikelanjutan (YPB -
Inuonesian Sustainable Bevelopment
Founuation) - LEAB Inuonesia, a Nu0,
conuucteu two ielateu pyiamiu woikshops in
Bogoi anu }akaita Inuonesia. The cential
challenge was unintegiateu cooiuination
among stakeholueis in Bogoi anu the
implementation policies foi the Bogoi
lanuscape. The outcome of these woikshops
was a commitment to uevelop a piototype foi
a city paik uesign in Bogoi that integiates
enviionmental, community anu economic
objectives. The paik is intenueu to be a
meeting-place foi community membeis to
engage in conveisation, commeice, anu
collaboiative leaining togethei.

The Nayoi of Bogoi attenueu the woikshop
anu was enthusiastic about the Pyiamiu
woikshop tools anu iesults achieveu. Theie
was fuithei commitment fiom the S2
woikshop paiticipants to follow up on the
plan anu iepoit the final iesults of the
initiative at a giauuation ceiemony to be helu
latei this yeai.

Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014

East Africa (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania)
(December 2013):
The East Afiican Sustainability Watch
Netwoik conuucteu a woikshop in Kampala,
0ganua. The Suswatch Netwoik membeiship
incluues 0ganua Coalition foi Sustainable
Bevelopment (0CSB), Sustainable
Enviionmental Bevelopment Watch
(Suswatch) in Kenya, anu Tanzania Coalition
foi Sustainable Bevelopment (TCSB).

The cential challenges to sustainable
uevelopment iuentifieu by EA Suswatch
incluueu uefoiestation anu pooi sustainable
lanu management piactices. The agieeu
actions that emeigeu fiom the woikshop weie
to cieate awaieness anu sensitize
communities on enviionmental conseivation
piactices, to auvocate foi enactment of
suitable enviionmental conseivation policies,
to lobby foi implementation of enviionmental
conseivation policies, anu to establish stiong
netwoiks anu coalitions with othei global
netwoiks on enviionmental conseivation.

This initiative was a uiiect follow-up iesult of
the 0N Confeience on Sustainable
Bevelopment (Rio+2u) with the objective of
linking local initiatives to the anticipateu
Sustainable Bevelopment uoals (SBu's).

Playa Giron, Cuba (March 2014):
The Neteoiological Reseaich Centei, Ninistiy
of Enviionment of Cuba, 0NEP, acauemic, anu
othei agiicultuial stakeholueis completeu a
woikshop that examineu foou secuiity anu
climate change as the cential challenge. The
Pyiamiu 2uSu woikshop gioup uiscusseu a
bioau iange of inteiconnecteu systemic
factois incluuing weathei vaiiability impacts
anu iisks on foou ciop piouuction, temp-
eiatuie, iainfall vaiiation, extieme events anu
lags, pests, pollination, soil feitility, anu watei
availability. As well, faimeis sometimes uo
not unueistanu scientific infoimation anu
uelays in communication of infoimation iesult
in iesponse lags. Climate change influences all
of these vaiiables cieating foou secuiity iisk
foi Cuba.

The follow-up action that iesulteu fiom the
woikshop will be focuseu on impioving
communication of scientific infoimation to the
faiming community. They plan to uevelop
piogiams to leain fiom the expeiience of
othei faimeis that aie using weathei
infoimation foi ciop management anu
ueveloping a infoimation cooiuinating
stiategy to help impiove the capability of
faimeis to use scientific infoimation.

Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014

Budapest, Hungary (Masters Students)
(March 2014):
A Pyiamiu 2uSu woikshop was conuucteu
with a gioup of 2S Nasteis stuuents in a
'Sustainable Bevelopment anu ulobal
Tiansitions' giauuate class at CE0. The
theme ievolveu aiounu the cential challenge
of auuiessing uiban smog in China's mega-
cities. Piioi to the class stuuents ieau seveial
aiticles about the topic, both iecent news
stoiies fiom the populai meuia anu scientific
analyses of what is happening anu why,
coveiing both the biophysical anu
institutionalpolitical aspects. Some of the
key leveis to auuiess the situation weie
ielateu to the use anu management of
infoimation, public accountability, anu the
ieconceptualization of the goal of
uevelopment aiounu the concept of well-

