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Ira is the second in the Seven Deadly Sins Series by Colin Mcleod.

As this is a limited edition booklet, I would hope that you would respect the work
that you have purchased enough to jealously keep it to yourself, and not share it
with others. After all, you now own something almost entirely unique.
It is for this reason I would ask that you not video this routine and upload it
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On the off chance someone should accidentally scan this into a computer or
photocopier; I should make you aware that each page does contain a microchip
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All copyright owned in its entirety by Colin Mcleod, June 2008. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, copied, stored or transmitted in any form
whatsoever without the prior written consent of Colin Mcleod. All television and
broadcast rights are reserved without prior written consent of Colin Mcleod.
First of all, let me express how much I truly appreciate you purchasing this
manuscript. I am aware it isnt the cheapest thing on the market and there are
already a number of chair predictions on the go. So let me just begin by making it
clear that the reason for the price is that these routines are the ones I use (as you
read the progression of the routines you will understand which I use most now)
and I do honestly feel they go a step further than every other chair prediction on
the market.
For me I have found that as far as the regular routine goes, four people sit in four
chairs and you predict where they have sat down. Dont get me wrong, that IS
impressive! It is simple and to the point. However there comes a stage with all the
routines I do where I dont want them to be just simple or to the point. I want
everything I do to stand out so they all have the wow factor!
I decided to take my line of thinking towards, if I know where people are going to
sit, surely I should know what they are thinking as they sit down. The challenge for
me then became much more about predicting what they would be thinking while in
their chairs. This would be the information predicted. Its this point which I feel
lifts it to the next step.
The following routines have been and will continue to be in my professional
repertoire for many, many years to come.
I hope you enjoy them, master them, and then use them to amaze.
There has undoubtedly been a massive rise on the popularity of chair tests over
recent years, from David Berglass takes on this plot to the modern techniques
offered by the refreshing talented minds we have today (who will ALL be credited
at the end!).
For me this concept happened by accident as I was looking for a routine to fill a gap
before a larger reveal and predicting which one of five chairs a person would sit in
seemed to fit perfectly.
Since then I have seen many performances from other performers using chairs as
well as researching as many methods as I could find. What you are about to read
are my collection of ideas, concepts and designs for presenting this now infamous
All the ideas have been used by me in performance at one time or another; however
for completeness I will be offering all asides I have thought of as well to allow you,
the reader, to customise your own perfect chair test to suit your needs and style.
Please enjoy my journey so far...
In the beginning... Page 6
Chair Enigma Page 9
Chair Enigma2 Page 22
Pic Chair Page 28
Presenting the Chair Test Page 31
Further thinking... Page 34
Have a Seat Page 37
Crediting Page 42
In the beginning...
As mentioned previously, my original concept was to predict which one of five
chairs a person would choose to sit in. This concept, which I thought was quite a
perfect idea, was only the start of what I was looking to perform; as I was soon to
If you would take a moment to imagine the scene, there are five chairs and I invite a
person to join me on stage to look over the five chairs and to settle on one then sit
on it. At this point, I would turn around the chairs and showing that four chairs
had an X on the back, and one which had a sign reading You will sit here!
This routine relied completely on multiple outs. The middle chair is the one which
had the Envelope with the words You will sit here! printed on it, however the
envelope also contained two pieces of laminated card.
These pieces of cards looked as follows...

