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My Scary Life Changing Event

My family and I had a normal Christmas with my aunts, uncles, cousins, and
grandparents. New Years Eve came and left and break was just ending. My brother and I were
preparing for school the night before and I had no clue what was going to happen the first day
back to school, but I would have never expected to receive some scary news eight hours later.
This event changed my life in the most dramatic way. This is the story about the time I almost
lost my dad.
It was January 3, 2013, the first day back to school, my dad dropped my brother and I
went to school just like any other school day. School was full of work and lots of note taking as
usual. I went to all my classes and as I was packing my bag after eighth period I checked my
phone in case I had to go pick up my brother from Bishop Garriga.
As my phone turned on I noticed I had fifteen missed calls and twenty text messages
from both my mom and brother. I was worried about why I got so many alerts while I was still in
school. As I was unlocking my phone my mom called me. I answered the phone right away; I
knew something was wrong with my mom. Her voice was shaky and was short with her replies.
She told me, Be ready at five oclock, your Aunt Margie is picking you up. I asked, Why
wheres dad? Where are you? Whats going on? She said, Dad was rushed to the emergency
room and Im in Victoria. I got to go I will talk to you later. I was so confused. I did not
understand why my dad was in the hospital. I had so many questions going through my head.
Five oclock came and my aunt drove up to the school to pick me up. As I got into the car my
aunt greeted me and asked, How are you doing? She spoke in such a sad, unease tone of voice.
I answered, Im fine, but why is my dad in the hospital? She said, Do you remember when
your dad was in the hospital for a week about two years ago due to complications with his

pancreas? I said, Yeah, is that what is going on again? She said, That is what the doctors
believe. We drove into the hospital emergency room parking lot and my aunt tried to keep me
relaxed and tried keeping me from being scared or worried. About an hour later my mom came
out of the emergency room doors and called for my brother and I. We went into the room with
her and I was speechless. I saw my dad laying in the bed weaker than I ever thought he could be.
He was as pale as a blank white wall. I did not know what to think. My dad was highly
medicated by the time we got to see him. He was sleeping with wires and bags with liquid
hanging above him. My mom handed me the clothes my dad had worn to work that morning and
told me, Put this in the washer when you get home. My dad was admitted into the ICU around
four oclock in the morning January fourth. My brother and I went to see my dad that day after
school and all of my dads family was there. The doctors told my mom my dad could not breathe
on his own very much longer, so they advised my mom that the best thing to do was to put a
breathing tube in to help my dad. The doctor gave us fifteen minutes to be with my dad before
the procedure was done. As we waited my dad grabbed both mine and my brothers hand and
looked both of us in the eyes and said, I am sorry that I did this to yall. I never wanted to fail
either of you. I love you both very much. He gave us a kiss and we had to go and wait in the
waiting room. After finishing the procedure the doctor allowed my brother and I to see my dad,
but we could not talk to him, touch him or even let him know that we were there with him. Any
movement he made with the tube in his throat could cause him to get an infection or something
worse could possibly happen. That night my dad had taken a turn for the worse. The Doctors said
my dad had a one in a million chance of surviving through that night. They told us to expect the
worse and plan on staying the night incase anything happens throughout the night. This was the
worst possible news any fourteen year old girl and twelve year old boy could get about their dad

a few days after the holidays. My mom took both of us to the opposite side of the hall and told
us, Yall need to be strong, we need to pray that nothing goes wrong and that dad will be strong
enough to make it through the night. My godmother walked towards me, wrapped her arms
around me, and said, We all know you are your fathers daughter you do not have to hold back
your feelings like your dad does. I broke down and began crying like a baby when he is hungry.
We worried for three weeks straight wondering if my dad could make it without a
breathing tube or being on life support. I had not had a conversation with my dad for three
weeks. I had depended on my older cousins and aunts to feed me dinner, take me to school, and
everything my parents used to always do for me when they were home. My mom stayed with my
dad every day and night. My mom never left my dads side. Three months after being in the ICU
in Corpus Christi the doctors had to transfer my dad to the San Antonio Hospital to have surgery.
I was unable to see either of my parents for two week straight. My aunt took my brother and I to
see my parents for just a few hours during Spring Break. My brother and I were basically on our
own for four or five months while my dad was in the hospital. January, February, and March
flew by. Through all this my mom and I still managed to plan my quinceaera for April
twentieth. As the date got closer my parents realized we had to move it back or my dad would
not be there. My fifteenth birthday past on April fourth and I was in Corpus Christi while my dad
was in San Antonio. My mom came in to have lunch with me, but it was just not the same
without my dad. School became hard to focus on. My emotions were everywhere during this
time. My grades dropped, my GPA dropped, and my ranking fell fast. It was as my world was
crumbling into shreds of paper.
My dad was not allowed to come home from the hospital until June. School had just let
out and it was kind of nice being to wake up and see my dad and have lunch with him and spend

so much time together. The summer was rough but we jumped over the huddles and if we fell we
would get back up. July fifth came and I had a beautiful quinceaera. All my family was there
and I got to have my very special father daughter dance, which I would not have gotten if my dad
would not have been the rock he was in the hospital. Throughout these last few months I have
learned that family is all you have and it can be taken from you in an instant. I learned how to
appreciate my parents and I have realized that I cannot take them for granted. I may not have lost
my dad, but I came pretty close. I have felt some of the pain my friends felt when they lost one
of their parents. It is not easy to go through something this dramatic at such a young age and so
unexpectedly. My true friends were there for me and my family supported me through
everything. After all this happened and I look back at it now I notice how strong of a young lady
I have become through this time and how responsible I really am. I am truly blessed to have my
dad healthy and home.

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