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Mahmoud Ahmed H00237532

Stupid Password
The customers are using a bad password just because they dont want to mesmerize an
individual good password. Crackers penetrates users password which leads to steal
informations from a specific website like Kickstarter. As reported: Earlier this month the
crowdfunding site Kickstarter became the latest high-profile victim of hacking. Customer
information including usernames, email and postal addresses were stolen. The Company insists
no credit card data was accessed, and that the security breach has been rectified. Even so, it
has advised its five million-plus users to change their passwords as a precaution. On the other
hand, using a complex password will make the entry harder for the user .Hacking made the
cryptologists create an operation name hash function, it is made to support the passwords. If
the scrambled version attacks, the hash function will protect the username by scrambling the
password to a mathematical recipe. But hash function was not strong enough to stop the
crackers. They used the Dictionary Attack which leads the firewall to be broken. Dictionary
Attack uses the weakest users whom use the same characters for the username and
passwords. Salting is a new way of supporting created by cryptologists. Cryptologists said
that Salting will work by adding a changeable numbers every time, but its still not enough.
There is a new way founded by Dr.Al Saloum to create better password. As Dr Ziyad Al
Salloum, of ZSS Research, Ras Al Khaimah said thinks the answer lies in pictures rather than
words. Where is your favorite location? That is your new secret password.

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