You will sit
You will sit
The arrows which have been printed on the bottom do not actually contain the
arrow portion. When printing, only the line is directly printed on the card. You then
take a dry wipe marker and draw the arrow portions on both lines.
Depending on where the person sat, I would bring out the required card, and as I
am reading it to the audience I would then rub off the arrow I didnt need.
This did mean that once I turned it around and showed it to the audience they
didnt have to spend time reading it, only look at the way the arrow was pointing.
I would then end by saying ... and if youre thinking the others contain a similar
message well... then would turn them around showing they all contained an X.
This routine did suit me for a while as, like I said, it was only a small part of a much
larger routine, so it seemed to be logical that I was able to predict one in five and
then build on that concept. However the more I performed with the chairs, I
realised I was far underestimating what they could be used for, so I went from one
extreme to the other, thinking of something which seems possible to something
which seems impossible.
So before I start explaining the impossible to you, let me explain why I have
included the above routine.
Firstly, and I want to be honest here, looking back at this routine I have to laugh as
it really does seem poor compared to what I have seen others do. This is beside the
point; because without this foundation routine, predicting one out of five, I would
never have followed on to create far more ideas.
The reason I think this is important is because no matter who you are or how
competent you feel you are or are not at creating your own demonstrations, I
honestly do not feel there is such a thing as a bad idea... only one which hasnt been
fully developed yet. I urge each of you, regardless of how pointless, silly, dumb...
an idea seems, you write it down and keep a note of it.
Im a fan of the word of Sir Edward De Bono, who, as well as his techniques
regarding different thinking hats, has written at length about the importance of not
breaking your flow when writing ideas. If you tell your brain that an idea is bad, it
shuts off to that line of thinking. This is dangerous as if youre constantly telling
yourself ideas are bad, you are essentially closing doors which could lead to
opportunities for developing wonderful new concepts, ideas and routines!
So the first thing I truly want you to benefit from, having read this book, is that
none of your ideas are bad, and if you dont allow them to flow and develop it will
never lead you closer to the end result you desire.
So this basic idea of having multiple outs has essentially led to the following
routine, which when you step back and look at it, they have the same underlying
method, however used in completely different ways and presented differently. I
hope this change in perspective is something mastered by more and more people.
Using this technique I literally find myself filling note pads of ideas each month
and of course Im not saying that all those ideas are incredible...yet!
Chair Enigma
In its simplest form, three people come on to the stage. Three chairs are put in any
order, three envelopes are put in any order and three people sit in any chair. One
then thinks of a place, on thinks of a name, one thinks of a word. They say them out
loud and when they open their envelopes the prediction in the envelope correctly
matches what they have just said. Im sure you can already see how much stronger
the routine becomes by including pieces of specific information.
A ball of paper is thrown into the crowd to select a random volunteer. They are
asked to join you on stage, and are allowed to make a number of choices.
First of all you show them three chairs, and allow them to put them in any order
they wish.
Next they are handed three different coloured envelopes, and those too are mixed,
and any envelope is placed on any of the three chairs.
You now allow them to select any two members of the audience, and they are
allowed to sit in any chair they would like.
Finally the three spectators picked are randomly asked to think of either a name,
word or place.
Even at this point, in order to make the process as fair as possible, you still allow
everyone the opportunity to start the process again.
When they are all happy that everything is as they want it, the three people are
asked to name whatever it is they are thinking of; Im thinking of the name
DANIEL, Im thinking of LOCH NESS and finally Im thinking of the word
Once everyone is clear on what they have been thinking of, and that everything
really was a free choice, the envelopes are opened, and the exact thoughts are found
predicted inside.
Like most of my favourite routines, this test falls into the area of Dual Reality.
My upcoming book (called In Reality... due for release later in 2008) will explain
this concept in detail with MANY different uses, however in its simplest form it
means that there are two different effects going on. One for the audience members
on stage (the MINOR routine), which IS a strong routine, and second effect to the
audience at large which appears much stronger (the MAJOR routine).
So of the two routines going on, the audience at large sees the one described above,
the three spectators on stage see another whereby they are impressed they have
arranged themselves into the right order. The effect they experience is the
equivalent of Gary Kurtzs routine whereby the spectators have sat in the chairs
which correspond to their freely chosen envelope. In my opinion if that routine is
strong enough to be the one the audience at large sees, then I feel it is definitely
strong enough to be the minor effect in a dual reality routine.
You simply need any three chairs, because as you'll notice nothing interesting ever
happens with them, the mixing around is just to add to the apparent fairness of the
What you will need though are three envelopes, one blue, one red and one yellow.
The blue one houses a piece of card saying "The name DANIEL", the yellow a piece
of card saying, "The place LOCH NESS" and finally the red which has a piece of
card saying "The word ADVENTURE".
You'll notice now that these are marked, and not in a subtle way as they are all
different colours. It was my initial intention to perform this with all the envelopes
looking the same with invisible markings that I could see for a distance, however
during performance, I don't want to mess up.
I also like to think that by making them all different colours throws people off
thinking it matters if you know what order they are laid out in. When watching the
routine everything else is so fair, it wouldn't matter in the slightest as they still
choose where the envelopes get placed. The reason they are marked will make
sense shortly.
So, let us assume that the spectator has been chosen at random via a paper ball,
they've put the chairs in the order they wanted, they've randomly placed the