Following completion of the Pyiamiu 2uSu
woikshop the instiuctoi challengeu the
stuuents to make some capstone
iecommenuations foi action to the pietenu
Nayoi of Beijing. Theie weie some
extiemely innovative iueas put foiwaiu to
auuiess Beijing's aii pollution pioblem. As
an example, one stuuent suggesteu that a the
local goveinment foim a Regional Aii Sheu
Collaboiative Bouy taskeu with (1)
Beveloping a moie auvanceu iegional
emissions inventoiy, (2) Iuentifying ciitical
souices, (S) Beveloping policy tools foi
piovincial anu, to a lessei uegiee, municipal
anu national goveinments, anu (4) Pioviue
on-going ieseaich, iepoiting, anu
assessment. It was also noteu in the post-
woikshop challenge, that China's communal
way of thinking woulu be an excellent
sustainability leveiage point.

This Pyiamiu 2uSu woikshop is an example
of how innovative iueas emeige fiom
acauemic institutions that have ieal-woilu
applications. Beijing officials woulu likely be
veiy happy to heai these iecommenuations.

Nemesvamos, Hungary (Adult Education
Program) (March 2013)
Anothei Pyiamiu 2uSu woikshop was built
in Bungaiy as pait of an auult euucation
piogiam on "Sustainable Living". Theie weie
4u enthusiastic paients at the Waluoif School
in Naici, Bungaiy focuseu on the challenge
question "What woulu it take to ieoiient the

futuie uevelopment of Nemesvamos
accoiuing to the piinciples of sustainability."

Piioi to the woikshop, the gioup ievieweu
the cuiient sustainability tienus at the global
scale in the bioauei context of the
'Anthiopocene', anu a subsequent ieview of
possible alteinative futuie scenaiios. The
Pyiamiu was useu to exploie the uetails of a
paiticulai uesiiable futuie scenaiio. The
challenge of the exeicise was the neeu to
ieconcile the constiaints of what is
happening with globalization with the
possibilities anu limitations at the local level.

While this was a leaining expeiience anu
valuable in that capacity, the Pyiamiu
woikshop uiu inspiie the Waluoif School to
submit a pioposal to the Eiasmus+ piogiam
unuei the topic of 'uiowing Towaius a
Sustainable Life' wheie they hope to finu a
paitnei somewheie in Euiope involveu in
some foim of sustainable living expeiience
(eco-faim, euucation centei, etc.) wheie a
few of the oluei chiluien fiom the school
coulu go eveiy yeai to woik anu leain about
piactical aspects of sustainability anu
sustainable living.
Anothei outcome of the woikshop was the
mutual consensus of the paiticipants that the
logical conclusion of the woikshop piocess is
that theie is a neeu to builu stiong, iesilient,
anu sustainable communities.

Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014
Tabl e 1: Exampl es of Document ed Workshops
Count ry/
Ci t y
Locat i on /
Organi zat i on
Number of
Part i ci pant s

Profi l e of Part i ci pant s

Cent ral Chal l enge
Calgary Regional
Local government officials (mayors, city
council, etc.) and stakedholders
Developing regional planning strategies for a
more sustainable Calgary region
Parksville, BC
British Columbia
10 Museum Community Stakeholders
Museums as effective agents in a world of
cultural change
Czech Republic,
United Nations
Information Centre
in Prague

Public/Private Sector, Teachers, University
Students, and NGOs
Sustainable Development (SD) and the
Education System in the Czech Republic
Cuba, Playa
Hotel Playa Giron 30
Scientific sector, teachers and
administrative governmental offices from
environment and agriculture, trainers for
agriculture, and peasants specialized
in rice and vegetables.
Food security and climate change
France, Paris
ARENE, le-de-
Local government officials and stakeholder
Climate change and North-South collaboration
at the local government level
Feherlofia Waldorf
School, Merci
40 Parents
Sustainable development of Nemesvamos as a
CEU (Central
25 Masters Students Urban Smog in Chinas mega-cities
Bogor &
Jakarta (x2)
LEAD Indonesia 32 + 16 NGO City planning for sustainable development
Poland, Krakow
Department of
Environment of the
City of Krakow
Local Government, NGO, Professionals,
and Students
Develop and manage greenery in cities.
Poland, Poznan
Department of
Municipal Affairs
and Housing of the
City of Poznan &
Green Hotel
24 + 30
Local Government, NGO, Professionals,
and Students
Develop and manage greenery in cities and
sustainable water management.
Kampala (East
East Africa
Watch Network
17 NGO Network
Degraded & Polluted Wetlands and
Masters Program
in Sustainable
35 Masters students at University of Iceland Climate change and renewable energy
USA, Nashville,
AASHE National
40 Conference participants How to advance sustainability in universities
Budapest (a
boat on the
Association for
small boat live-
12 Volunteers associated with the association
How to develop programs for more self-
sufficient living on the Budapest waterfront
South Africa,
GIZ South Africa 16
Staff members at the GIZ South Africa
office (inter-departmental)
New program ideas to develop Skills for
Green Jobs in South Africa
Taiwan, Taipei
Students at the school in every grade (K-
Learning about a variety of sustainability issues,
including recycling, nature conservation, and
renewable energy
Lustenau and
Regional schools 150 High school students
Brainstormed actions they could take to make
their schools more sustainable
Center for
Environment and
30 Students
Used Pyramid to explore a variety of issues in
sustainable development
Kenya, Nairobi CBM 25 Professional staff of CBM
Explored implementing sustainable
development in a pan-African charitable
organization for persons of disability

