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Bryony, White

Bryonia dioica
Family: Cucurbitaceae TOXIC
Herbaceous perennial. Dioeceous vine native to Southern Britain. Bryony root,
which increases in size from year to year, is acrid and cathartic. t has appeared in
trade mislabeled as !andra"e root, which it resembles. #sed in homeopathic
remedies or in carefully measured substantive doses for treatment of rheumatism,
$out, cou$h, influenza, pneumonia or sciatica. %e&uires studied and professional
preparation and minute dosa$e. 'he (rmenian Dru$ (dministration has re$istered
Bryony root as an immune stimulant, adapto$en, tonic and radiation protectant. t
also reduces side effects from chemotherapy. 'he root is lon$, and so is one of the
active constituents: trihydro)yoctadecadienoic acid. Not to be used during
pregnancy. Cultivation: *asy. Sow in $reenhouse and transplant out to shady area
in sprin$. 'rellis or train up bushes or shrubs. Space plants + foot apart.
%eturn to Herb Seed nde)

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