envelopes, two spectators have been picked and seated along with them and now
they are randomly asked to think of either a name, place or word.
Well the way we do this, to ensure they are all thinking of different subjects matters
is to remove three cards, all fully examinable...
The second: THINK OF A PLACE
And the third: THINK OF A WORD
In reality, these are brought out at the same time as the three envelopes; however I
will detail the entire structure for the routine once the full mechanics are explained.
You bring these out and show them to the audience at large while blocking them
from the three seated spectators showing they will be used as a means of ensuring
each person thinks of something different.
Before continuing you need ask, "There's nothing you'd like to change is there?" By
saying that, and not "Is there something you'd like to change" you are leading them
to think they are happy with their decisions, and even if they do want to change
something at this point, it doesn't matter as this is when the 'work is done'.
The method now falls down to the fact that those envelopes are clearly marked,
and the cards are about to be switched for different cards, which have slightly
differently messages on them.
There are six different ways the envelopes will be laid out.
Blue Red Yellow
Blue Yellow Red
Red Blue Yellow
Red Yellow Blue
Yellow Blue Red
Yellow Red Blue
Meaning that there are also six different ways the predictions can land
Name Place Word
Name Word Place
Place Name Word
Place Word Name
Word Name Place
Word Place Name
SO...we need 6 lots of outs. 6 lots of 3 cards.
But how do we ensure that the three people think of what we want them too?...Well
the only logical way I can think oftell them!
You'll need three cards (the exact size as those which only showed the questions)
which ALL say the exact same THREE messages...
Three which ALL say...
Three more ALL saying...
Then three more ALL saying...
Yet another three ALL with...
And finally, three ALL with...
So in total you will have 18 cards, plus the three 'real' ones.
There are two ways of switching these in.
The first is to use a Himber wallet. On one side of the wallet you have the cards
arranged in the six sets of three so that you can pull out which ever you require. On
the other side you have the three real cards. You bring out your wallet and show
these three cards and then put them back as you ask if there is anything they want
to change, while handing them the envelopes.
I stored the wallet in my pocket with the three coloured envelopes tucked away
inside it as shown.
When you bring them back out, you simply open up the Outs side of the wallet
and remove the required sequence of three cards. Hand them back to the person
and ask them to mix the cards face down so that they dont even know the order,
then give one to each person.
If you choose to use a Mind Spy Wallet, like I have done, you will notice that you
can write the order of the predictions on the pad portion and simply remove the
cards matching to the required order.
The other is to show the 3 cards, then put them in your outer jacket pocket so that
they are still on view the full time. As you then ask if they want to change anything
around, you simply pull the required outs from a pocket index in your right pocket,
palm then in this hand and then while imitating pulling them out of this pocket,
simply push the actual ones further into your pocket with your thumb, done while
turning back to face the spectator after looking at the people in the chairs, this will
be invisible.
Each person will see what the others are to think of, however they will assume the
audience has already seen that. The effect to them will now seem like you have PRE
printed your prediction so they now understand why you were so fair about the
arrangement of the envelopes.
You continue by saying
So keep in mind the chairs have been mixed, the envelopes were placed in a
random order and you could each have sat in any chair, so I am now going to ask
you each to get your thought in mind.
This very quick recap emphasises the importance of the envelopes being placed in a
random order before they look at the cards, ensuring the information on the cards
isnt questioned.
The person who is sitting in chair number one, person one, please now look at
your card and read what it asks you to do.
Do this with each of the other two people and by the end they will all be thinking
of what is in their envelope. Collect the cards back off them and put them away
The routine will now conclude by you asking each what they are thinking of, and
they will of course tell you their exact thought. If the first person only says I was
thinking of the name simply guide them for the full answer by saying And what
name was it you were thinking of?, this will condition the others to simply say
what their full thought is.
Each are then asked to open their envelope and in turn show that what they were
just thinking of is clearly predicted in the envelope.
The full routine will play as follows
I want to try something now, and I want to do it under test conditions to make
it as fair and as random as possible.
A spectator is then chosen by throwing out a ball of paper.
As you can see I have three chairs there, the order of them doesnt matter at all,
however If you feel you want to switch any around do so now
I would also like to show you here that I have three envelopes, please check
they are all sealed, and what is most important is that you cant see through
As I bring out the envelopes from my Mind Spy Wallet, which is the Himber
Wallet I use for this, I also remove the three regular cards and leave them on show
from before the envelopes are arranged in order.
I would also like to point out that I havent shown anyone what is in here, and I
havent spoken to anyone before the show about whats in them. If thats not true
please stand up nowor forever hold your peace.
Id also like you to invite any two people you dont know yet to join us on stage
to help with this quick demonstration. You can choose any two people and if you
decide you still want to change your mind, then that is fine! However once they
step on to the stage, there is no going back.
At this point I allow them the option of choosing the two people and she assigns
them the seat she would like them to sit in.
It is important they are on stage before the cards are shown, because if they were in
the audience and had seen one thing, then seen another when they were on stage,
they would assume something strange is happening.
Now youre happy these are sealed yep? Good, please give them a mix, then
place any on to whichever chair you like, in any order, and feel free to keep
mixing them around until you are settled on where you want.
As the spectator mixes the envelopes and hands two to the other spectators, keeps
one for them and sits in the remaining chair, I am showing the remainder of the
audience the printed cards.
While showing the card, ensure you are standing in front of the other spectators as