Total Number of Documented Workshops: 28
Total Number of Participants (Globally): 1050+
Total Number of Countries Represented: 19

Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014

Connecting Local to Global:
A Review of Pyramid 2030 Workshop Themes Compared to the Illustrative
Global Goals Proposed by the UN High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons

This inteiim iepoit is a pieliminaiy oveiview of Pyiamiu 2uSu woikshops conuucteu to uate. It
takes as its staiting point, in thinking about the link between local action anu global goals, a iepoit
issueu by the Bigh-Level Panel of Eminent Peisons (BLP) appointeu by the Secietaiy-ueneial of the
0niteu Nations. The BLP's 2u1S iepoit incluueu a set of "illustiative goals" which, in all likelihoou,
will be ieflecteu in the final list of Sustainable Bevelopment uoals to be ueciueu on by the full 0niteu
Nations ueneial Assembly sometime in 2u1S.

So, how uo Pyiamiu 2uSu woikshop themes which aie chosen entiiely by the local gioups uoing
them compaie with the illustiative univeisal goals suggesteu by the BLP.

Table 2 on the following page illustiates some of the cleaiest linkages. 0bviously, theie is a stiong
oveilap between these local woikshops, anu the likely topics of the SBus. These aie exciting iesults,
as they cleaily uemonstiate that people at the local level aie alieauy thinking anu woiking in ways
that haimonize with emeiging global-level thoughts about wheie oui woilu shoulu be heauing.

At the same time, uue to the uiveisity of people anu oiganizations involveu, the oveilap is not exact.
At least one topic genuei equality seems to have been entiiely oveilookeu as an explicit theme
foi any Pyiamiu 2uSu woikshop to uate.

What happens next?
Buiing the peiiou when this iepoit was being wiitten, an 0pen Woiking uioup (0Wu) of the 0niteu
Nations compiiseu of national uelegations fiom Su selecteu countiies was woiking to uevelop
a fiist uiaft of the actual Sustainable Bevelopment uoals. The 0Wu hau alieauy been piesenteu with
a bioau iange of official iepoits that summaiize the conceins of civil society, the piivate sectoi,
acauemia, anu local anu national goveinments. }uuging fiom the eaily stages of the Pyiamiu 2uSu
campaign anu the content of these iepoits to the 0Wu, as well as the contents of the 0Wu's own
woiking uocuments, it appeais that local woikshops aie continuing to ieflect the bioau iange of
conceins that will ultimately be uevelopeu into the SBus.

We believe that Pyiamiu 2uSu is
just in its initial, stait-up phase.
As a global volunteei-uiiven
campaign, it will continue to
uevelop in paiallel to the 0N SBu
piocess itself. We will keep a
close watch on the uevelopment
of the SBus anu will continue to
act as a biiuge (one among many
biiuges) between global thinking
on goals, anu local action to
unueistanu sustainable
uevelopment, anu put it into

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Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014
Table 2: How Local Challenges Connect to Global Goals
Pyramid 2030
Workshop Challenges

