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Poverty is just a state of mind.

It does not
mean scarcity of food, money or material
things. If one possesses self-confidence
then we can overcome poverty.

--- Rahul Gandhi

People call us an elephant... We are not an
elephant... We are a beehive... It funny but
think about it. Which is more powerful? An
elephant or a beehive?

--- Rahul Gandhi

It (Congress) is a funny party. It is the
largest political organization in the world
but perhaps does not have a single rule or
regulation. We create new rules every two
minutes and then dump them. Nobody
knows the rules in the party.

--- Rahul Gandhi

If India is a computer, Congress is its
default program.

--- Rahul Gandhi

Dalit community 'needs the escape velocity
of Jupiter' to achieve success.

--- Rahul Gandhi

We go into this model where you have the
one guy who will come and fix everything.
He is going to come on a horse, thats the
model, thats the Indian model. He is going
to come on the horse; the Sun is in the
background. There are a billion people
waiting. He is coming and everything is
going to be fine. No. Its not going to work
like that.

--- Rahul Gandhi

It is very difficult to stop every single
terror attack. We will stop 99% terror
attacks but 1 % of attacks might get

--- Rahul Gandhi

Every situation that Indian person finds
himself in is extremely complex. We have
to deal with the red lights. As young
leaders here have to deal with senior
leaders, suddenly someone disrupts your
entire life. Everything happens, sort of,
according to your karma; its all random.

--- Rahul Gandhi

If you go back a hundred, two hundred
years, you would find that India is energy;
it is a force. If you go back a thousand
years, two thousand years, you would find
that force came from our rivers: Ganga,
Yamuna, and Saraswati. We worshiped
these rivers and the reason we worshiped
these rivers was because that is where our
energy came from, and everything we had
was built on these rivers. Now, we have
gone way beyond that. We have built
structures that are allowing this energy to
rise, to explode.

--- Rahul Gandhi

I went to University in 1991, and I
remember, nobody thought of India. I
remember conversations where people
would laugh and say, Do you have
elephants on the road?

--- Rahul Gandhi

India is going to be the 21st century's
Saudi Arabia in terms of human resources

--- Rahul Gandhi

You should stop asking your politicians
how theyre going to do it.

--- Rahul Gandhi

I would not have been here if I was not
from a political family.

--- Rahul Gandhi

See, there is a tendency to look at India as
a country.

--- Rahul Gandhi

Politics is everywhere... It is in your
shirt... In your pants... Everywhere.

--- Rahul Gandhi

Passion is listening.

--- Rahul Gandhi

China is referred to as the dragon and
India as an elephant. But we are not an
elephant; we are a beehive.

--- Rahul Gandhi

If I am incompetent, I am useless; the
people of India will see that.

--- Rahul Gandhi

I am not averse to politics, but that does
not mean that I am going to join politics.

--- Rahul Gandhi

The Opposition has good marketing skills.
There is 'chamak, Naach, Gaana (Glitter,
Dancing, and Singing)'. They are selling
combs to bald men. Now there are a new
group of people who are trying to give
them haircuts.

--- Rahul Gandhi

You go to a nightclub somewhere in Spain
and theres Amitabh Bachchan on the
screen there, dancing around. Thats the
power of India.

--- Rahul Gandhi

Hindustan Ek Soch hai. Hindustan Ek
Jagah Hai... Magar Hindustan Ek Soch Hai

--- Rahul Gandhi

What --- Rahul Gandhi wants to do, is ---
Rahul Gandhi and millions of youngsters in
this country want to change the way the
system in this country works. What ---
Rahul Gandhi wants to do is Empower the
women in this country, wants to unleash
the power of these women, I mean we talk
about being a superpower...

--- Rahul Gandhi

The BJP has prime ministerial candidate,
the BJP believes in concentration of power
in the hands of one person, I
fundamentally disagree with that, I believe
in democracy, I believe in opening up the
system. I believe in the RTI, I believe in
giving power to our people. We have
fundamentally different philosophies.

--- Rahul Gandhi.

The spirit of India has to move forward.

--- Rahul Gandhi.

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