you do not want them to see the three cards you are showing. Also show all three
cards at the same time, because to the three on stage it wouldnt make sense to
show one at a time if they all have the same information.
So as you can see, one of the men will be asked to think of a name, one a place
and someone else a word!
After saying this I place the cards back into my wallet and set it aside as I turn back
around to the now seated three spectators.
As I have said before all this is fair and random, and theres no way I could have
influenced you to put the envelopes in that order, and even if I did, it wouldnt
matter because Im still going to give you the chance to mix them up more later,
and as you will see shortly thats all thats important.
This suggestion re-emphasises the importance to the routine of the envelopes being
in a random order. When you are apparently removing the same cards from your
wallet, you are in fact opening it on the Outs side, and removing the three cards
corresponding to the order of the envelopes.
I will ask you to keep them face down so you dont know the starting order, and
if you want, for completeness you can give them a quick mix too.
This option will be understood in a moment as a joke; your audience having seen
the faces on the cards and knowing that they are identical. However to the
audience it appears to be keeping with the theme of ensuring everything is fair and
When you are happy those are mixed I want you to hand any card to each
person, however I want you to keep them face down, and guys, when you get the
card keep it face down until we all turn away so no one here knows what you are
thinking, ok?
Sir, you are in chair one, so will you look at your card and remember your piece
of information. The same with you sir, you are in chair two, so will you
remember your piece of informationchair two. And finally sir, now look at the
remaining card and
read your piece of information, and like you had already worked out sir, you are
chair three.
This paragraph here is instructing the spectators as to which piece of information to
think of, whilst it looks to everyone else like you are just telling them what chair
they are in.
When you are all happy that you have done what the card asked, please pass
them all back along to this end where I will gather them back in!
Now let us recap what happened here - the first spectator put the chairs in any
order, chose any two other spectators and decided where they had to sit, put the
envelopes in a random order and finally decided what card to give each person.
That should be pretty fair!
Now guys remember, it wouldnt have mattered what you are thinking of now,
as I really couldnt know the order of the envelopes, but gentleman number one
what is it you are thinking ofand I have never spoken to you before this routine
true? Spectator two what is it that you were thinking of? And again we have
never spoken before? And finally sir what are you thinking of? And again just to
verify you havent been approached by myself or anyone else about this tonight?
As far as Im aware you have thought of those things for the first time right now?
Sir (pointing to the first person) you thought of the name Daniel yes? Open up
your envelope and hold it high so everyone can see what it says. Now you please
(indicating to the second spectator) you thought of the place Loch Ness you said
yes? Please open up your envelope and show everyone what is says. And finally
sir, you thought of the word Adventure, will you please open your envelope and
show everyone!
Thank you all very much indeed, you have all done sensationally.
What you have just read was my original chair test. I performed it many times in
different situations and after gathering the confidence from the first performance,
youll find that it becomes a joy to perform. As I mentioned already, the minor
effect here is that you match each envelope up to the right person, which is the plot
in most chair tests! So if that on its own is enough to generate massive success, is
there really any harm in building on that and making the reveals any more
incredible?... I think not!
Chair Enigma
After performing the original effect for a LONG time, I decided that I wanted to
change it as for me it incorporated too many different areas for discussion within a
show and I felt it did slightly limited the other routines I would be performing. Not
that it would stop me doing them, however for me I felt that it may make the other
routines strong if the chair test was limited to one specific area.
I decided that I would change the theme completely to drawings. This also meant
the mechanics would have to change slightly however I feel what I have created as
a result offers a fresh approach to the routine.
The routine is essentially the same in that I have the three people on stage, each
holding a coloured envelope, who are allowed to sit in any chair. At this point I
remove from my pocket a stack of roughly 50 cards which have the words DRAW
A PICTURE on them. Each of the words is written in a different colour which I
explain influences the way we draw pictures in different ways.
Each person takes one of the cards and from reading it forms a picture in their
mind. The cards are then collected back in and placed away. Each person then
draws on the envelope the picture they are thinking of.
They turn their picture around and show it to everyone. On opening the envelopes
they find a piece of cards on which a picture has been drawing with almost the
exact same design.
Obviously having read the above routine, it should be apparent there is a layer of
dual reality occurring, however when I explain exactly what is happening you will
notice the slight differences to the above routine.
As mentioned, the stack of roughly 50 index cards which say Draw A Picture
have the words written in different colours. This is important for some of the dual
reality language which will be used shortly.
The cards I use are simply hand written on blank business card stock using
different coloured sharpies as shown below.
As well as those 50 cards, three more should be written which will be the force
cards which say
Draw a picture of a Snowman
Draw a picture of a Clock
Draw a picture of a Candle
However, as I show the rest of the stack to the audience it allows me to say You
can see each of these cards ask you to draw a different picture and they are all
different. The way the cards have been written should influence the way you draw
whatever you are going to think of.
To the audience that means the cards look different, to the people on stage it will
mean the drawings you are asked to think of will be different.
I explain that the way we are asked things determines how we subconsciously
decide on how to respond, for example if we are asked something nicely, they will
more than likely be happy to respond, whereas is someone asks nastily, then we
wont be to obliged to help at all. I then bring out a fairly colourfully written card