Proposed SDG Goal s
(HLP I l l ust rat i ve Li st Onl y)
Regional planning for

Canada, Calgary, Alberta

Goal 1: End Poverty
New management practices
for sustainability

Canada, Parksville, BC

Goal 2: Gender Equality
Education for sustainable

Czech Republic, Prague

Goal 3: Education
Food security and
climate change

Cuba, Playa Giron

Goal 4: Healthy Lives
Connecting cities North-South
to address climate change

France, Paris

Goal 5: Food Security
Air quality in Chinas

Hungary, Budapest

Goal 6: Water and Sanitation
Environmental sustainability
at the school level

Hungary, Nemesvamos

Goal 7: Sustainable Energy
Sustainable city planning

Indonesia, Bogor

Goal 8: Equitable Growth
New strategies to advance
Green Jobs

South Africa, Pretoria
Goal 9: Resource Sustainability
Creating sustainable cities

Poland, Krakow

Goal 10: Good Governance
Green cities and sustainable
water management

Poland, Poznan

Goal 11: Peaceful Societies
Understanding environmental

Uganda, Kampala

Goal 12: Enabling Environment

Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014

Growing the Pyramid 2030 Campaign

As the oiganizeis of Pyiamiu 2uSu, we aie eneigizeu to see what can happen with just the smallest
amount of encouiagement, facilitation anu piocess suppoit. uioups foim. Iueas flow. Action follows.
The Pyiamiu woikshop has pioven (ovei many yeais now) to be an excellent catalyst, suppoiting
leaining, planning, anu uoing sustainable uevelopment.

But we iecognize that this campaign has a long way to go, if it is to achieve its full potential. Woiking
as volunteeis, we pioviue what we can, in teims of fiee mateiials, infoimation on the web, anu
some coaching suppoit when gioups neeu help in thinking thiough how to piepaie theii

Pyiamiu 2uSu woulu not be happening at all if it weie not foi the othei volunteeis who have
ueuicateu time anu eneigy to making it happen oui Inteinational Auvisoiy Council, oui
"Ambassauois" (who help spieau the woiu), anu of the woikshop oiganizeis themselves. We also
want to thank the pievious campaign cooiuinatoi, Kiistina AtKisson, who set up the campaign's
stiuctuie anu got eveiything staiteu befoie moving on to hei cuiient position with The Natuial
Step, in Sweuen. Foi lists of who all these people aie, please visit the Pyiamiu2uSu.oig website.

And now ... we need you!
If you aie new to the Pyiamiu 2uSu iuea, we hope you will consiuei becoming a volunteei, eithei by
helping us to spieau the woiu (Ambassauoi), oi uoing a woikshop youiself (0iganizei), oi both.

If you aie alieauy involveu with Pyiamiu 2uSu ... keep going! Please look foi new ways to make
people awaie of this wonueiful oppoitunity, oi foi new ieasons to iun a woikshop of youi own.

Anu if you aie inteiesteu in sponsoiing the Pyiamiu 2uSu campaign, of couise, we woulu welcome
both in-kinu anu financial uonations, which can help us impiove the mateiials, spieau the woiu
moie effectively, anu geneially engage moie anu moie people.

}ust telling one othei peison about Pyiamiu 2uSu shaiing this iepoit by email oi Facebook,
Tweeting the website, oi just telling someone a stoiy about Pyiamiu that is all youi own helps to
spieau the iuea that sustainable uevelopment is impoitant. That getting people togethei to talk anu
leain about it is both fun anu iewaiuing. That Pyiamiu is an effective tool foi making that happen.

We foiesee a campaign that giows, slowly but steauily, ovei the next couple of yeais, so that by the
time the SBus the woilu's collective goals foi a sustainable futuie have been set, theie aie
thousanus of newly engageu people, in uozens of countiies, who have alieauy staiteu to woik on
making them happen.

We hope you will woik with us in making this vision become a ieality, anu we look foiwaiu to
heaiing fiom you!

The Pyiamiu 2uSu Cooiuinating Team

Alan AtKisson Bennis Walkei
Campaign Chaiiman Campaign Cooiuinatoi
Stockholm, Sweuen Bangkok, Thailanu
alanpyiamiu2uSu.oig cooiuinatoipyiamiu2uSu.oig

Pyramid 2030 Interim Report, April 2014
Twitter: @pyramid2030
fac ebook.c om/pyramid2030

A volunteer c ampaign sponsored by
AtKisson G roup
www.AtKisson.c om
With additional thanks to our organizational Supporters: The Balaton Group, C limate Interac tive, and The Natural Edge Projec t
and to our International Advisory C ounc il. For more information please visit our website,

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