What Could Have Been

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High Schools Ups and Downs

Dear Freshman Mahir,

Hey Mahir, its Mahir. Yes, it is you writing to you from the future, as a senior! ,
or we, had many wonderful memories in high school. High school was a !ery fun and
interesting e"perience full of its own ups and downs. High school has taught you many
things, mostly how to get ready in a#out $% minutes in the morning #ecause you are
always late to wa&e up. 'ut regardless, there are many things that we are proud of and
there are other things that #elie!e, after finishing high school, that we, or , should ha!e
done differently.
(here were many things was proud of that you did in high school. am proud
that you were a#le to &eep up your grades when coming into high school. do understand
that the transition from middle to high school was tough) MY* +lge#ra , w-+nalysis was
a !ery difficult su#.ect to ta&e as a freshman. 'elie!e me, e!en as a senior, the math
courses ta&e are /uite complicated. 0e did not do to well in those classes, so we were
recommended to 1n2le!el *re23alculus ne"t year. t was alright #ecause, you managed to
ta&e +* +' 3alculus and +* Statistic #y senior year. So if you wanted to go into math in
college, you are on your way. +nother great thing am proud of you for is your
afterschool participation in sports and e"tracurricular acti!ities. n sophomore year, you
#egan to do sports, such as 3ross 3ountry and made many new friends, which helped you
meet new people and ma&e new friends with many students among the school. +lso, you
tried out for tennis in the spring of your sophomore year. You tried hard, #ut you got cut
and did not ma&e the team. You were !ery sad a#out it, #ut you &new how to handle the
disappointment. You did not let it affect you in a negati!e way. You used this failure to
help you succeed in the future, which you did. +fter a summer of training, you made the
team in $$
and $,
grade. So that was something to feel good a#out.
Howe!er, li&e said, there were a few things that #elie!e you should ha!e done
differently. Honestly, it is mostly in senior year. n $,
grade, when you #ecome a senior,
college applications #ecome !ery important. You made the mista&e of starting too late to
apply to schools. t was suggested that you as& teachers at the end of your 4U516 year
for recommendations, not the #eginning of your senior year. +lso, you should ha!e
planned to apply to more colleges. 0hen you tal& to your friends a#out colleges, you will
hear people tal&ing a#out how they applied to fi!e or more uni!ersities, while you had
only enough time to apply to only three. + really important thing you should do is always
chec& with your guidance counselor a#out any college /uestions you ha!e. Ms. +nderson
will #e the most helpful person to as&.
0ith all those accomplishments and ad!ice that ga!e you, hope you will &eep
them in mind as you progress through high school. f you had started college applications
earlier, perhaps you could ha!e had more choices of uni!ersities to go to. f you
remem#er not to procrastinate too much during your .unior and senior year, you will #e
more prepared for the future and what lies in wait in the rest of your time in high school.
Senior Mahir
*.S. 0hen you #ecome a senior, the Senioritis is going to hit you, H+6D!!!!!!

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