This is quite a bright card, so if I was drawing a house

As I say house, I point to the card as if it is written there
then I would make it quite detailed and eccentric because thats the way
the card is written does that make sense?
The cards are then mixed retaining the top three in place and in order, and then the
cross cut force is used, and each of the three people take one card each from the top.
Obviously any force can be used, however having watched my good friend Marc
Paul use this simple force by having the cut made in the audience and the person
on stage complete it, it seems to be completely fair and I cannot think of an easier
way to do it. From this point cut to, the top three cards are taken one at a time by
the three seated people.
Now look at your card for a moment, and in your mind, picture what you are
going to draw, and let the way the card is written help you decide how you are
going to draw your picture.
I then take the cards off each person quickly, so that they are forgotten about by the
audience. I feel the less time something is in play, and provided it is justified, it
seems to become invisible to the majority of the audience.
Having collected the cards back in, I give each person a pen and ask them to draw
their picture on their envelope in which ever way they want to draw it. Obviously
there are only so many ways to draw the pictures and there will be many aspects
which are close which should be pointed out.
To the audience the effect is still astonishing as you have correctly predicted which
pictures three people would decide to draw, to the people on stage you still knew
which card they would take and roughly how they would draw their picture.
Pic Chair
The final evolution of the routine which is the one I currently use in my show is
closer to Chair Enigma
; however it involves a popular technique from another well
known chair test. I offer my presentation here not to describe his method, as it isnt
mine to describe, rather to offer the insight to the performance as it is the one I have
used most and will continue to.
This final variation does draw aspects from all of the above routines as well as a
few new ones which I will mention. However the key focus here should be the
I have three chairs on stage and invite three random spectators to join me. They
each sit in any chair they want and get comfortable as I explain that in one of four
envelopes I have placed a substantial amount of money; in the others, just paper.
Each envelope is then numbered one to four and the participants on stage are
offered the choice of any number they would like. After each participant has an
envelope you ask them each to open their envelope to see what they have.
As it turns out each of them has a bit of paper at which point, to avoid sheer
disappointment I state...
This was never about winning the money, it was about my proving how easy it
is to psychologically guide people when they are focusing on one thing
consciously on one thing, it leaves your unconscious open to be guided in other
ways. If you look, I was left with the money, but it was actually only monopoly
money. You were focusing consciously on winning real money, so I was able to
influence you in the ways I wanted.
In fact let us take this a step further, because you each did choose any envelope
you wanted and in a moment, even though you only have bits of paper were
going to try something interesting with them.
Can I ask you right now to unfold your sheet of paper and take a moment to stare
at it? In a minute Im going to ask you each to draw your own picture. All you
need to do right now is to look at your sheet of paper, and as you stare at it I
want you to see a picture there. When you can see the picture in your mind I
want you to see the picture there on the paper and once youre happy with seeing
your picture on the paper, Im going to give you each a pen to trace over what
you are seeing there. Once youve drawn your picture if you could also write
down what it is a picture of underneath it.
Each of the envelopes, using the Kurtz method, has been assigned to the specific
person in each chair. Why should this matter to the pictures they are about to
draw? Well something else is happening now, as far as the dual reality goes.
Each of those three pieces of paper has a picture drawn on it in pencil. So when you
re read the above script, it should be evident that you are simply telling the person
to look at the piece of paper and see a picture drawn there already then to think of
it and then trace over the lines with a marker pen. Before I go on and explain
exactly why I say each thing, I should make it clear that the marker will cover all
the lines because the people on stage do exactly as you ask them and trace over
exactly what they see there, however even if they dont then from the audience you
will not be able to clearly see any pencil lines as your eyes will be too drawn to the
thick marker lines.
As you re-read the script you can begin to see how what I am saying out loud
matches to both dual reality effects perfectly. To the audience at large it does sound
like you are asking them to think of their own picture, see it in their mind then
project it on to the paper to trace over it using your imagination.
To the participants on stage, it is clear that they are to focus on the drawing on the
paper then trace over it.
Once they have all finished drawing their pictures I then remind them of what has
happened otherwise the final reveal wouldnt be as impressive to them.
Please remember at this point you could have sat in any chair, picked any
envelope and drawn any picture. It was all done at random and it felt to you like
you were making all the decisions... correct? Good!
Would you please show everyone what you have drawn... so we have a Snowman,
a Candle and a Clock!
Like I have been saying, when I have you focus on one thing consciously, I can
manipulate what you are thinking unconsciously. So will you please stand
behind your chairs and hold out your drawings...
I now turn the three chairs round one at a time to show that drawn on the back of
chair one was a Snowman, on the back of chair two was a Candle and finally on the
back of chair three is a clock. All three pictures match up perfectly.
So to the audience at large you performed two different effects of increasing
impossibility, and to the participants on stage you influenced them to choose the
right envelope for the chair they were sitting on.
This routine has been my close for as long as I can remember in my stage show and
comes right before my final reveal and right after my Q+A, thats how strong I
think it is!
Presenting the Chair Test
Another area of this routine and in fact any you do, is quite simply.... why?!
Why have people sat in chairs on the middle of a stage, why have them pick
