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pakora recipes or pakoda recipes, 20 pakora recipes | indian fritters

By dassana amit on January 23rd, 2014 Leave a Comment

pakora or pakoda are basically indian fritters made with gram flour. pakoras are
fried, crisp snacks made with different veggies.
pakoras are often served in road side eateries or restaurants. quite popular dur
ing monsoon time as pakoras goes very well with a cup of tea. the recipes for ma
king pakoras have more or less the same indian spices and herbs and often vary i
n their proportions. each state of india have their own variation in making pako
ras, so the recipes do differ and so does the flavor and taste.
you can also have pakoras with bread or with an accompanying chutney like mint c
hutney or coriander chutney or sweet green chutney or sweet chaat chutney.
i have posted many pakoras on my site and compiling them in this post. i hope yo
u wi

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