envelopes? I feel that you really have to work out your own reasoning for
displaying your abilities using these props.
I have hinted about the style of presentation I offer, which utilises influence and
persuasion, however for completeness I want to offer the entire scripting I use for
Pic Chair and a few others which have occurred to me over the years of toying with
this routine.
Obviously I advise you to create your own, what I do probably wont suit you;
however it may serve as an excellent starting point for developing your own.
Let us look at Pic Chair as the first example. Once each spectator has opened their
envelope and is holding their piece of paper, before they draw their picture, I take
them through a quick visualisation process.
Id like you each to take a moment to relax and focus and in your mind now see
yourself outside coming home from work looking forward to relaxing on your
own as you walk in from your car, racing inside to avoid the snow falling from
deep in the sky, laying down on the couch beside the warm fire and watching
time fly by as you become more and more focused now.
If you examine this script you will notice it mentions snow, for snowman, fire, for
candle and time, for the clock. As I say each part of this script I touch the relevant
person on the shoulder. This is simply an extra convincer for the audience watching
when they think
back on the effect however I feel it offers a valid solution for anyone looking for
the conscious / unconscious link I am apparently toying with.
I feel very strongly about the fact that with whatever explanation you offer for an
effect you need to back it up either with the process of using that technique, or a
more subtle seeming use of the technique.
The only other chair routine I do is my take on Patrick Redfords Ensconced
Fundament which I do when working with fewer people because obviously the
dual reality would fall flat! I have taken his routine and applied the method to my
style however the apparent reason for doing it is to demonstrate that...
...while the way someone stands, their body language, can tell a lot about what
they are thinking, where they position themselves can tell you a lot more about
what they are going to think. This is an unconscious process which people
undertake, the most obvious example being when someone wants to leave a party,
their body language may reveal a sense of discomfort, however what you will also
notice more blatantly than that is that they will begin moving closer to the door,
where it means simply moving along a chair to get closer to the door, or maybe
jumping out a window... But its this technique I want to play with just now...
not the jumping out of windows!
This sets up the premise of watching where people sit on stage and how that affects
the way that they act.
33 see when I control where someone positions themselves this makes their
actions and choices much easier to understand and predict.
This is what suits me, it makes sense to what I do and the way I present it.
Obviously this wont suit everyone however there are so many other ideas, you
could like if to absolutely anything you want to as long as you get thinking and get
The number one concern you want to overcome with this routine, and with any
you perform, is to ensure it doesnt merely appear like a puzzle! If you just appear
to be doing something without any explanation as to why or apparently how,
people merely assume its been an interesting occurence. However when you apply
your own character and style and invest time to script and convey your message or
ideas, it will engage the audience making the demonstration more personable and
much more entertaining.
Further Thinking...
Something which came up very early on with my chair routine was that I was
carrying around three chairs for one of the shortest routines in my show. It seemed
like a lot to be taking all over the place (although it is completely worth it dont get
me wrong!!), so here are a few other options Ive thought about over time.
The obvious one is to borrow chairs at the venue and stick the reveals to the back.
However I found not all chairs are suitable so when performing without my chairs
I would have three people stand behind the chairs and hold on to a plastic folder. I
would try and draw as little attention to the folders as possible and a lot of
attention to having the spectators choose which chair they wanted to sit in
depending on who is standing behind them. This allowed for a bit of comedy, but
more importantly the reveals were much smoother. As a side note, when
performing this with the Pic Chair routine, I simply ask each person behind the
chairs to take one step back and not look at their drawings yet.
This folder idea I also learned is very handy when performing on the same level as
the audience and not on a raised performance area. Using the folders allows for
both to be held fairly high up so that even the people sitting at the back are aware
of what is happening. When there is a wall directly behind the performance area, I
would simply stick to the folders to the wall, so I wouldnt need the extra people to
stand behind the chairs, Id simply leave roughly one foot between the wall and
chairs allowing me room to walk behind and unfold the folders to reveal all
predictions match.
Clearly these are not essential, just ideas I have worked out over many
performances to make sure the routine is visual for all audience members.
Futhermore, the routines themselves do not have to only involve the concepts I
have mentioned above. You can quite simply change to anything you want, all
places, or all words, ESP symbols, numbers, individual letters to spell a message...
the possibilities are literally limitless!
Finally, you dont have to keep it limited to just three people. With any of the
routines which I have described, they could be adapted to involve as many people
as you so wish! For me three is the perfect number visually and for the structure of
the routines I perform. However I highly recommend you giving some serious
consideration to every aspect of the routine... why use chairs, why use envelopes,
why use drawings... when you can answer all of these, or not!, you will have many
of the answers resulting in your designing your ow unique performance piece.
Bonus Routines
What follows are a number of concepts I have worked on to spice up the chair
prediction sequence, not just to get more from it but more importantly to allow the
routine to build to the strong ending.
Have a seat...
(Colin Mcleod and Liam Montier)
Written up by Liam Montier and first published in his fantastic book Cherry Cola under the
name Be Seated.
Four chairs rest in the centre of the stage. You stand in front of them holding a pad
of paper, on which is drawn four chairs. This paper faces the audience at all times.

You choose a random spectator, and ask her to pick three others and come up on
stage. You then ask her to walk towards the chairs and sit down. Before she gets
there, you circle one of the chairs in the picture, and sure enough, thats where she
You repeat this with the remaining volunteers, predicting where each one sits.

This is a nice routine that makes a perfect prelude to a lot of other chair predictions,
converting the dead time of spectators choosing their seats into a surprising effect.

The idea of making the prediction an open one comes from a Tom Stone effect.
However, his method limits him to using only a single spectator and four chairs
making four chairs a lot to carry around for a single 1 in 4 chance effect.

However, I loved the real time approach of Toms effect.
So, I mentioned the idea to Colin McLeod, together with my thought that
predicting all four places would be much more effective, and make a good lead in
for a bigger test. Together we brainstormed ideas, and the following method is
what we came up with.

You will need a stooge in the audience to cue you. This can be anyone, as they are
not bought up on stage at all. You can use one of the mechanical means, or simply
have them hold up the correct number of fingers either works fine.

So, set up your stage with the four chairs in the middle, and have a big pad and a
marker pen to hand, with four chairs pre-drawn on it. I number the chairs as well,
from 1 to 4 on the back rest part. This means that I can number the pictures on the
pad, making the effect clearer, and also helping with a ploy we use for the first
Begin the presentation by explaining that you are going to try an experiment using
the four numbered chairs on the top, and you are going to need four people to help
you out and choose a chair.

Go to your first spectator, ask for her name, and then ask for a round of applause as
she has agreed to help you. Here is where we use an old Joseph Dunninger ploy
as the audience is applauding, we are given enough cover to ask her quietly what
number chair
shed like. Shell answer (for example Three) while the audience is still
applauding, covering you completely.
A note here you can ensure she answers quickly by stressing at the beginning that
whoever you pick will need to choose a chair. Therefore, when you select someone,
they will quickly think of one, or maybe even already have a choice in mind.

So, with the first spectators choice known to you, you ask her to choose three more
assistants and bring them all up on stage. Arrange them in a line with your first
spectator at the front.

Tell the first spectator to take any seat I use the phrase Take the seat of your
choice This encourages the spectator not to change their mind and take the seat
that they selected at the beginning of the effect.

As they go to their chair, face the audience with your pad and circle the chair that
you know they are going to sit in, and smile. Your aim is to circle the chair just
before she sits down because the next three you wont do until afterwards, but
most spectators will remember this first effect most.
Once that has registered, ask the second spectator to choose a seat. As he takes it,
you look more thoughtful, as if this one might be a little more difficult than the
other. By this time, the spectator has taken his seat and your stooge in the front row
has signalled to you which seat they have taken.

This is repeated twice more with the two remaining spectators, ending with you
having predicted each persons chosen position (apparently just before they have
chosen each their seats).
Have Another Seat...
Taking this basic concept of working out where someone will sit before they
themselves sit in that chair is something I have toyed with and feel sets up the idea
beautifully for then predicting where a number of people will sit.
I have someone join me on stage and look over the three chairs and I write on my
pad, for example, Sit in chair 3! I then ask them to sit in any chair and they do
indeed sit in chair number 3. This is continued two or three more times correctly
predicting which chair they will sit in before they even begin moving.
The reason this person is on stage is that they then go on to throw out the ball of
paper to choose the random people I use for my actual chair test. So their presence
is logical and does allow the entire process to build.
The basic technique being utilised here is pre show. I would simply explain to one
person what exactly will happen, that during the show I will influence three people
to sit where I want them to sit, so before I have the chance to influence them, I want
them to write down the chair they would most likely sit in first, then second then
third... if they feel up to it I say a fourth one too! The reason they think they are
writing it down is so that I cant then influence them to change their mind, they are
committed. Also, it allows them time to look at it and ensure that they have
memorised the order.
When I bring them on stage I simply play up the fact that I will try and work out
where they will sit, but this builds to them choosing the people for the actual
Im sure you will all have your favourite technique and approaches to pre show, so
I wont go in to them here do what works for you!
I want to be honest and credit the routines which have influenced the people and
routines which have influenced my thinking for the routine.
I think the first routine I seen someone else do was David Berglas, who, let us face
it, is a legend. His chair routines are all fantastic and the footage I have been
fortunate enough to see has him doing some seemingly impossible things! An
inspiration to all.
I then spent the Edinburgh festival of 2004 with Luke Jermay, someone who just
gets better every time I see him perform... and he is GOOD! At that time he was
performing Gary Kurtzs chair test beautifully however had already began adding
many of his own touches. Watching that routine was fantastic for gauging how
powerful it was on an audience, this persuaded me to complete my thinking for
my own routine.
Since then I have been fortunate enough to learn routines by many good friends...
Patrick Redford (Ensconced Fundament) A lovely, simple and direct approach to
the chair test challenge which, as Ive already mentioned, I do use a version of with
smaller groups. You dont have to think about it, it basically performs itself
allowing you to focus purely on the presentation.
Andrew Gerard (The Colour of Money) This man seems to have a knack for taking
a simple technique and turning it into a complete performance piece which lifts it
to a new level. His presentation is fantastic and I think a lot can be learned from his
fun performance style.
And last but by no means least Kennedys incredible approach (Chairman of the
Board) which has so many twists and reveals, it just blows the audience out of the
water. I may seem biased as the man is practically family, however having seen the
effect his routine has on audience I can safely say he does have some of the most
refreshing thinking towards this routine and, annoyingly, anything else he puts his
mind to!
Technique Crediting
Barrie Richardson- The Lazy Mentalist Theatre of the Mind. This was one of the
starting points for the complete routine. The book is a modern classic and if you
dont have it, then it should definitely be the next book you buy!
Bruce Bernstein- Perception is Everything. One of the first books I read, and what a
place to start! The thinking in there is beautiful and the routine Pseudo
Psychometry also offers a lot to the methodology of this routine. Again, you cant
go wrong with this mans thinking.
Gary Kurtz- Ultimate Chair Prediction. Probably the most popular concept with
chair tests I have seen, and rightly so! It is simple and direct. If you have the
opportunity to buy the manuscript then Id highly recommend it.
Docc Hilford- Real Mind Reading. I have been told that my scripting for the Pic
Chair routines is similar to a Docc Hilford idea. Ill be honest and say that I think
Docc Hilford is one of the most creative minds we have in magic and mentalism
today. From what I have seen of him he is a true performer in every sense of the
word and all the manuscripts I have bought of his work are phenomenal. However
I want to be honest and state that this idea was created independently to fulfill the
required role within that routine. That said, I want to express full credit to Docc
Hilford as I truly believe that with anything we do, we are always standing on the
shoulders of giants and I have nothing but respect for him and urge you to study as
much of his thinking as you can. It certainly has changed the way I look at
I owe a lot of people a massive thank you for their support with this routine over
the years going way back to when I first shared it with Marc Paul and Banachek.
They gave me the initial confidence to go out and start performing it.
Kennedy, the most talented mentalist I have seen and whom I am fortuante enough
to call my best friend, always able to fill in the blanks when I am creating
something new. He truly understands my thinking and I am very thankful for all
the input and good times! Long may it continue!!
Liam Montier- Without a doubt, the most creative mind in magic! He is my secret
weapon for creating routines! Always happy to throw ideas about which does very
much keep me on my toes! Also thank you for the clever title ;-) and all the proof
reading .
Nicola Ruddy (Trainee Lawyer :-P), thanks for putting up with the hours (and
hours and hours...) of my gibbering away while you sit there and smile and nod
politely, even sometimes saying words like Annemann and Banachek to make it
seem like you are listening! It means a lot and I do really, really appreciate it!
And finally thank you (the reader). The fact you have bought this shows a
commitment to this art we all love, and your commitment to providing your
audiences with the most entertaining and enjoyable experience possible. One final
motivation to make sure you start using this routine, apply the thinking or at least
let it spark your own creativity... because your investment in this book and my
thinking, is only he beginning. I am more than happy and willing to discuss with
anyone, at length (on the phone or through e-mail) to make sure you are completely
confident in performing this routine, or your own chair routine, before you do it in
front of a live audience. So please, if there is anything at all I can help with or
explain further or taylor to your needs, it would be my absolute pleasure.
Until the next time we meet, I wish you every success!

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